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  1. S

    What makes you think you DESERVE her?

    Think of it this way. When you see a macho, posturing 'tough guy' trying to impress everyone with how cool he is, do you think "Gee, that guy is great! I wish I were with him/like him!". Neither do women...
  2. S

    Jays Testimony. The turning point in life to change the AFC ways(a little long)

    And given your name, that response is understandable :D
  3. S

    A woman's point of view. Long, but are you surprised?

    I've seen this type of comment before, and I'm not sure the writer was saying she needs a man to control her. It seemed to me like she wanted an equal, someone who wouldn't let himself be walked over, but not a control freak either. Someone fun to be with, to live life together. That was my...
  4. S

    A woman's point of view. Long, but are you surprised?

    To the last 4 or so replies - I think you people entirely missed the point (and with that attitude, you'll be spending a lot of Friday nights with Mrs. Hand and her five daughters)... Sacrificing yourself to please a woman is exactly what you should NOT do, but you should be all you can be...
  5. S

    Is there a different technique for pulling the 8s and 9s than for the 6s and 7s?

    How about thinking of them as individual people instead of numbers on a chart? It's so crazy it just might work... :)
  6. S

    Jays Testimony. The turning point in life to change the AFC ways(a little long)

    Glad to see you got your sh!t together, but it wasn't really necessary to take revenge at the end. A polite denial would have been enough, you gained nothing by making her feel bad. Otherwise, great story.
  7. S

    The "Badboy" image, do women like it?

    Here's an excerpt from another site:
  8. S

    Retaliation For Being Rejected

    Re: May I have your attention ofus? Most women who reject you simply don't want to be around you, it's nothing personal, for whatever reason you just don't appeal to them; they will hope you aren't too offended by it. Now there are also some b!tches out there who enjoy putting men down to...
  9. S

    Best time to take flax seed oil?

    I usually put some in my salad at dinner. If I understand correctly it's meant to replace certain amino acids, so it shouldn't matter when in the day you take it...
  10. S

    Walk the walk...with a statement!

    I tried picturing those tips but the only mental picture I could conjure up was the "Ministry of Silly Walks" skit from Monty Python. Good job though :)
  11. S

    What makes you think you DESERVE her?

    Agreed, but you still need both looks and attitude. The AFC in your example seemed to have low self-esteem and was unhappy, which is of course a turnoff. But it's also true that a good personality alone will not get you far if you don't have a good image. Anyway, I think the original post was...
  12. S

    What makes you think you DESERVE her?

    I understand what you're trying to say. The 'prize' mentality should be achieved through hard work and actually having success in life. If you don't do the work and skip straight to artificially having this mentality, you'll only end up an arrogant loser who's all talk and no action. If you're a...
  13. S

    Ok, finally getting started

    Thanks, that's exactly what I needed!
  14. S

    Ok, finally getting started

    I've been putting this off for long enough. I always thought I didn't look that bad, but after catching sight of myself in the mirror a few times, it kind of changed my mind. Although there's some solid muscle there, there is also way too much fat. I have a big ass and a pot belly, and it's time...
  15. S

    Get Some Good Hair Products!

    What do you mean by 'product', exactly? Shampoo, conditioner, gel, mousse? I usually just wash my hair and comb it, I don't like using stuff like gel because it leaves my hair feeling like plastic, and after a while it gets all chunky and disgusting.
  16. S

    Practical, EASY, Romantic, Time-TESTED "Endearing" Style Points: Must READ

    This will work on certain kinds of women, but be careful not to overdo it (especially the ordering for her, fixing her car, "protecting" her, etc., or you'll run the risk or being seen as a control freak). Good tips though :)
  17. S

    Female TRANSLATION Guide: When she says: She MEANS:

    Agreed, I think some of the forumers here have a real problem with women posting anything, and will try to put them down every time just on general principle...
  18. S

    Throw away your formulas for success

    Nobody said that, read my post again. I said following someone else's quotes will get you nowhere, because you are looking at their destination without knowing their journey. Easier said than done, unfortunately... I don't understand this part. Do you mean you went from success to failure?
  19. S

    Female TRANSLATION Guide: When she says: She MEANS:

    Not all women are gold-diggers though, I've seen enough of them financially supporting some long-haired artsy boyfriend - who'll probably drop them as soon as he no longer needs their money - just until he gets his band off the ground or whatever; so it works both ways. "He spends too much...
  20. S

    Throw away your formulas for success

    Wow. The first useful piece of advice I've read here in a long time. I think the problem with many of these 'keys to success' people is not that their tips didn't work for them. Rather, they present you with the end result of their efforts while neglecting the journey there, which is in fact...