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  1. B


    So I hate to fit into the stereotype of "ex-gf" posts, but so be it.. I am. I broke up with my ex about 6 months ago. We really just stopped talking about 3 weeks ago. Between then, she was pretty much just an FB.. she talked to other guys and I talked to other girls. What I did not say is...
  2. B

    what to do about the ex fbuddy

    Right. Well I guess the main issue is keeping her as a booty call. Every now and then she brings up the whole relationship BS and I usually just say "we are just having fun and what happens happens", but i think it's starting to grow old. Ontop of that she's always asking me to come to her...
  3. B

    what to do about the ex fbuddy

    i ended things with my ex about 6 months ago after several breaks (from both ends). i found out about a guy she hooked up with towards the end of our relationship. Sure, it bothered me for awhile but I eventually got over it. Now basically she's just an fbuddy who comes over maybe 1 - 2 times a...
  4. B

    what in the hell to do (ex)

    I'm not going to argue with you guys, as it's most likely right. It's funny because lately she has been bringing it up to me that she doesn't want to be "led" on. And she wants to know that I care about her as just opposed to using her for sex. She asked if I wanted to be in a relationship...
  5. B

    what in the hell to do (ex)

    I doubt it. I mean she dropped me for him on vacation and then she came running back when she got back. No, she's not sexing him but thats probably because he lives a good ways away. If she was trying to make me jealous, I feel as if she would do it on another level. She is being very...
  6. B

    what in the hell to do (ex)

    I've just never heard of a girlfriend of that long turning into someone who just wants sex from you. I've heard of an ex who turns into your friend (almost all the time those *****s get rid of you then "try" to turn you into a friend). But it's quite odd that she's using me for sex after having...
  7. B

    what in the hell to do (ex)

    The question is what do I do when she wants to hang out with me (She will tonight, guaranteed)?? I see 3 options.. 1. Tell her that I don't think it's healthy to see eachother anymore. I don't really want to bring up any of this stuff about this guy. She can just wonder why on her own...
  8. B

    what in the hell to do (ex)

    I know you've all seen posts almost EXACTLY like these, but bear with me here and just explain to me what's going on. Dated my ex 2 years. I took several breaks with her (I couldn't remain loyal) and then towards the 1.5 year mark she took a break with me (she found another dude on vacation)...
  9. B

    starting sex..

    Been seeing this girl for awhile now. We've had sex plenty, in plenty of places, but it's 90% my job to initiate the sex. I usually start by grabbing her ass then working my way in slowly. 90% of the time she lets it happen, but 10% of the time she doesn't. Well about a week ago she's started...
  10. B

    the ex

    I want to live my life to the fullest and have women as an after thought. I like her company, but I will never let myself get attached again.
  11. B

    the ex

    So my ex broke things off with me about 2 weeks ago. We'd been seeing each other for 2 years off and on. Her reasoning was "she couldn't put what happened behind her". Aka, she couldn't stand the fact that I ****ed 2 of her friends and she would never get over that. She told me she was just mad...
  12. B

    Girlfriend Kissed her ex!

    Well if you're headstrong on keeping this gal, you need to put your foot down with this talking to her ex business. I don't care if he's just a friend, you don't need to worry about that when you're saying you're about to MARRY this girl (who just cheated on you btw? It will happen again..)...
  13. B

    Girlfriend Kissed her ex!

    I agree, the mods have been very strict lately. I had one of my posts removed
  14. B

    NEED ADVICE!! Guys hitting on your girlfriend..

    Ignoring is a good tactic if it's light flirting. However, if the guy is being a total douche by the time he sees that you're with her, it's time to step up and say something. This is an obvious I hope. If you ignore a dude outright making a move on your girl when he knows that she's with you...
  15. B

    Girlfriend Kissed her ex!

    You kidding me bro? I know you're not going to like the advice you're getting, but we're giving it to you for a reason. We've all been in the same situations and have had the same outcomes. Let me summarize your situation right now, because I've seen it happen 1000 times. Your girl used to be...
  16. B


    So I was railing some chick last night and things are going well.. got her up to an orgasm by just fingering the girl for 10min or so. Then I got in, all is well, shes moaning and then I switch it up to doggy style and all the sudden shes screaming in pain! Thinking that shes screaming in...
  17. B

    how to maintain alpha?

    Oh come on I find it hard to believe no one has anything to say on maintaining alpha male status :moon:
  18. B

    how to maintain alpha?

    Some nights I go out and I'm the definition of Alpha. Before I even step out my door, I know the night is going to be successful. I feel empowered and rarely stumble on my words in conversation. Many of these nights, I become the life of conversations out at the bar and I can just feel the women...
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    Just Found Out Boyfriend is Cheating on Me

    Ha, he's worthless. I've dated several girls and have cheated on 1, but not like this. He was living a second life behind your back? He's not a cheater, he's just got problems. Go find yourself a man who isn't a wuss, but is at least truthful and honest with himself and others. Cheating once...
  20. B

    whats her deal

    Yup she's about 21. I see what you're saying about women I've f'ed, but I've never been one to lie about things like that. I am what I am, I've done what I done. If you can't understand, then hit the road. With that said, every time she asks about past women, I tell her "it doesn't matter."...