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  1. S

    Do you have an MBA? Then PM me.

    Really, it's a matter of opinion and because I'm in Australia an MBA would translate to something like a graduate Masters in business administration or a bachelor of business, depends on what you're looking into. (something like that) Now, how many people are out there doing the same thing as...
  2. S

    Girlfriend is studying abroad for a month

    and while you're with another woman she's probably getting her brains fvked out by some random guy she met. What are you going to do about it?! exactly.
  3. S

    The Joys of a Social Circle.

    real men?! wtf man, real men know how to appreciate a good thing.
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    Do you have an MBA? Then PM me.

    You don't actually need a MBA to run a hospital either. Personally i think an MBA is a waste of money but... a guess it can have it's merits.
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    Would you go for it?

    lol Okay, i thought i should test the waters so i called to try and set up some 'dates,' but something was telling me sh1t was going to hit the fan. Turns out she's usually always in contact with the 'group of friends' (my gf's girlfriend that is) and they're usually up to date with whats going...
  6. S

    Do you have an MBA? Then PM me.

    ur 27, about to start a med degree and want to do a MBA?! ... the med degree is going to be hard enough man.
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    Hot or Not - 3.8

    hahaha! dude you look good! The shaved hair suits you! Anyway, screw hot or not looks are in the eye of the beholder, personally i think you're a 7 or higher. (I'm not gay either) Also I'm not saying this to make you feel better or anything, cause i find your posts to be really annoying and...
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    Uniform rate of fat loss?

    yeah i'm really critical of my body at times, only because in comparison to the work i put in the results don't seem as good. thanks for the reply though!
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    Uniform rate of fat loss?

    okay guys, to keep it simple heres my main question When losing fat do you lose it at a uniform rate? i ask this because the fat loss in my chest area does not seem to be the same for the left and right sides. The left seems to be lagging behind. Is this a form of b`itch tits? I...
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    Kegel exercise long are your penises? .. haha, this does make my penis longer, correct?
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    What's the closest thing that comes to STEROIDS?

    why does everyone want to be that biiiiiigggg
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    Girl being spanked do you intervene or not?

    i was under the impression is was spanking? if it was a beating that'd be different.
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    Girl being spanked do you intervene or not?

    personally i don't think people actually should stick their noses in other peoples business unless her actual life is in danger. Like speakeasy said, you might actually end up dead even though you were trying to do a good deed, again, she might have done some horrible slutty deed. It's none of...
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    Would you go for it?

    yeah and everyone knows drama sucks.
  15. S

    Would you go for it?

    lol nooo captain nooo don't give the situation any hope cause i'll probably give it a shot if you make it out like that. and..well...all women are attracted to me
  16. S

    probably the most pathetic story you have ever heard

    get a good mate to punch you in the face a few times. That'll clear your head up. You know what's going on, deep down you really do. Your heads just too clouded with this BS to see through it all.
  17. S

    Resentful a$$holes

    what this guy said x2. Oh yeah, and of the responses I've read it feels like you give off a holier then thou attitude. It's not such a bad thing, you'll probably get into a nice degree, get a well paying job, settle with some homely lass, have a few kids and die. But hey, you don't want to...
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    Would you go for it?

    damn, good thing i posted this, i was going to go for it - until i read the responses, which make a lot of sense. This also sucks, cause the friend is hot and classy. oh well, I'm sure something bigger will happen sooner or later.
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    Would you go for it?

    Hey guys, just a moral question or something i guess. Heres the deal, I've got a girlfriend. (I'll probably break up with her soon) But I'm interested in her friend. These two are pretty close so, if i break up with my girlfriend in an attempt to pursue the friend I'm interested in it might...
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    F_ckfriend after 1 year?

    troll, dont feed.