What's the point of life?


Don Juan
Jun 13, 2008
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I'm sure I'm not the only one who's wondered this. As I work towards my goals to get more women, make more money, get stronger, etc. I know that it's not going to change my state of mind. Sure the journey is great, and so are the rewards at the end of the road, but I feel empty inside. As though none of it means anything. As I enjoy a moment of my life, there are so many others in the world who are suffering. And regardless of our differences, we all have the same fate which is death. There's no way to escape this world.

I'm not depressed or suicidal. I am very much normal with a wonderful family, friends, and a great girlfriend. I make good money too. But beyond all that, what really is there? When you feel like you have everything, what's next?

The times when I feel happiest, are the times when I realize how little all of my life means compared to the rest of the world and universe. Is the point of life to just pro-create? Is it to be remembered after we die?

I keep going on, because I know this life is all I have, but still, I just can't stop thinking of how helpless we all are. All of humanity is just a flame that's going to get blown out. It doesn't matter how much technological progress we make, we just make ourselves busier. We still die, regardless of how much we try to avoid death and prolong our lives, the end will always be the same. How is any one person better than the next when we all have the same destiny?

I feel like my eyes are open, but I wish they weren't. I wish I was a dumb fvck and never thought about these things. I feel like I see through a lot of the drama of everyday life because really nothing means anything. My whole life is a temporary existence that can end at any time. Not that I'd want it to end, I still have plenty of unfinished business.

But it's like for the longest time I feel like I've been on the outside of life, looking in. I feel so alone.

Anyone feel the same?

Arizona iced tea

Don Juan
Feb 14, 2007
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i hear you, but being only 18 i have no idea what to make of it... i suppose i just try not to think about it if possible


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
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How did your eyes get open to this reality?

I ask because often when someone is this depressed about accepting reality they were previously a religious person.

Not always of course but often this is the case.

And what happens is you have to seperate yourself from one world view entirely constructed of fantasy that is somewhat pleasant and gives you re-assurance and answers many life long questions such as religion does to a world view that is heavily based in reality that tells you none of your previous religious world views truth's were truths at all so now all of the previous questions you had answered for you and all of the previous assurance you had is lost.

To embrace reality after having been under a religion's fantasy worldview makes life become a whole new world that not many feel good about dealing with.

They become depressed and the world seems so empty without their fantasy that explained everything for them.

Well regardless of whether you came to these world views from getting out of a religion or not the good news is the point of life is whatever you decide it to be.

It is up to the individual.

Nihilism may indeed be the ultimate truth about existance but it doesn't mean you have to get depressed about it.

Instead decide how you want to live, what would make you most happy, what morals or lack there of you will follow/codes whatever and do it.

Your life is in your hands, you are your own master.

Guide yourself to goals you set for yourself one step at a time.

That is if you even feel you need any goals.

See you can make the point of life be that there is no point or you can make it be dependent on various goals you set for yourself or whatever.

Its incredibly freeing and inspiring when you think about it.


Don Juan
Jan 9, 2008
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The point of life is to create life.

I have 24 children (that i know of)*

*this may or may not be true


Senior Don Juan
Feb 18, 2007
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to have fun - simple.

everything else is secondary. You dont know how long you'l be about, so enjoy it when you can.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 7, 2007
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I had this very question a few years back and I pondered the very question. But I remember the very question Buddha asked before he attained enlightenment under the oak tree. It was His understanding that awoken me too.

When we are able to ask this question, we are unplugged to the very question of our existence. It’s almost like being asleep most your life and suddenly wake up on a raft floating down a river that seems to be going nowhere. We do not know where it’s going to lead us and we do not know when the next bump is going to be that’ll flip our raft.

The purpose of life? There is no purpose.

Religion? Is it God who created us? Or us who created God?

I do however, feel that everything that happens to us, is already pre-written, like a computer program. Everything that ever existed or happened in our life was meant to happen. The only difference is, it is our choice and it is us who alter the future.

Purpose of life? There is no purpose.

Live the best that you can and not to hurt anyone in the process.

Reason we don’t hurt others is because we’ve been hurt before and we know how that felt being hurt. And if you know someone who are going through the same thing you went through that got you through, help him/her out. Pay it forward. It’ll be like a boomerang where it comes back to you with kind.

That’s all that is required of you.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
Life has no point as in some grand ultimate goal for your existence.

You are simply a member of a species that is part of the planets ecco system at this time. Your human species will benefit if you reproduce but any other "point of life" that you decide to adopt will be influenced by societal and cultural forces.

The human species "feels" physically and emotionally so obtaining a comfortable existence is a natural focus to avoid discomfort hence the struggle for resources that keep us comfortable. So it would seem that the main point/focus in life is to work hard as you can to get as much of the things you want and need that you can...


Senior Don Juan
Jun 7, 2007
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For myself, when I focus on being the person I want to be - the doing of my life flows gracefully from there. When I get trapped into letting the "doing" direct my "being" then I get conflicted and feel a loss of direction and purpose.

Perhaps explore what characteristics/traits/values you want to possess as a man - then build your life to reflect and honor those ideals. That is how I have found fulfillment and peace of mind.

You wrote: "How is any one person better than the next when we all have the same destiny?" meaning ultimately this physical life will end (makes me think of Jim Morrison... "No one gets out of here alive"). The joy is in the journey. Life/living is process oriented. Life is for the living. It's your choice as to just how passionately you will choose to live yours.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
The point of life is to see what happens next. If you already know what's going to happen next, then you need a more exciting life.


Don Juan
Jun 12, 2008
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"once you realize your own mortality, your no longer a child"

The point of life? I'd like to think its to make a positive difference.
We are different from animals as we have a responsibility to make things better for those to come after us...


Don Juan
Jun 13, 2008
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I think the point of life if you look at it from a scientific point of view is to ensure the continuation and survival of your gene pool, thus faciltaing the survial of the species.

However if you look at from a more phiolospical point of view, I am of the belief that the point of life is to find that one thing that you love. Be it your partner, your hobbies, familiy and love it/them unconfdtionally. I dont think there would or is anything as fulfilling than that.

If you think about, by the time you are 60, you would have slept 20 years of your life. When I die I will have no regrets.

In the words of a legend. ' YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE, AND THE WAY I LIVE ONCE IS ENOUGH' Frank Sinatra


Oct 3, 2006
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experience and live the ups, downs and the rewards.

So, when you feel like everything is SH1T, you're experiencing it as of NOW. And that's fvcking great!


Mar 8, 2008
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Sweet. Yeah, I wondered about this a while back. I wasn't sure what I wanted to with my life- who I wanted to become. There was all this pressure to become something and make something of yourself. This whole illusion of what I should do. Then, it sort of just hit me. Nothing. There is NOTHING that I need to do and there is nothing that a should do.

"There is nothing in life that you have to do, only things that you want to"

Nothing matters. Absolutely NOTHING MATTERS! I've told this to friends of mine before and they shunned me because they're not ready to accept that their existence doesn't matter. So, if none of this matters anyway, what stops me from committing suicide and just ending it? Because really, what do I have to loose? I don't kill myself for to two reasons. First, evolution has imprinted a need for survival in me. Second, and more importantly, because I'm just having so much damned fun! The only point of life that I see is to have fun. There really is no point, so what else can we do. When people tell me to do something that I don't want to and say that "sometimes you have to do things that you don't want to," I just say, "why?"

Seriously, Why the hell would I do something that I don't want to do?! None of this matters anyway, so why would I spend any of the time that I have here by doing something that I don't want to.

And check out Nihilism.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 7, 2007
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I think this is precisely POL's point. And it is often what I feel as well.

We see everything in life has a purpose. A hammer's purpose is to hammer nails, you hand's purpose is to help you move things, everything from water to air... our purpose? to habitate? And then what? What use are we here?

I think that's POL's point.

This is the ultimate question that will never be answered. "The meaning of life."

I guess what I'm getting at is, since we don't know who we are, what we are meant to do, where we're going. We feel really really alone. even if there is someone next to us.

That's why sometimes i wonder if "soul mate" sells so well.

I think Inceptor would best answer this question?


Don Juan
Nov 3, 2007
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point-of-life said:
I feel like my eyes are open, but I wish they weren't. I wish I was a dumb fvck and never thought about these things. I feel like I see through a lot of the drama of everyday life because really nothing means anything. My whole life is a temporary existence that can end at any time.
I feel exactly like you do man. Its not a good feeling, or a bad one, but an empty one. You should look into Budhhism. Buddha realized this stuff like 2500 years ago. All i can tell you is that life doesnt suck. This world is a very beautiful place. People make it suck with their goals, acheivments, attitudes, wars, hate, and destruction of the planet you live one. Mabye you should do some traveling.


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2007
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The Paradise City where the grass is green and the
The point of life is to LIVE IT!!!! Carpe the Diem! If you're depressed, you're probably just bored. Shake things up a little. Go hang gliding, skydiving, travel, mountain biking, take a motorcycle cruise, go fishing, anything to get you to appreciate how much you really have.

Get away from the computer right now!

Unless you're at work, then get your ass to work and quit goofing off on message boards. Unless you hate your boss and you're vastly underappreciated and underpaid, in which case, photocopy your ass and anonymously slip it under his door, then resume goofing off on the internet.