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  1. F

    I fvck girls, but can't keep any good ones

    Sounds like you already know the answer. The kind of girls you're attracted to, are attracted to YOU because you are a bad boy player, or whatever. That's what they seek after. They aren't LTR material, and don't seek someone who is. They're ALL about the chase, thrills, sex, status, "prize"...
  2. F

    Women Don't Give A Sh!t

    I think a lot of it honestly has to do with wishful thinking, delusion, a sense of entitlement, "blue pill" mindset, etc. This is life, guys. Most people suck; a few are good. You aren't going to get along with, befriend, date, or attract everybody. Those that you do will probably still suck...
  3. F

    Women Don't Give A Sh!t

    Agreed. Most bishes are single, playing the field, on dating sites, clubbing around, etc for a reason. But I question how many guys genuinely want a good girl to be in an LTR with... and vice versa. Most guys want hot and wild; someone who keeps them on their toes and excites them. I'd wager...
  4. F

    Jealous Beta Fag Friends

    TRUTH. Most of their "advice" is also done in the form of back-handed compliments or straight-out insults to keep you beneath them, and dissuade you from succeeding. As well as to point out your flaws, and what you are doing wrong - without offering genuine advice. Just, you're a loser, you're...
  5. F

    "I have a boyfriend now." - Did I Pass This Angry Girlfriend $hit TEST???

    Yessir... you're ignoring the fact that she's playing you like a fiddle, and manipulating you. She gets angry and jealous because she wants you to keep focusing on her. But when you go back to her - AFTER luring you into it - she tells you to date other girls, you're not together, etc. It's all...
  6. F

    "I have a boyfriend now." - Did I Pass This Angry Girlfriend $hit TEST???

    Sounds like she's playing controlling, manipulative mind games, and has no respect for you. She's also a *****. Being the submissive nice guy isn't going to work, but is the position she has you in (and wants to keep it that way). Getting burned by ****s like these is how you break these...
  7. F

    Pretending you aren't interested in her work?

    Right on. Low interest girls are no different than fake friends... ****, most of these bishes even WANT to be your fake friend. They don't give a damn about you, and aren't worth keeping around... they just want to feel special, wanted, superior, and / or in control. Never EVER pine for their...
  8. F

    Don't ever make the same mistake!!...

    Cordon: Word... One thing you learn quickly is that people don't change; what you see is what you get. So, if they break up with you for another guy, lie about it, and wrap themselves in all this retarded drama-victim BS - that's THEM. Sympathizing with toxic retards is the WORST thing you can...
  9. F

    Jealous Beta Fag Friends

    Player: Agreed. The ONLY people who try to get involved in everyone else's affairs, and pry for their personal information, and try being (fake) friends with everyone are the losers. And they only do it so they can feel better about themselves by looking down on others - AFTER bringing them down...
  10. F

    "Not ready" advice

    Been in these situations before, and was a clingy little nice guy beta back then, too. Here's the thing: the nature of attraction doesn't change, regardless of the situation. She might like you, but isn't crazy about you - because you're not allowing her to. Acting pushy, always being available...
  11. F

    Don't ever make the same mistake!!...

    Word... this is how immature girls operate. They lie, deny, sneak around, and think they're clever. But it all feeds into the drama they bring everyone into. They set up all these chaotic situations. The worst mistake was taking her seriously, or any young bish for that matter. Most girls are...
  12. F

    Pretending you aren't interested in her work?

    The AW / tease flags are definitely going up on this one. She doesn't like you, but wants you to like HER. All the signs are there. She loves the attention, CONTROL, and ego boost of knowing you want her. She's doing it on purpose. When you back off, she comes back, tries to lure YOU back in...
  13. F

    Jealous Beta Fag Friends

    RIGHT ON. Definitely gotta own up to your successes, and NOT let people tear you down or take them away. Dish that **** right back, and stand up for yourself. In addition to suffering from low SE, I used to be a fairweather guy who was easily pursuaded, manipulated, and pushed around. I let...
  14. F

    Jealous Beta Fag Friends

    Yes, they do. The problem with these douchebags is, they think they have power over other people, that how they think is the same as everyone else, and can pursuade them by claiming superiority over you. If THEY don't like you - even out of jealousy or spite - no one else is allowed to. When it...
  15. F

    Jealous Beta Fag Friends

    I don't think they realize OR care. It's all about status and reputation to these homo's, and how they perceive the world to operate. Since they're retarded, shallow, and useless - they assume everyone thinks like them, and their gossiping boyfriends. What they THINK makes them look cool just...
  16. F

    Can you be highly social in your 30+ ?

    Word... we all have issues. Mine were with depression, low self-esteem, no self-respect, image issues, over-sensitivity, co-dependancy, approval-seeking... so I can relate to a lot of the issues here. Was also part of the bad / dysfunctional crowd, and attracted the worst kind of women...
  17. F

    Jealous Beta Fag Friends

    ^ Again, YES! Especially the very last part. It's ALL about being better and appearing more cool to OTHERS. That's why things like bullying occur - it makes them look cool and superior in front of others. It does NOT happen in private. They do it to gain a positive reaction from the "crowd"...
  18. F

    Can you be highly social in your 30+ ?

    Don't get me wrong - you can still be innately social, interesting, witty, mingle with women, and all that. You don't just STOP being social. But you don't necessarily get involved with big social crowds, go out all the time, etc. You also learn not to trust everyone, and keep it small and...
  19. F

    Can you be highly social in your 30+ ?

    There's a reason for this: you find out that it's all pretty pointless, and leads you no where in life. As well as how many fake, immature people are involved. It just changes you, and you become more mature in general. And dislike most people from these experiences... realizing how fake and...
  20. F

    Jealous Beta Fag Friends

    ^ YES. Sounds like my ex faggot fake friends. They'll brag about their achievements - while down-sizing and sabotaging yours. Pointing out YOUR flaws and weaknesses, and claiming everything you have is **** (while bragging about how awesome they are, and everything they have is). They HAVE to be...