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  1. F

    Can you find girls with short hair attractive?

    Right here. Body means a lot to me. I don't see it as shallow because I would not want to get into a relationship telling myself that I don't care about her physical appearance when I actually do, then spend that time angry at myself for not getting a girl with a body that I will enjoy. A...
  2. F

    Do you believe..

    You can do ittttt! It's going to be tough, no doubt, but you have to keep in mind that you are NOT going to be amazing at your first go. I can easily remember my first starting approaches. I was getting good reception, but couldn't seal dates. I eventually reflected on my approaches *ALWAYS...
  3. F

    Never Ever .....

    I'm definitely guilty of this. I try to tell myself that it won't mess my game up, but I guess it still has its psychological effects on you. At the same time, I don't want to interact with women with zero desire. My few successes have come from showing some emotion to them.
  4. F

    My Approach Journal

    Great job, I plan to make my own journal when school starts. You're visibly getting better with the convo's. If you sense something you like, go ahead and point it out; it makes you seem thoughtful and you ARE since you noticed it in your head. I would have said something like, "You have an...
  5. F

    Guy leaves family in shooting

    If your apartment caught on fire, what one thing would you grab and get out with? Your wallet with all your ID's or your gameboy color? It is an issue of personal values. It's that same situation where if you're being shot at, are the people with you important enough to you that would would...
  6. F

    She's being distant?

    That pretty much sums up the relationship with my current. In my eyes, maybe she was thinking it as going to result in a ONS. I remember a date I had with some chick who was very distant, like taking out her cell phone and texting while I'm talking to her. But then still wouldn't mind making out...
  7. F

    Do you think that women are scared of rejection like most men are?

    In my experience, they take rejection much closer to the heart then we do. A girl asked me out once but I rejected her. After that she started making disrespectful jokes about me around my friends, she pretty much hated me and didn't want to talk to me anymore. Where guys just feel bad for...
  8. F

    friends mom problem...

    Have we truly become this desperate for sex?
  9. F

    Sosuave Survey...Virginity Debate.

    Virgin here: What age would you have ideally lost your virginity? -I would have wanted to lose it at 18, but at 16 I pretty much had the best opportunity in the world to get it. Couldn't because of strict parents. How much of your time is spent actively seeking sex? -Almost none, I don't put...
  10. F

    Field Report: Grocery Daygame

    Just curious... How long did the conversation at store last?
  11. F

    Video just hit 12,000 views

    GJ OP! I agree with the guy above, try to have a strategy or list of questions before you interview. Idk if you already did, but it sounded like you kind of winged it.