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  1. G

    Question About Dating and Hanging out

    So when you are getting to know a girl and both have interest in each other -How often should you go on dates or hangout? -Is to often gonna be a killer, is not enough gonna hurt your chances with her? -Should you send little text messages here and there during the day to say hi? or should...
  2. G

    Help Holding On To Girls Interest In Me!

    sup playas, so the girl im talking about in this thread just texted me ( i had never texted her before ) so this came out of the blue -she said "good luck on your accounting tess tomorrow, im sure youll do fine :-) " this girl is hellza shy so i think its a good thing that she hit me up...
  3. G

    Help Holding On To Girls Interest In Me!

    Yah dog, that helped alot and really gave me a good rule to go by. -past couple days we have walked to our next classes together and talked and flirted. -today though after seeing her last night (we had a good time and vibed and kino'd), she just bolted and got up when class was done and...
  4. G

    Help Holding On To Girls Interest In Me!

    right on bro, so how would a playa go about asking this girl on a date or to hangout? you got any suggestions?
  5. G

    Help Holding On To Girls Interest In Me!

    Ok so start making moves and have fun with it, i can do that for sure. But at the same time keep my interest level in her under check and not get to caught up in it. just go with the flow and have a good time? Isnt me asking her out or to come over or go study with me, isnt that gonna tip...
  6. G

    Help Holding On To Girls Interest In Me!

    It seems like i can get girls to be interested in me and i build attraction when i hang out with them. -But it also seems like i chase to hard after we hangout once or twice. and loose the initial interest and excitement. theres this girl in a class of mine, i know that she has interest...
  7. G

    Pursuing This Girl In My Class

    thanks playa, yeh i did use kino, and made sure to use good eye contact. -should i call her and set something up? or should i wait till class and just play it cool? i know at some point i gotta be bold and make a move if i want this to go anywhere. help a homie out
  8. G

    Pursuing This Girl In My Class

    I sit next to this cutie in a class of mine, -we started off talking in class (small talk) -I saw her outside of class on a sunday, we talked and ended with me getting her number -We have walked to our next classes together getting to know eachother, talking and getting comfortable with...