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  1. R

    A "The Game" Experiment

    Hey ^^ Thanks for the feedback [= I think I have quite a "excitable" personality, and I get people, who I talk to, feeling naturally at ease but involved in what I'm doing... And I have a natural wit and out-going aura about me.. The only thing is, I sometimes lack security and so i don't...
  2. R

    A "The Game" Experiment

    Yeah, I had the same idea when looking through the toys.. So just focus on one trick? I was thinking if I can "woo" with a palm reading gig, it can develop instant, deep rapport. I'll youtube NLP, aswell as pming you [=~
  3. R

    A "The Game" Experiment

    Hummmm, well it's been pretty dry for me atm.. I have only met about 8 new girls in the past 2 weeks.. and have only been out with 3 of them. LESS THAN HALF! So I've heard some good things about the book, The Game, so I thought I'd give it a read.. After reading Neil Strauss' The Game, I've...
  4. R

    AAAgh? Help?

    leave it, age differences in sec. school are worse than once you leave
  5. R

    Scared straight online dating!!

    haha funny as ****
  6. R

    I want to smell good what are some good colognes

    I'm liking CK One atm.. I went out with some girls and they chose it and since then, I've been getting compliments left, right and centre
  7. R

    FR: Unintentional cold approach

    I'm not sure how it would work on someone you weren't familiar with just because it's pretty heavy. But if you are in a mutual relationship where you recognise the person and know their name.. this is a great approach =] Good Job
  8. R

    How Do I...?

    Story tell, let them into a little chapter of how fun your life is If your life isnt fun.. make it up! Make it believable.. but make it up~
  9. R

    Help Needed: Chinese girls

    Haha, that is exactly the same as my problem.. And what's worse is I couldnt find anything on this site about it u_u~
  10. R

    Help Needed: Chinese girls

    I know more chinese people who speak Cantonese than Mandarin... But if you find out where she's from in china, then you'll know what she's most likely to speak. The chinese people I know are from HK and they all speak Can. I'm also having the same trouble as you, b/c theyre quite cliquey and...
  11. R

    Creative way of getting phone number of someone you already know?

    I second The best way to get a number off any girl you've met before
  12. R

    How aproach a girl i like ?

    Ahh I've had kinda the same situation I got the number&&evetually sex by: Over a period of time I kept saying "hi" when I saw her after a week or so, I said "we can't keep meeting like this, give me your number so we can properly hang out" ^or something of the same kind Got the...
  13. R

    Picking up a cliquey chick~

    hmmm kinda not what I was hoping for ^ =]
  14. R

    Picking up a cliquey chick~?

    haha Maybe because the western culture is so prominant, I like the easter culture even more... But no, usually the way I pull is the type with E. Values and story telling, and it's harder to do with girls who's first language isn't english. Therefore I need help from people who are more...
  15. R

    Picking up a cliquey chick~

    If there are any other advice-offers it'd be hugely appreciated!
  16. R

    Unique appreciated.

    ^ What is the point of your post? All I can say is look at how you actually approach and talk to women and in which environment. Then look at what type of women you want to attract. Then reflect on yourself and try to point out what let your approach down or why your not actually getting...
  17. R

    Picking up a cliquey chick~?

    Upping [=
  18. R

    Picking up a cliquey chick~

    Well not asian as in general; my main point of interest for a lot of years has been Japan, and only recently have I became interested in China. ie, over the summer when I attended a few chinese lessons. hmm as for the actual girls There are two (types I've noticed) in particular. One is...
  19. R

    Picking up a cliquey chick~

    haha yeah.. the me type xD I've always had an interest in Japan, and that's led me to become semi-fluent in Japanese and to learn a lot about the history, culture, ettique etc. And I fully understand that Japanese and Chinese culture is only similar to a limited extent.. So, what...
  20. R

    I'm the biggest piece of fail

    Let's stop flaming him. The only problem is your self confidence. Improve it, and you are sorted [= But how? I'll leave you a few tips derived from my POV. Do you have any serious hobbies? If not, find something you have a huuuge passion in It's not easy to find something though...