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  1. S

    how do respond to 'did it feel weird'

    Hey guys Was seeing a girl for 8 months, It has sorta been on and off cause both of us have sorta seen other girls, tho we did really like each other. At the moment we have sorta decided to do the friends thing for a while Told her this morning that that I was at the cinema with another...
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    When you have sex with a girl, what does it mean if she...

    how long is it since her last relationship? My guess is that she is still emotionilly tied to her ex and she was maybe thinking about him at the time. tho you will never know until she is honest with ya Spiker
  3. S

    did I do the right thing??

    Hey guys! I'm 22, girl involved is 21 Had been seeing this girl for 5 months now, had met her one night with a bunch of my friends and to cut a long story short she ended up splitting up with her current boyfriend because she liked me and wasn't happy in the r'ship which had been going on for...
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    what should I do??

    Hey guys, Met a girl a few months back that was just out of an LTR. We have been seeing each other regulary and getting along great! She has told me she really likes me and wants to date me and I feel the same but she has told me the only thing holding her back is what other people will...
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    Finding girls that actually make you feel something inside

    So true bro! I've pulled maybe 100 girls this summer on nights out! no sex just messing about in clubs! but I'd give up all 100 of those kisses to find one girl that actually made me happy!! At the moment I donno where shes gonna come from! but i guess thats what makes it exciting! when...
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    Remembering a chick's name?

    same problem here mate! Think its because my brain is just tuned in to ask the question 'what is ur name' and really I dont give a f**k what the answer is so never end up actually listening
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    ****y and funny response needed????

    Hi Guys I met this real hot girl last week and she gave me her number. I txt'd her a day or so later and she has only replied now almost a week later. Ok obviously this shows a low interest but its still prob a good idea to send a funny reply. she replied to be saying 'Hey John, soz it took...
  8. S

    In a Rut

    heres your problem... I used to spend my nights on faceparty, myspace etc Mate forget abt it!!!, these girls (even hb 2's and 3's) get hit on my massive amounts of guys and it gives these girls false ego's. get off your ass, get a few mates and start going to a few bars/clubs/events...
  9. S

    Wounds taken in the field (kinda funny)

    "Dave Deangelo's interview with Craig" do you have the link for this? I like your style mate!, and if it doesn't work at least ur out having a laugh and theres a comedy factor to it! just brilliant!
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    Wounds taken in the field (kinda funny)

    so you go to shake with your right hand and the glass is in your left hand?, Thats gonna have to eb a pretty rapid transfer of glass to hand before she catches on what is happening!!! I'm gonna practise this tho! Its a classic!
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    DR: Distracted by video games

    I just cant picture this.... you played tekken 5 on a date??? mmmmmmm
  12. S

    ****y and funny reply???

    hey guys I met this georgous chick at a night club last week didn't pull her but we chatted for a while and I got her number To be honest, chances of getting this chick are slim but its worth the effort. If ya dont shoot ya dont score!!! well we've bene txt'in a bit and tonight I txt'd...
  13. S

    how should I reply to this msg??

    I me tthis girl ina nightclub last week and got her number and have been txt'ing her a bit lately she sent me a msg today saying 'i've noticed that u ask a lot of questions, so how about u tell me somethings about you u? educate me about john ;)' I'm 21, shes 19 any help is appreciated
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    i need tips on a good date ideas

    can someone please post up exactly what the kissing test is? I've heard david deangelo mention it before, is it a technique to try when first going for the kiss or does it just basically mean stick your lips on the girl?
  15. S

    DJ style truth or dare

    I have discovered when in a club instead of asking a girl for her number, just take the phone out of ur pocket and hand it to her and let her type in the number herself!, normally before shes finished writing her name I grab the phone off her and put 'sexy' infront of her name and then let her...
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    Success story (pics)

    Man I wouldn't touch any of them girls with your d ick!!!
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    Success story (pics)

    I've got two words for ya! "weight watchers" enuf said!
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    Oneitis... we all get it

    Dublins finest!!! lol You lads prob spend your nights in boomerangs!!! ;-)
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    I've been workin out ALOT and...

    Your a grade A bender never before have I heard such garbage!
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    what do I say guys?????

    awww there's one born every day!!