I've been thinking about this and it's true... Women love sex.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
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Women love sex. Why do you think girls dress like they do? Just for the hell of it? No they WANT guys to think they're sexy. But if women love sex then why are they not just out about it like guys? Easy, society. If a girl was to come out about the fact that she loved having sex, society would branch her as a sl*t, as a wh*re and no girl wants everyone to think of them that way. And the girls who don't care about everyone knowing how much they f*ck, we do call sl*ts. Point is, women want sex and women love sex. The reason why girls make it so hard for us to get in their pants? Well, from what I've heard, it's simply for the fact that sex to women is more about the emotion, rather than the physical act as it is for us. And yeah, women don't want to give away their body to just any guy. I myself, am still a virgin, so I wouldn't know the TRUE extent of this, but from what I've read and from what I've heard, it only makes sense to me that women wouldn't do some of the stuff they do, if they didn't want sex.


Mar 3, 2008
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Emotion plays a big role with women and sex. That's why you turn them on emotionally. Getting into their pants will be easy after that.


Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2005
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Actually I wouldn't want to f'uck a woman without a vibe going either. Maybe I'm just a romantic? Haha!


Master Don Juan
Oct 6, 2004
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ElStud said:
society would branch her as a sl*t, as a wh*re and no girl wants everyone to think of them that way.

Aside from the point of this being a rehash of advice we know and have seen many times before, from a virgin who has no experience. . . Branch her? Branch? As in off a tree?

Are all your threads plant themed?

P.s It's BRAND.


Don Juan
Apr 10, 2008
Reaction score
Yeah, your post gives you away as a virgin without your having to add that at the end.

Duh, women like sex -- alert the presses!!!!

This is hardly news. And women aren't choosy just because of being branded a sl*t either. Go out there and learn a thing or two and then report back to us what you have learned. That is, after you got laid.


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
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ElStud said:
Women love sex. Why do you think girls dress like they do? Just for the hell of it? No they WANT guys to think they're sexy. But if women love sex then why are they not just out about it like guys? Easy, society. If a girl was to come out about the fact that she loved having sex, society would branch her as a sl*t, as a wh*re and no girl wants everyone to think of them that way. And the girls who don't care about everyone knowing how much they f*ck, we do call sl*ts. Point is, women want sex and women love sex. The reason why girls make it so hard for us to get in their pants? Well, from what I've heard, it's simply for the fact that sex to women is more about the emotion, rather than the physical act as it is for us. And yeah, women don't want to give away their body to just any guy. I myself, am still a virgin, so I wouldn't know the TRUE extent of this, but from what I've read and from what I've heard, it only makes sense to me that women wouldn't do some of the stuff they do, if they didn't want sex.
Dude if you are virgin, how do you know women love sex? Shouldn't only the Dj's getting action being saying that?

That's like saying Jackie Chan likes to fight you but you don't know Kung Fu.


So come give me a hug if you are into getting rubbed!!


Apr 15, 2008
Reaction score
Every teen boy's dream is to find out that females want sex more than they do. Sorry, boys. Ain't the case. If so things would be like the gay world where you can bang a different guy for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The fact of the matter is that in America in 2008 you are all getting tramps. You think your future wife will be an American virgin? :crackup: Funniest thing is that most of you still struggle to get what some have already banged, speared, and puked on.

C'mon, go easy on this boy. He might be a Virgin By Choice :crackup: God, sometimes I crack myself up.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 3, 2008
Reaction score
Lol...sorry wally cleaver, that was totally not funny man. Back to the drawing board kiddo.

But you know what I love...all the supermodel chicks who claim they are virgins until they get married.


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2006
Reaction score
ElStud said:
Women love sex. Why do you think girls dress like they do? Just for the hell of it? No they WANT guys to think they're sexy. But if women love sex then why are they not just out about it like guys? Easy, society. If a girl was to come out about the fact that she loved having sex, society would branch her as a sl*t, as a wh*re and no girl wants everyone to think of them that way. And the girls who don't care about everyone knowing how much they f*ck, we do call sl*ts. Point is, women want sex and women love sex. The reason why girls make it so hard for us to get in their pants? Well, from what I've heard, it's simply for the fact that sex to women is more about the emotion, rather than the physical act as it is for us. And yeah, women don't want to give away their body to just any guy. I myself, am still a virgin, so I wouldn't know the TRUE extent of this, but from what I've read and from what I've heard, it only makes sense to me that women wouldn't do some of the stuff they do, if they didn't want sex.
If you want to be a wise 18-year-old, here's how you do it:

Focus heavily on learning from others, and rarely...... if ever, give advise for at least the next 7 years. Everything you said is covered in the bible or has been stated many times. If you post, you should be asking questions.


Slightly off-point, but a useful quote here:

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." Abraham Lincoln


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
Reaction score
wallycleaver said:
Every teen boy's dream is to find out that females want sex more than they do. Sorry, boys. Ain't the case. If so things would be like the gay world where you can bang a different guy for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The fact of the matter is that in America in 2008 you are all getting tramps. You think your future wife will be an American virgin? :crackup: Funniest thing is that most of you still struggle to get what some have already banged, speared, and puked on.

C'mon, go easy on this boy. He might be a Virgin By Choice :crackup: God, sometimes I crack myself up.
Girls who run around being promiscuous are labeled as *****s, slvts and tramps. So if theyre facing negative terms like that, why would they promote how sexual they are?