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  1. S

    Don Juan Boot Camp

    OK I am at the damn 3 week slump again!! I feel like by making this post I will finish this week where I have to talk to girls I would be interested in making my girl friend. GOD DAMN! I can talk to anyone at anytime except an unknown HB 9-10... Its not like my case is unusual haha. :o Anyway...
  2. S

    Great confirmation of my progress!

    I know exactly what you are talking about. Its an amazing feeling to have someone notice your improvement in something you are actively working on. Like when your boss says that you are funny when you have been working on your sense of humor. The truth is that the majority of people who just by...
  3. S

    So much of 'success' is down to complete chance?

    I don't know what the hell a locus of control is... but Young Juan hit the nail on the head here. LIFE IS CHANCE dawg... if it wasn't we'd all be millionaires!
  4. S

    Don Juan Boot Camp

    Week 2 Day 2 Hey whatsup guys knocked a few more conversations of the list today. During the day I went canoing with some buds of mine and I chatted up this old guy who was there windsurfing. At first he was mumbling answers to my questions and stuff, but he warmed up and I talked to him for...
  5. S

    Don Juan Boot Camp

    WEEK 2 DAY 1 Decided to take a bike ride to the next city (50 miles round trip) and take the bus as well to get in some conversations. I rode to the bus stop and started talking to a man there about the weather and how hot it was. We talked non stop about lots of stuff and after a while I...
  6. S

    Lost my virginity.... Not as cool as you might think.

    Hey thanks for the rep sir psycho sexy. Now as for my OP the opening lines were meant to be ironic and tongue and cheek, I have never believed that losing it would change me and I knew that things would be exactly the same. I just posted that because I know there are people out there, like some...
  7. S

    Don Juan Boot Camp

    DAY 2 Went to Boulder today to hustle off 8 concert tickets. I talked to a TON of people. I had to if i wanted to sell any tickets. I made it way over my 50 hellos and approaches and it was a huge rush. I don't think I am going to count it though because I had a legitimate reason to be going...
  8. S

    Don Juan Boot Camp

    Day 1 Went to Wal-mart after going to lunch with some buddies and realized I had been really out of practice from talking to new people. It took me a couple of circuits to get the balls to start saying hi to people, but as usual it became very easy again very fast. I was feeling the vibe, said...
  9. S

    Don Juan Boot Camp

    OK guys I am starting the Boot Camp for the third time.... I usually always get to about week three and then it just fizzles out. I have never posted my experiences on the forum and that is why I have failed. I am going to finish it this time! Anyone who wants to do it with me is welcome to...
  10. S

    **** Tease or Truly Interested?

    haha thanks guys that was my impression as well. It sucks because you think you are being the Mack Daddy Don Juan having this hot girl all over you, and then she just goes and messes with your head (the big one.) I will try and get her friend even more interested in me, even though she is a real...
  11. S

    **** Tease or Truly Interested?

    i Know that is my problem! i can never get her alone! There were like two other people in the room with her and we're hanging out at her house so its not like I can just disappear with her. No i thought the same thing when she brought me to her room and when we got in we were followed by 2...
  12. S

    Lost my virginity.... Not as cool as you might think.

    ok thanks guys but I never had the notion that I would change I was just being sarcastic because thats the way I know a lot of guys think. And yes I did cvm but the possibility is still small and maybe it wasnt that good cus I was really drunk, :D
  13. S

    **** Tease or Truly Interested?

    OK this girl lets call her... Emily, is a really cool girl and cute too. From my other post I said that I am now looking for a girlfriend, and she is what I want in a girlfriend. I have been out to lunch with her a few times and hung out with her, always with her beta male guy friends, which is...
  14. S

    Lost my virginity.... Not as cool as you might think.

    Ok yeeeha!!! i finally did it... My life is forever changed and I am a totally different person.... NOT! I am the same person I was before but a little more experienced with a lot more stress. I had sex with a trashy girl and the condom broke. I have no idea if I have an STD but I will go get...
  15. S

    I Dont Want To Be A Jerk Anymore!

    Over the past six months since discovering this sight I have turned my life around and felt what its like to have confidence in yourself. I have handled myself amazingly with encounters with girls, hooked up with more than a few, way more than my previous record of 0. I also stand up for myself...
  16. S

    sageproduct's senior year field reports.

    hey sage they locked our masturbation competition thread for some obscure reason. Just keep up the no whackin for a while, PM tell me how it goes or something haha.
  17. S

    Flashes of DJ and AFC

    I just love reading eaglez' advice, the man's a genius. And ya as soon as i see answers such as "no" "ya" or "lol" i'm done talking to that chick.
  18. S

    Masturbation competition

    haha ya the placebo affect where you are expecting an outcome so much in your mind that your body actually feels the result. What are you tired from jacking off so much last night before the contest, if so you should drink some fluids haha, or from the lack of masturbation. I'm a bit confused.
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    Masturbation competition

    Hey its good to see all the responses, and ya I honestly believe its positively affected my game. Before I had no motivation what so ever to follow through with phone numbers and go on dates, now I feel like a bad ass and have two dates lines up this weekend. I don't kno if there is just A LOT...
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    Masturbation competition

    O.K i haven't beat the donkey for 20 days as of tonight! It has probably been the hardest thing I have ever done, lol, I had no idea it would take this much will power. However, now I am to the point where I can easily fight the urges, and they come less frequently. I can relate to...