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  1. C

    Is looking young (for a man) a good thing?

    I can easily pass for an 18 year old. Is this a good thing when I'm actually 23? When people talk to me, they realize I'm 20-something and not a kid. I just hope my slow aging continues into my 30's and 40's. That's when it counts IMO.
  2. C

    First time in a while I got really close with a female.

    You smacked me in the face and I needed it. :) I'll call tomorrow night, chit chat for a bit, and get right to the point.
  3. C

    First time in a while I got really close with a female.

    Alright, I sent the email two days ago but she still hasn't responded. Either she didn't read it, she read it but waiting a while to reply, or she read it but really don't want to see me. I hate to post stuff like this, but this is the email I wrote on Friday afternoon. I don't think it's...
  4. C

    Poll: How many of you guys have dated a woman TALLER than you?

    I have never dated a taller woman, and I probably wouldn't. I'm 5'10'' and thankfully, I'm taller than most women... although I do see lots of tall women lately. Is is something in the food?
  5. C

    Passing up another chance at a relationship

    I think you shouldn't pass on these opportunities. Although I personally can't be with an overweight woman, but a less attractive woman with a nice body I could be with for a while.
  6. C

    I've been thinking about this and it's true... Women love sex.

    Emotion plays a big role with women and sex. That's why you turn them on emotionally. Getting into their pants will be easy after that.
  7. C

    Once you have one GF, getting another won't be hard?

    Girls just don't work like we do... I was hanging with this chick (not romantically involved) and everywhere we want, I got more looks from females than I ever did by myself.
  8. C

    I want to change my wardrobe little by little.

    I'm a huge offender of number 2. That's most of my wardrobe. Thanks a lot for the advice.
  9. C

    I want to change my wardrobe little by little.

    I don't have a style that screams ME. I think it's time to change my wardrobe little by little so eventually I'll feel happy with the clothes in my closet. I want to know some stores, retail or online, that's a bit more expensive than regular department store type ****. I don't want to...
  10. C

    Once you have one GF, getting another won't be hard?

    Nah, I'm just saying the attention from other women will rise dramatically. And if the current relationship fails, then it'd be easier to rebound. I'm not the type to cheat on a girl.
  11. C

    Once you have one GF, getting another won't be hard?

    Would you say it's true that once you have a GF for a period of time, finding another one wouldn't be too hard? Girls like to see other girls giving a guy attention. If you're single and not very good with girls to begin with, other girls won't find you that attractive. But if a guy has a...
  12. C

    First time in a while I got really close with a female.

    Yeah, I thought about that. Since it's the first time I ever met or saw this girl, I kinda forgot all about kino'ing. I've had some opportunities to do so, but f'ed up. That's why I'm hoping we can meet up again and I can show her I am man who thinks she's sexy and I'm not interested in just...
  13. C

    First time in a while I got really close with a female.

    I will definitely keep this thread updated with the outcome of things. I'm not going to lie... I'm happy. I will be aware of that line... falling for a girl easily.
  14. C

    First time in a while I got really close with a female.

    I fell in love with a girl once just because she was friendly towards me. This was when I was 18 (5 years ago). I vowed never to send roses (I did), call 10 times a day (I did), and generally be the biggest AFC. The email I sent will be the first and only one if she doesn't reply back...
  15. C

    First time in a while I got really close with a female.

    I really don't understand this response. Is this the wrong forum for this type of discussion? I will show her my "thing" after "The Thing". I do want to bang her and I will let her know I'm sexually attracted to her. What's that move called...kino...if she invites me back to watch the...
  16. C

    First time in a while I got really close with a female.

    So, I went over this chick's house with a friend because they had some business together. Real business... not 'getting busy' business. Anyway, their meeting only took about 20 minutes and he had to step out for a couple hours so I stayed back with this chick. First, she's really friendly and...
  17. C

    What do women find less attractive?

    I can't fix my height and I'm not wearing lifts. No one ever called me short nor do I feel short.
  18. C

    What do women find less attractive?

    Thanks for all the responses, so liquid diets aren't good except for protein shakes. I will increase my meals and try to eat 3000 calories a day. When should I expect results? Is it possible to gain 10 pounds in a month? More?
  19. C

    What do women find less attractive?

    Does liquid calories count also? Let's just say I skip lunch and instead drink 3 Boost drinks (my favorite supplement drinks). Boost ranges from 240 to 360 calories. I want to add more meals throughout the day, but sometimes I just can't eat and drinking Boost is quick and easy.