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    Sociopath - The Perfect Definition Of A Dj..!!!!!!!!!

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    Taking game to the next level.. get her to pay your rent

    Mate women dont care about details.. The dont think about wether your lying or not. The only thing they look for is where you believe what your saying. It like when you tell a chick that you love her. She doest rationalise it. Tell her rent is killing you and that your looking to move...
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    Taking game to the next level.. get her to pay your rent

    tell her your going to move a little out of town... Shell ask why, then you say that rent in the currnet area is killing you. That way you indirectly propose the question without sounding like a ****.. Peace d
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    Does Absense Make The Heart Grow Fonder.??

    Does absence make the heart grow fonder. Any Thoughts. For me I suppose initially this is true you miss someone increasingly with time spent apart. However at a certain point there starts to be in economic terms, diminishing returns. It becomes an inverse relationship, up until the point...
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    What is the best thread for seroius oneitis?

    Have A Look At This Hi mate, You are not alone, have a look at my post on How my believes and life were destroyed. Peace
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    How Feminism Destroyed Real Men

    Sorry guys, i wasnt aware that it had been posted before. Peace Dalton
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    How Feminism Destroyed Real Men

    I did not write this. It is however one of the most well writen, motivational pieces of writing on women I have ever seen. Enjoy. Women thought the last victory of equality was to make men more 'sensitive'. The bitter irony, says this male writer in a piece that will infuriate the opposite...
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    How my beliefs and life was destroyed

    Cheers No Regrets. Dalton.
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    How my beliefs and life was destroyed

    Understanding Firstly thank you for all of the replies, the information and varying point of views is slowly allowing me to view this whole situation from the outside. Firstly to the bats comment about being a man. I can understand why it would look like this. However I am of the belief that...
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    Please I need Help GF gone

    I don’t understand, how did it just go cold?? I m in a similar situation to you. or close to someone’s situation as you can be (HAVE A LOOK AT MY POST ON BELIEFS, HEART BREAKING). This seem like it had all the makings of a great relationship. She was clearly very comfortable with you. You said...
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    How my beliefs and life was destroyed

    How My Belief system and life were destroyed. PLEASE HELP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have already posted this in the discussion forum. However im looking for an older perspective on the situation. I was with this girl for 2...
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    How quickly can you get over someone you love.

    What about her.. Will she ever get over it.. If I dont contact her will, she forget about me. You know what they say, that women fall in love faster, but men fall Harder..??
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    How quickly can you get over someone you love.

    To anyone who has loved and llosed. How quickly did it take you to get over it.. What methods did you use to help..Can you ever stop loving someone completely.. Im new to this forum, my girl brke up with me two months ago, not because I was weak or I believe the term you use is afc. But...
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    What's the point of life?

    I think the point of life if you look at it from a scientific point of view is to ensure the continuation and survival of your gene pool, thus faciltaing the survial of the species. However if you look at from a more phiolospical point of view, I am of the belief that the point of life is to...
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    How My Belief system and life were destroyed. PLEASE HELP

    I did.... Thank you all for the replies, they are much appreciated. Bible belt, and Jeffst your replies were especially encouraging. Although I appreciate all feedback, the comment on interest level I believe is irrelevant( I was formerly of the belief that interest level dictated how the...
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    How My Belief system and life were destroyed. PLEASE HELP

    thanks for the reply mang.. How do I go about doing it.. I want to, believe me. I sent her an email this morning, we flirted a little bit. I said we should make a plan sometime. I told her that she has my number so she should make her fingers useful and call it. She sent one back...
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    How My Belief system and life were destroyed. PLEASE HELP

    I was with this girl for 2 years, for eight months she was my fiancée. We were both madly in love and were planning to have kids. Then on the day before our two year anniversary, she called me crying and said it wasn’t working out. This confused me greatly and destroyed my beliefs about the man...