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  1. F

    Infinite Improvement [Journal]

    Update just to make sure I am tracking my steps Been kind of down on my progress lately. Since the beginning of the school year, I think I have approached roughly 30-40 girls. The ones I don't post about are the ones that go terribly. i.e. She ignores me or tries to eject early. Once again...
  2. F


    Finding out which look looks good on you. Today I saw some pretty boy with combed blonde hair, a full tattoo sleeve of flaming skulls, those emo chain shorts, and a beatles shirt... Find out what looks good on you. Don't take bits and pieces of different looks and try to lump them together...
  3. F

    Girls and their options

    Man I hate it when women go on their phone when I'm trying to talk to them. :( Mostly because I feel like my game is just not tight enough. But that's also huge disrespect. I feel like the next time a woman tries to talk to me, I'm just going to ignore her and check my phone out, but I'm not an...
  4. F

    Dance class

    Hey, I am also in dance class (with very attractive women)! :) One way is to talk it up with them towards the end of the class and continue the convo til you get outside. Then when you guys are about to depart, just go like "You're pretty good at dancing. Lemme get your number, just in case...
  5. F

    How do I respond to this?

    If that were true, you would not have made this thread.
  6. F

    How do I respond to this?

    You should not be in relationships where the woman is constantly threatening to go NC.
  7. F

    [Need Analysis] COLLEGE PARTY Field Report

    Well, yeah... Coming up with things to say requires wit and experience. If I was in that situation, I probably would've said: "What makes this guy more 90's than me? Because of his clothes!? I knew how to do the Carlton before most of you knew algebra!" But, that is my style, you got to...
  8. F

    [Need Analysis] COLLEGE PARTY Field Report

    Well basic signs of interest such as proximity, eye contact, and kino. Now showing high amounts of energy is usually for getting women to know you exist. The calm, cool, collected way of getting women's attention (at least my tactic) is to go around the venue and just slip in quick jokes on...
  9. F

    [Need Analysis] COLLEGE PARTY Field Report

    You went in hard and showed your worth, but it looked like a lost cause because she already lost interest in you. She came up and greeted you enthusiastically just to avoid awkwardness, but as soon as you talk to continue the convo, she seemed to get awkward right there. And the guy AMOGing...
  10. F

    Journal... Nobody Cares!

    Quite honestly, I don't like this behavior I'm seeing from Merry. I'm not exactly sure what you would do with her to take the attraction back up, but she is losing interest. I would NC just because of such disrespect. You seriously don't need that bothering your psyche. Keep talking to more...
  11. F

    Infinite Improvement [Journal]

    Okay, I guess I did read into her actions a bit more than I needed to. The signs she threw out were eye contact, proximity, and actually talking back (as in not one word answers). But, I got some seemingly good news as of recently. Made some approaches with relevant openers and got some good...
  12. F

    COMPILATION:ALL "zones" explained + solution

    This one chick had a crush on me and one day I said something along the lines of being her father figure, and she was like, "NO! You are NOT my father!!" I bet she immediately started thinking about incest.
  13. F


    Wait, why was she impressed? Didn't you indirectly insult her bf? LOL!
  14. F

    My Thoughts on Day Game

    Oh ok... So all the troll threads get their replies, but the serious questions just get ignored.
  15. F

    My Thoughts on Day Game

    Bear with me, but I don't refer to myself as a "Senior Don Juan" like my profile says, but I have been out there, tried different things, and got different results. From what I've seen most of this daygame crap fails because you treat them like a wh0re. You talk to them for 5 minutes tops and...
  16. F

    Did I miss a pick-up opportunity?

    First of all OP, if you have to ask yourself that question, then the answer is 99 times out of 100: Yes. And don't worry about your "opportunity". Big deal, you saw a woman at the store and said 2 lines to her with sexual humor. You could've done that with ANYONE. In that case, every single...
  17. F

    Infinite Improvement [Journal]

    Hey thanks for the info again, I just want to do a little reflection on women and my approaches. I hate to pull the Black card out, but I can't help but to think that my skin color really drives girls away. Plus, with the shortage of black girls, I get attention from the less attractive ones...
  18. F

    I believe there is a DIRECT CORRELATION between race and how fast you learn game

    I'm happy I joined this site before the trolls, I feel bad for any new members or lurkers that have to see this ****. This defeatist mentality Brah is spreading is exactly the opposite of what guys should be thinking. Thinking that way will NEVER get you women.
  19. F

    brad80 and GSP going out thread

    Good luck out there cadet ;)
  20. F

    You notice? Dresses = shy, pants = open

    I think you are thinking too hard about this... That's like saying if I'm wearing shorts, then I am going to use mystery method and if I'm wearing pants, it's speed seduction.