If you want to pursue, why don’t try just inviting her out?
if she goes, she’s likely hoping to kiss you again… and if it bothers you, you can ask her later whats shes looking for
if she flakes, then just let it be
I imagine pilots have a hard time having a stable singular relationship. Can’t think of better logistics to try a woman from each country in the world, but, I bet that even that gets old.
I’d argue that is hard to tell. I do let women lead in things I’m absolutely not interested in. Like I have said before, everyone is playing real world chess with each other.
Takes women to be good with women. Everyone’s path will be different, but you have to get there or be labeled a failure by society. It does get exhausting, and anyone that tells you otherwise is just trolling.
I second this. That would be a book that I would read. If you were to write such a book I would recommend choosing an age range, or separating each age range. Also accepting that things change overtime, you might want to give hint the audience towards timeless tools that would help them navigate...
How short of a time are we talking here?
edit: sorry, you have said one or two lays.
you might be caring to much?
She should be the one thinking about bagging you and not viceversa. Nothing really should change in the way you operate just because you had sex once or two times. My two cents.
A Reality that is determined by others? Also, Honesty according to who?…
I disagree with you calling man weak and arrogant as if arrogant was a bad thing. Any strong and confident man is necessarily arrogant, in my experience, and the arrogance was always there, with the only difference one...
I know how you feel. For better or worse, there’s nothing you can do in benefit of her coming back. Yet you can do much in detriment of her coming back if you become insecure and show your attachment. I know. This logically doesn’t make any sense.
the only proven way is to tell her, I...
You have a lot of good points. In the light of brevity, I will make a comment on one: you say weak and arrogant man. But then let me flip it, shouldn’t a man always strive to be a self-assured, critical thinker? Don’t you paradoxically become a sheep when you’re just following anyone else lead...
does anyone agree with me that you need to separate fit guys into fit guys with/without money and suddenly the question looks a little more interesting?
A compromise could be fap without porn (yes it is possible). Try to see porn as a product someone wants to sell you, and every time you watch you’re buying it. Same as for social media and many internet uses.
you can still use these things to your advantage, but only when you see with eyes...
In a way, college is a sort of pssy heaven. I wish I could sponsor an awareness campaign for all high schoolers so they prepare accordingly, because boy, not an easy thing to recover if you completely miss out college action.
There’s a degree of manipulation in almost if not everything we do socially. The sooner you recognize it the sooner you can act on it, in your favor or just to have the awareness not go down any unnecessary rabbit hole.
Id say the short answer is you don’t. You don’t want to keep her, she wants to keep you and it’s tied to so many things that one is better off just accepting nothing is permanent.
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