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  1. G

    Asked A Girl to Get IceCream, And She Comes Back With This...

    i know i got to make a move soon, your talking about a kiss when you say make a move right? ha just gotta make sure.. Should i ask her to a movie this weekend? or to hangout this weekend? and have things escalate then
  2. G

    Asked A Girl to Get IceCream, And She Comes Back With This...

    so this girl i have interest in talks about her roommates alot, she kept saying " i wonder if she roommates are home" anyways it makes it sound like she loves her roommates..... you get the picture we were studying today, we ended it and she went home to go eat dinner, i said she should come...
  3. G

    Working Your Way Into Dating Her

    ok so theres this girl i can potentially see a relationship with. Shes shy and quite but once you start talking to her she is fun talks alot. -i dont have a problem talking to her and am not intimidated by her -i know i need to use more kino and eye contact (but that shouldnt be a problem)...
  4. G

    She Didnt Answer My Phone Call, Now What?

    ha yeh that probley hella true, that they screen calls or choose to ignore them with no reason at all. Hopefully thats the case. I aint to worried cause its just 1 call and she missed out on a tight baseball game in sunny weather. your right too that i shouldnt blow it out of porportion when...
  5. G

    She Didnt Answer My Phone Call, Now What?

    ha yeh bro shes getting a better grade in the class then i am i think. I dont think she was "using" me for my brain or my notes.
  6. G

    She Didnt Answer My Phone Call, Now What?

    coo thanks homie, i know i might be acting paranoid and asking hella questions, but id say its better to figure it out here then go in blind and on the fly you know?
  7. G

    She Didnt Answer My Phone Call, Now What?

    haha well ill make sure not be be a chode, and your right patience is a virtue and is something i could use alittle more of. well ill be seeing her tomorrow in class at 9am. any advice on how to convey that non "chode'ness" -im guessing asking why she didnt call back would be a real b*tch...
  8. G

    She Didnt Answer My Phone Call, Now What?

    Mav thats hella true, the best things in life dont come fast they come slow and take time. if they came fast and easy then they wouldnt be anything special. I guess i should take my time and dont make to much of any 1 situation, cause honestly she probley isnt even giving it a 2nd thought.
  9. G

    What are you favorite date/things to do with a girl

    the weather is starting to get nice where im at, what are you guys favorite things to do/dates with a girl?
  10. G

    She Didnt Answer My Phone Call, Now What?

    The more i think about the situation the worse its gonna get, so i just need to take a chill and just let it be what it is. Would you guys say going about how i always am when i am around her is the best way to go, or have a chip on the shoulder and keep in mind she didnt return a call and not...
  11. G

    She Didnt Answer My Phone Call, Now What?

    i was at our school baseball game, it was a sunny day i called to see if she wanted to come watch the game on a sunny day, i wasnt looking to get any from her, just sayin
  12. G

    She Didnt Answer My Phone Call, Now What?

    alright i can see that it was definitly a bad idea to call on saturday. next is im not saying that she owes me anything or thought that she did. I guess i thought she was more interested then her actions lead me to believe. DonJuan11 or anyone else, what can i do to get her interest level up...
  13. G

    She Didnt Answer My Phone Call, Now What?

    alright coo, i sit next to her in my class and just dont want **** to get awkward. But i guess it doesnt really matter. so we got a test on thursday. should i ask her to study with me for it or forget it?
  14. G

    She Didnt Answer My Phone Call, Now What?

    So theres this girl in one of my classes, We have starting talking and getting to know eachother. this has all happend in a matter of a week -walking to our next classes together -Studied for a test together (went well not much study got done, more flirting and kino) -she texted me the other...
  15. G


    what do you guys think about texting? should full conversations be had threw text messages, or just short little texts? or maybe both? just curious to see what everything thinks about it. and its purpose
  16. G

    Getting more serious

    so theres this chicka who i have interest in. She is in one of my classes. I talk to her in class alittle but mainly focus on the lecture. I am interested in her so when i saw her outside of class one day i approached and got her number. -i called her a few days later to study for a test we...
  17. G

    Question About Dating and Hanging out

    awesome man, great advice, yeh i think texting is gonna be a good way to talk but keep it light and not to serious.(she texted me the other night after had hung out the night before, i had never texted her before that so she was the one who texted first) so that is a good thing im my mind (wants...
  18. G

    Question About Dating and Hanging out

    thanks man for the advice and your situation. The girl im talking about were just starting to talk and get to know eachother, but i can tell that were both interested in eachother, i just dont want to rush into things and have them not work out. but at the same time i dont want to waste to much...