If you think it's bad now, wait until she becomes your wife. She's shown you who she really is. Don't bother trying to stick around. Just eject and save yourself the trouble.
The most dangerous thing in a woman's eyes is men having their own space. Nothing scares them more. That's why you see so many attempts to break this down while they strive to keep their own spaces.
"The creator of a sex robot says his doll was trashed by men at an electronics festival in Austria."
Remember that feminists have recently brought up the topic of trying to ban sex dolls for men and even come up with absurd ideas like the possibility of rape and sexual assault against robots...
How true is this? http://amp.timeinc.net/time/4978727/bromance-male-friendships/?source=dam
According to the article, men find more satisfaction from their friendships with other men than their relationships with women.
The only things I can think of that would make this true is that aside...
Ideally, it's something you should have told her in person but it's nothing to fret over. The most important thing is you shouldn't be her "friend". Now move on.
Texting you at 11pm to ask if you're "still willing for drinks" is a gross disrespect of your time. She probably got rejected by someone or is feeling depressed so she decided to fish through her "standby contacts" to see if anyone will take a bite.
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