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  1. touma.akagi

    How do you cut to the front of her orbiter line?

    Never has a thread title on this site made me so amused
  2. touma.akagi

    Even "celebs" are on Tinder for "love & d!ck" - At least she's honest

    If you see a celebrity on a dating site, it's without a doubt a catfish. "If it's too good to be true..." It's a noob move. A catfish should know better than to use a famous woman's pictures. I saw a "MaryLou McCall" send me messages but I immediately recognized that the photos were of the late...
  3. touma.akagi

    How To Turn Ex GF Into A FWB?

    If she's still super into you still and wants sex, FWB will work. Just don't act needy and if need be, make it clear you're not exclusive. Just don't get too upset should she decide to ghost you.
  4. touma.akagi

    Do you feel sorry for hypergamous women who get catfished on Tinder by Incel-tier men?

    If someone of either sex gets legitimately catfished, it makes everyone involved look like a loser. The catfish looks like a tool, the person's pics being used may find out and feel horrible, and the victim of it is left thinking "How could I be so stupid?" Be that as it may, you can still find...
  5. touma.akagi

    am going blind at 23

    Heading to the ER is the best course of action. If you're using contact lenses of any sort or any makeup near your eyes, stop, in addition to any face washes that dry you out.
  6. touma.akagi

    I realized whats wrong with my peepee

    1 coffee a day is all you should need on an average day. Any more than that and you risk addiction. Many people these days are in fact ditching coffee for its acidity, but you can always balance it out with something alkaline.
  7. touma.akagi

    Question on nice shirts

    Rule of thumb: don't wear clothes that are too much bigger than you are. Clothes that are too big will make you look smaller. My little brother always bought shirts that were my size and wore them, and as a result, he always looked like a shirt on a hanger. Regarding the tucking in the shirt...
  8. touma.akagi

    Physical Fitness proves what kind of man you are

    You can get into shape and still lack confidence and self-esteem.
  9. touma.akagi

    Yogot to be kidding me!!

    Wear shorts and a T shirt, it doesn't require much thought. Hell, there are even yoga pants for guys.
  10. touma.akagi

    Finally Moving on from my crush, but not happy

    Then don't make the same mistake(s) again. Since you recognize what you did wrong, you can avoid doing it again. If your friends keep giving you AFC advice, then it's probably best that you establish women and game as an off-limit subject with them. "I don't want to hear it because you don't...
  11. touma.akagi

    Acquaintance's girlfriend banned me from their wedding

    Do you feel like going to the bachelor party? Then go on ahead. If you believe it's truly going to be the last time for a while you get to be around this guy then you may want to make the most of it.
  12. touma.akagi

    Is ignoring or not showing care for your targeted girl a kind of pseudo tactic of attracting her?

    It's not always that "not showing care" is attractive - it's that too much (almost always) looks needy. And neediness is beta behavior.
  13. touma.akagi

    5 texts you should never send to a girl

    # 3 isn't all that bad. "What's up" is perfectly natural as long as you aren't sending it every two minutes. 4 is easily avoidable if you don't get drunk alone. 1 and 2 should only be sent when you're about to meet her. Period. Ultimately, just say whatever the hell you think is appropriate...
  14. touma.akagi

    Is this normal for tinder?

    Unfortunately, many apps do succumb to the same plague. It's not just strictly OLD sites, even; scambots and catfish have overrun Facebook and Instagram. They killed Kik. Riddled it like a gatling gun. Try Bumble. It's got real people on it, for now. Take advantage of it now before it's...
  15. touma.akagi

    Need advice on what to do next

    I hope this is someone actually visiting your town. Some women you meet online make empty promises, so if she doesn't show, don't be too surprised.
  16. touma.akagi

    "Hypergamy" is a security blanket for insecure males

    A guy who's smart enough can play his cards right enough to take advantage well of her money. Humans do love their money, gold digging is not unique to women.
  17. touma.akagi

    She rejected me, but acts weird, did she change her mind?

    If she's texting first and displaying interest, go ahead and go on more dates and see what works. This is good advice for a number of reasons, but you're already on her, so go ahead and finish if you want. Once you're done with her (however the situation resolves though) you may want to avoid...
  18. touma.akagi

    Height vs Muscle, Take A Pick?

    I'm well muscled and 5'8" and slightly overweight. Would definitely rather be this than 6' and too skinny. And to be fair, most 6' guys aren't skeletal; if you are, you can build some mass. Being tall isn't everything - people over 6'3 are kind of clumsy.
  19. touma.akagi

    So this is a "Marine"

    Most women in the military will be non-combatants. We've tried putting women in combat and it hasn't been pretty at all. It'd be different if she was say, a driver or a pilot. But in terms of infantry, she'd be eaten for breakfast versus any enemy team.