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  1. W

    "Designer Vagina" Craze...

    Maybe she has hemorrhoids, lol....or it could be an alien!
  2. W

    "Designer Vagina" Craze...

    I shouldn't say this in this thread...but anyone who looks at those pictures knows exactly how I felt the first time I saw foreskin. (Sorry to all the uncut guys...didn't say it to hurt anyone's just grosses me out in the same way). Sometimes I wish I could lie when asked certain...
  3. W

    "Designer Vagina" Craze...

    Well...I don't think it comes from having kids. I've had 4 children, all born naturally and mine sure as heck doesn't look like those. I can count my sex partners on one hand...and have never been slvtty, so I don't know if slvttiness can cause it. I wonder if any of those are transgender men...
  4. W

    "Designer Vagina" Craze...

    Okay...your reaction confirms that those beastly things are NOT normal. I was gonna say...if they were...I would just have to be gay if I were a dude, lol. :eek: OMG...those ones are even worse than the ones I saw! :eek:
  5. W

    The significance of the "Mix Tape"?

    he didn't make Kate a "mix tape", really...wasn't it the tape with Juliette and Ben that Locke gave to Sawyer?
  6. W

    "Designer Vagina" Craze...

    I saw some before and after pictures...and although I am only familiar with my own...they look A LOT different than mine does. Maybe the surgery is to fix deformed looking cookahs?
  7. W

    "Designer Vagina" Craze...

    This was the first I've ever heard of this. I went to do a google search to see how many sites there were to find out how common it is. One of the links I clicked on had a bunch of pictures. Good lord there are some nasty, snaggly looking cookahs in those before and after photos. I...
  8. W

    Will I be right if I tell my friend I don't like to be treated like sh1t

    I'm really hesitant to help you again after you have taken to joining in attacking me as of late...but I'm going to anyway because I'm a good and kind person. Your friend is doing what a lot of people do when they can't cope with the grief process in a healthy way...he is escaping and running...
  9. W

    The significance of the "Mix Tape"?

    It only means that you are thinking too much.
  10. W

    Divorced Women and The Baggage They Carry I guess all those women who are divorced and are guilty of poor choices were married to themselves, huh? There are a lot of divorced men on this site, and accoding to your logic each and every one of them are essentially worthless because everyone who ever gets divorced is low quality.
  11. W

    Divorced Women and The Baggage They Carry

    I have two sons who are very masculine, responsible, extremely popular with girls, confident, secure and don't buy into the way society tries to make men feel guilty for being men. They are 16 and 18. My boys are in far better shape mentally and emotionally than any of their...
  12. W

    Divorced Women and The Baggage They Carry

    No, you didn't state intentionally left it out. However, the theory that you are taking the biological imperatives you cite from also claims that women desire to mate solely for the purpose of bearing children. What I don't get about you Rollo is that you are supposedly a counselor...
  13. W

    Divorced Women and The Baggage They Carry

    I'm supporting my family just fine...and I have great kids. In fact, my kids are better behaved than the vast majority of kids raised by two parents. Having the father's support and involvement is good. That is THE father...the other parent...not some other guy. If what you say is true there...
  14. W

    Divorced Women and The Baggage They Carry

    And men who get involved with women who treat them badly are also guilty of poor judgement. That means every single man on this forum must be a low quality man by your reasoning.
  15. W

    Divorced Women and The Baggage They Carry

    Since we're speaking biology... Single mothers have no need or urgency to find a man. Women are entirely capable of supporting a family today. She has the companionship of her children and is never lonely. Women do not share the same physical need for sex that men have....she has already had...
  16. W

    Divorced Women and The Baggage They Carry

    Because he is from Africa he is used to women who are very different from the younger women in the US. It means he is going to be turned off and attracted to things differently than American men are. He sounds like he cares most about substance. Younger women quite frequently are lacking in...
  17. W

    What is Allen's email address?

    If you don't have the email address to contact Allen then you have no reason to post in this thread other than to attempt to stir up trouble. It is not anyone else's business why I wish to contact Allen directly.
  18. W

    Divorced Women and The Baggage They Carry

    1. Culture. Culture in Africa is a far cry different than culture in the United States. 2. Divorce. Divorce, like marriage, takes TWO people. If a divorced woman is automatically damaged goods that has insurmountable baggage and cannot ever be a quality partner then the same applies to...
  19. W

    Divorced Women and The Baggage They Carry

    Frank...just date who you want to date.
  20. W

    What is Allen's email address?

    I want to contact him directly.