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  1. El Payaso

    Should I Even Reply Back To Her?

    Setting up a date shouldn't take almost a week. You think it's tough now? Imagine what it's like when you start dating her. Agreeing to her will only tell her that she can dip in and out at any time and still have your attention. The only reason she texted you again was either because her other...
  2. El Payaso

    Is it virtually impossible for a chick to actually like you for you.

    If she only likes you for your money, yes, it's normal. Yes, she doesn't really love you. She loves your money and what it can do for her.
  3. El Payaso

    Does a DJ stay home to help mom and siblings?

    Why doesn't the family move to a place with cheaper rent?
  4. El Payaso

    Is it virtually impossible for a chick to actually like you for you.

    The only person that will ever like you for you is your parents and family. Even at that, some families only tolerate each other. No woman will ever like you for you. That's just disney fairytale sh!t. Get that through your head. A woman will only like you for what you can DO for her. It's not...
  5. El Payaso

    6 Months NC – Should I Unblock My Ex?

    You're only missing her because either you are currently going through a drought or you feel depressed at the moment. Those things can drive you to seek old familiarity. You have to be strong and stick to your guns. When those reminiscing feelings come up. Don't fight it. Accept them for what...
  6. El Payaso

    Red pillers: matrix producers are now trans women.

    Old news. Irrelevant. Concern trolling. Closed.
  7. El Payaso

    Looking for advice with my 2nd child on the way

    This has to be a troll. "You know this because one of her best friends mentioned this to me". I hope that "best friend" wasn't a guy.
  8. El Payaso

    Turd Polishers. A turd is still a turd.

    Very well said.
  9. El Payaso

    She's Back

  10. El Payaso

    Dear Fat Momma

    You're so full of yourself.
  11. El Payaso

    books for my 17y/o son?

    The Predatory Female by Lawrence Shannon.
  12. El Payaso

    My ex got fat.. why?

    Why are you so worried?
  13. El Payaso

    Is it EVER a good thing to do this

    You've tried contacting her twice so no. Don't contact her anymore and absolutely don't tell her you like her. That's suicide. Leave her alone and focus on other women. She will either come back on her own or be gone for good. You weren't exclusive to her so you don't owe her anything. If...
  14. El Payaso

    Ex wife ****ed someone else while divorced

    You divorced her (even though your vows specifically said "in health and in sickness..."). Okay. All good. Let her be but no, you went back to her again and now you're complaining that she slept with someone else after you divorced her. Get over yourself.
  15. El Payaso

    Women Are More Loyal Then Men

    I never said it was loyalty. I was simply explaining the irony he was trying to convey. That's why I put the quotation marks around "loyalty".
  16. El Payaso

    Approach fat and ugly women.

    Good points. The whole strategy is dependent on the level of narcissism of the more attractive girl.
  17. El Payaso

    Approach fat and ugly women.

    I don't mean that literally. If you see a beautiful girl with a group of other girls, don't approach her. Instead, approach the less beautiful one or the fat one. Strike interest and conversation with her and completely ignore the beautiful girl. 9 times out of 10, she will feel a massive blow...
  18. El Payaso

    Women Are More Loyal Then Men

    You guys either didn't read the thread or misread. He is saying women aren't loyal at all. The only thing they are loyal to is their emotions which in that case, they would be more "loyal" than men.