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  1. stevo

    Left me hanging.

    Des, not sure about your last post. 3 days to respond, that's what he should be entitled to? She has to show enough IL by taking you serious to even qualify to meet you but your advise is for him to qualify himself to her completing ignoring his qualifications of her, who's the price? I keep...
  2. stevo

    Pretty accurate personallity test to help understand yourself.

    ESTJ-A What does that mean?
  3. stevo

    I gave up going out and bought a PS4

    There's a time for everything. A time to go Monk. A time to get with the Honies. Like the wise ancestors said, "women are a necessary evil". Continue to be social when you feel like it but don't always wait till you feel like it.
  4. stevo

    Being with a girl that wasn't a virgin is eating me up inside.

    Lol. You'll grow up eventually. Virgins who take it up the butt just to maintain their status of being a virgin is much worse than a girl who hopefully has true feelings for you and is open about her sexuality. Read this as many times as you need to: There is nothing more sexy than a girl...
  5. stevo

    How to take it slow.

    Lol. To be honest with you, there's a small chance this will work out with this girl. Two reasons, you're over invested too quick,way more than she is. You are also not in the right frame or control to direct the ship. The only way to guarantee something does work right now will be for you to...
  6. stevo

    Girl showing very high IL. Should i go for kiss on first date ?

    If you're spending money on a girl, you should kiss her on a date. Going to different locations through out the date and engaging in activities that allow touching, makes that easier.
  7. stevo

    you know how flaking puts guys on edge

    Some of the things that apply to men doesn't apply to women because of their numerous options. Honestly flaking does not increase interest level if anything flaking reduces interest level if the person flaked on has much value. I like a girl less if she flakes or shows any sign of low quality...
  8. stevo

    clingy 19 years old

    You already created a thread for this girl, why create a new one when you could have updated the previous one?
  9. stevo

    when they like you its easy

    To each his own. What I count as a successful close is getting with a girl without losing one ounce of my self respect and manhood. She can keep her punani if she plans on "making me beg for it". Acting beta sometimes then acting alpha the other time is the same as being a man one time then...
  10. stevo

    Can't see what's in front of me

    Her game is working excellently on you because you are now craving the poon even more than you did before her beach move but thanks to you being a DJ you know to control the emotions she know of by ignoring her messages. Whatever you do, DO NOT GO TO HER HOUSE for atleast 2 months of...
  11. stevo

    Fear of rejection really sucks

    This practice will help you. When I start going into outer space over a girl I just met, this is how I come back to earth. Always take a bathroom break. Always! This is the time you recheck your frame, plan your escalation and adjust anything else. Also remind yourself: 5 reasons why I'm too...
  12. stevo

    So when and how can you be vulernable with a woman?

    You are being vulnerable when you listen to her talk on and on. You are being vulnerable when you remember things that are important to her. You are being vulnerable when you do things that benefit her. Stop looking at vulnerability like an intensive, specified self sacrifice you have to make...
  13. stevo

    Contact Pattern

    So one thing to keep in mind is: The woman determines the relational pace The man determines the sexual pace. In simple English what that means is, she will come to you when she wants some attention and also when her instinct alerts her that your communication needs to be revived. When she...
  14. stevo

    How often you personally reach out to new plates?

    I don't. It'd benefit you to start training your girls to initiate 99.5% of the time. If I do initiate it will be: "Hey, lmk what days you're free to meet" Since you're only seeing her once a week, if you're constantly initiating then that'll also be once a week.
  15. stevo

    A time when zero Fvcks were given

    Doesn't get better than this! Good work Sergeant.
  16. stevo

    Ive got a problem

    Careful now, don't try to save her. Fcuk the broad. Emotions will be very high if you do and you just might find yourself in a relationship very soon.
  17. stevo

    Post your system that works for you

    I'll add - Don't take yourself too serious. - Be friendly with the wait staff and bartenders, ask them their name, make conversation. - Listen and remember almost every important thing she says about herself. - When those red flags come up, do not ignore or forget them - For the most part wait...
  18. stevo

    GF went psycho last night

    Most likely you won't heed to anything we say but at 25 already living with a girl you met less than 6 months ago, there is something wrong with you as well as something very wrong with the girl. The first step to you working on your issues is to MOVE away from the girl, even if she cries...
  19. stevo

    Third date Meal at my house

    Would you use that line for a second date if you didn't kiss close on first date?
  20. stevo

    Gurus, advice and opinions needed

    If it's a text from a girl I haven't fcuked yet: "You, on this desk in front of me." If it's in person: "To end hunger, I want a lot of things, I also want to know if you've had one of those experiences where you look someone in the eyes and feel a strong connection to them" while you stare in...