Sorry if this is a silly request, but can someone please explain what the 1,000 c0ck stare is please.
I keep hearing this phrase but I'm not sure there's a basic usable description. What are the key elements of the look?
39 is very different to being 70 though.
In my experience, some women are attracted to guys 50+ but you've got to be in shape and successful. I know, because I am both and my last girl was early 30s.
It gets harder as time goes on though and I just think 70+ is stretching it a bit to have a...
Currently in monk mode but last one, early 30s
One before that mid 30s. Another mid 40s (older than I normally like but very sexy).
I'm not in my 70s though.
Yes. Although I suppose it could be possible for two parents to live separately but still be in an exclusive relationship and have children togther - although I know that's going to be a rare arrangement.
Well, yes, I am aware that children from such circumstances tend to do less well in terms of education, employment, etc.
But you can be a father and in a stable relationship with the mother of your kids witout being married and vice versa inasmuch as there are kids from broken homes who are...
It's a difficult one, this. On one hand, the courts can make you pay child suppor whether you've been married to the mother or not. But (in the UK at least) the woman has less access to your property and resources more generally if you're not married to her.
On the other hand, you do not...
You're right. It was a significant mistake - although, in my defence, it was hard not to do so as the circumstances were quite extreme. Your point still stands though, that's sound advice.
We're all a work in progress though I suppose and it's a mistake I won't make again. A lesson has been...
I suppose I looked to her for support when I was under attack from my former wife - which entailed some really extreme stuff.
Initially, she was supportive but I think she started seeing me as a victim (which I was) and grew tired of the situation.
In hindsight, I should've kept everything to...
Maybe humiliation isn't the right word, perhaps hurtful is more accurate.
Either way, I need to be more forward thinking and perhaps more proactive in relationships. I think I let things go on too long sometimes, but that's a fault of mine. I've done the same with jobs and friendships where I...
Maybe if you manipulate the situation that's true inasmuch as you retain control. Generally though, getting dumped can be humiliating, especially if you're not expecting it.
I need to be better at reading the signs but sometimes it's difficult to see the wood for the trees. But I should have been proactive and got out earlier you're right. Always better to be the dumper than to get dumped.
In hindsight, the signs were there. I think anyway. Moving in was a mistake...
Yes, I told her that I didn't like her attitude and she blew up and ordered me out of the house.
Then she wanted us to have a 'friendship' instead but that's not my style, I'm an all or nothing man. So, that was it.
Now, several months on I hear she's very much in love with a new guy. I...
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