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  1. P

    Give her another chance or cut her?

    :crackup: LOL
  2. P

    Girlfriend's first birthday since we've been together...what to get her?

    ^^ This. :D As for the card, I would think it's more expected than anything else... yes, go for something funny, girls like that... and well, if it's not sentimental enough for her she'll reveal her true colors in due time. Just write something generic (if you're not good with words...)...
  3. P

    Am I wrong?

    :nervous: LOL jk So I take it you are still married? Well, there are certain laws, that no matter how unfair, would still require you to help support her. However, you should be in control and deem what is necessary... Is she making enough to be self-sufficient? Are you helping her with...
  4. P

    Girlfriend's first birthday since we've been together...what to get her?

    My best advice is go by her interests and whatnot. Does she collect anything? Have a favorite sport, or restaurant? If you're unsure a card and maybe a gift certificate would be nice. I say that tentatively since a lot of people here think women are gold diggers, but hey it's her birthday...
  5. P

    Has anyone worked for their family/ friends

    Well, kind of related, but an ex-boyfriend of mine and I worked together... and it was great! I felt more comfortable at work and we never had any issues. I thought we might, because we had a relationship, but it actually worked out pretty well. I also worked for the same security company...
  6. P

    Give her another chance or cut her?

    Give her another chance at... friendship? Dating? If you guys were such good 'friends' it seems to me that should would have told you about this other guy before. If you give her another chance, she may think she can always get away with that kind of stuff, no matter what your...
  7. P

    Thanks for showing me the truth about women

    Just my two cents, and I don't care if you or anyone likes it or not, but I totally disagree with you. I think women like the ones you describe are usually not well, mentally, and are definitely not the norm. If you were open-minded enough for this forum, surely you are open-minded enough to...
  8. P

    What do you think about what this woman have to say ?

    I made it to the two minute mark. I will say I do agree with her ideas, however she delivers them in such a way as to cure insomnia. I really had to focus! I found the part about being picky as a way to reduce vulnerability interesting... I am a pretty picky and selective person... so...
  9. P

    Cute cartoon about the game of love

    Wow... the first one... well what can I say... I'm sorry that's a view shared by some. I can't completely condemn it, either, because I know there are women out there like that. The second video; I am definitely not someone who enjoys laughs at others' expense. It's a bit harsh.
  10. P

    Women are disgusting....

    And it is for these reasons I absolutely refuse to use public restrooms unless I have to. As for walking barefoot, I'm guilty of it. I was walking to pick up my car once when one of my heels broke, thus leaving me essentially barefoot for two miles. It wasn't that bad...
  11. P

    Girlfriend refuses to let me take explicit/nude pictures of her during sex

    She's correct in being concerned. I went through this myself last year, and it ended badly... with my exes DAD ending up with OUR VIDEO! :eek: Hehe I'm not going to regret it, but I sure as heck won't do it again!
  12. P

    What do you think about this website?

    Wow... the wheels are really turning now... hehe Learn something new everyday! :)
  13. P

    A website that is anathema to us

    "The New Bride's Guide to Training Her Husband!" Wow... if a man needs 'training' that's just more work then I need... How insulted you guys must feel! :down:
  14. P

    Funniest Myspace response ever.

    Wow. I should try that sometime... LOL jk :D
  15. P

    What do you think about this story?

    Stories like these are all too common, unfortunately. I try not to judge people, but I find it appalling that this woman would not only cheat, but bring a child into this world who will likely have little or no contact with his father, and will probably have 10 'father figures' by the time he...
  16. P

    Am I wrong?

    Are you married? Hmm, I guess not. I would never have a shared account unless I was married to someone. I learned this lesson the hard way not too long ago. BTW, WHAT are you thinking leaving a WOMAN in control of your MONEY?!?!? :nono:
  17. P

    Too scared to call her, what the hell is wrong with me?!

    Suck it up and do it already! Geez! :P
  18. P

    good place to go on a date or too childish?

    Take me! Take me!! It looks like so much fun! If she doesn't like this place she's probably a real stick in the mud! Let us know how it goes! :up:
  19. P

    Interesting analysis of a Maury Povich "Who's the Daddy" episode

    Oh... do the guests really get paid to be on the show? I always thought that being able to be on TV was their 'payment' LOL :)
  20. P

    Interesting analysis of a Maury Povich "Who's the Daddy" episode

    ...Just trying to put myself in her situation... although I don't sleep around, so it's difficult to relate. I think if she were after money and support by getting pregnant, she would know who the father was.