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  1. S

    Got any Tattoos?

    i know everyone has one but i'm really considering getting a tribal tattoo along my back/arm. But again, i don't know. A tattoo is permanent. .
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    Uni girl problem

    god, Japan was so much easier. Why can't we have bloody Love motels. So have sex with her then tell her I'm not interested in a relationship? They tend to assume you're an 'item' once you fck them. . . . Where else am i going to fck her if i can't do it at my place or hers. In public?!
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    Uni girl problem

    Hey guys, hope you're all well. Anyway, I'm in a spot of trouble. During first week of Uni i didn't know a lot of people so i went nuts in establishing a make-shift social network. It's not as good as i want it to be but it's there and i'm hoping it'll get bigger/better over time. Anyway...
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    so... do those bulk up pills and **** work?

    i seem to keep gaining weight... hit the gym 3x a week...swim 2x a week, sprint 4-5x a week...bball 1-2 a week.. like wtf?!
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    A day in the life of an HB9...

    why? I'd just tell her i find her attractive and would like to find out more about her some other time. If she doesn't want it then It's her loss and you move to the next hb9-10. Of course you're going to say this as DJ as possible but i don't see why you'd have to ignore her just to get to her...
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    Tastes so good but its so bad for you....

    hahaha, dude - i'd love to try eating all those dishes/junk at least once! of course i'd hit the gym like a freak afterward but i'd still eat it cause it looks pretty damned tasty.
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    University Scene

    true, true.
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    University Scene

    Ah, so wait a bit and ask for it after class? after a few classes?
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    University Scene

    So You're sitting in class, and a cute/hot attractive girls sits next to you. You're new. You don't know a lot of people, only the few that you've approached and started a conversation with. Naturally you start up a conversation, get her interested and laughing, towards the end of it all you...
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    I need some help regarding my physical fitness.

    also with chin-ups i think it's better if you kind of dangle there and really, i mean really struggle to try and get yourself up there. You probably won't make it but your body adapts really quickly and you'll be doing them really soon. (It's what i did anyway)
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    (youtube) Cop beats the **** out of a 15 year old girl

    Kind of, it's fcking BS when you know someone did something and everyone else knows they did that but you can't do sh1t about it cause 'they're innocent until proven guilty.' Which doesn't even work half the time anyway. But i digress, that's an entirely different topic. Anyway, i stated the...
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    Found out my dad is cheating on my Mom

    go confront the man and tell him to pay up for you're going to be raising hell. or you could just tell him you know and think he's a sack of sh1t for doing it.
  13. S

    abs work that doesnt involve back?

    also, what are some good ab exercises to really strengthen lower abs/abs in general? My hips kind of feel like they're rotated a little behind cause of the deadlifting and squating and stuff.
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    (youtube) Cop beats the **** out of a 15 year old girl

    The officer did kind of go overboard but we have no idea what she did. For all we know she stabbed someone and made off with their possessions, possibly abused a little child and physically abused the officer when it wasn't on tape. Who knows.
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    yeah weight training probably won't help in the basketball quart but i'm still going to do it cause i really like it, haha. I'll look into the explosive type exercises. Also, i've started doing sprints in the morning instead of jogging. Is this recommended?
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    yeah i was never really athletic in the conventional sense. I just swam and lifted weights and stuff. So basically to increase reaction speeds and stuff i need to practice more and more. Also, the burn in your quads feels really different in basketball from the burn from doing squats...
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    Hey, i recently had a few games with some old friends and Woah... i didn't realize i was so bad. Anyway I've got jumping programs ready for me to use (air alert) and i've found a good website listing good basketball drills. The main thing that concerned me was how to i increase my...
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    Need a tighter condom

    i use water balloons! haha
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    Would you go for it?

    I can't be bothered starting a new thread for this but i guess i've got a field report of sorts to write. Went over to a mutual female friends house today for a mild party, anyway there was this little group of 3-4 girls and a guy that seemed to be keeping t themselves and the girls were pretty...
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    Need a tighter condom

    how the hell does one know what condom to use anyway. Is it written on the back?