Help Holding On To Girls Interest In Me!


Don Juan
Apr 24, 2008
Reaction score
It seems like i can get girls to be interested in me and i build attraction when i hang out with them.
-But it also seems like i chase to hard after we hangout once or twice. and loose the initial interest and excitement.

theres this girl in a class of mine, i know that she has interest and we have hung out before. i kino'd her and we had a good vibe between us. Any tips on how to not have this blow up in my face by trying to hard. How to keep it cool and make this one a catch


Master Don Juan
Mar 16, 2008
Reaction score
an island
gomariners51 said:
It seems like i can get girls to be interested in me and i build attraction when i hang out with them.
-But it also seems like i chase to hard after we hangout once or twice. and loose the initial interest and excitement.

theres this girl in a class of mine, i know that she has interest and we have hung out before. i kino'd her and we had a good vibe between us. Any tips on how to not have this blow up in my face by trying to hard. How to keep it cool and make this one a catch
You said it yourself you chased them too hard. The trick is not to chase them at all but to get them to chase you!

Getting Girls to Chase You

john paul

Senior Don Juan
Aug 19, 2007
Reaction score
Paradise City
are you making a move on them on at least the second date?

Girls assume you arent confident and dont know what your doing if your having a good time with her but never make a move.

The girls who are mildly attractted to you wont want to wait around so they just give you the boot.


Don Juan
Apr 24, 2008
Reaction score
Ok so start making moves and have fun with it, i can do that for sure.
But at the same time keep my interest level in her under check and not get to caught up in it. just go with the flow and have a good time?

Isnt me asking her out or to come over or go study with me, isnt that gonna tip her off that im interested and me chasing?


Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2008
Reaction score
What John Paul said is true.

According to the Magic Bullets theory, if you stay in the comfort phase too long, and never advance, you get friend zoned.

I have a friend who has this problem, and I have NEVER seen him with a chick at 35 years of age. Wait.. it gets worse... he hangs with a friend of mine, and they go to the bar fairly regularly, and this friend has a broad social circle too, so their always seem to be some new girls around. He isn't bad looking, he's tall, he has a decent job, decently dressed, and he is very friendly. He definitely talks to these girls, and they all seem to think he is a "nice guy" (and not in a good way)

His problem is his conversations are boring, and he doesn't flirt enough or give off signs of interest. Make sure you move things forward, so you don't end up like this guy-in the friends zone for 35 and counting.

Personally, I had a similar problem, but I think I was incongruent when it came to my DHV. In other words, I said too much-and some of actions were not in line with my statements and the persona I originally projected. This is a complicated area, but be careful of this initially too-I think I have be DQ'd a few times for being a little more open than I should have at that phase.


Don Juan
Apr 24, 2008
Reaction score
right on bro, so how would a playa go about asking this girl on a date or to hangout? you got any suggestions?


Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2008
Reaction score
Basically be c/f, keep throwing in some kino, and see how things go.

Sometimes when I am getting good vibes, but I am impatient or am not totally convinced of the signals, I will say: "Hey, do you want to kiss me?"

Now, I have always been a big of fan of just doing it and not talking about it.
But I got this out a of a book, and the few time I've used it, it works pretty well.

Make sure it's well timed and playful, but you'll basically get one of 3 responses.

1) Aversion of the eyes, and body language that she's uncomfortable. If it makes her really uncomfortable, she's not into you. Don't waste anymore time.
2) Slight embarassment, but in a good way, like she is intimated by you and a little thrown my your extreme confidence.
3) She will just lean in and kiss you.

If you're anywhere in the ball park, you will get #2 or #3. If you end up with #1 and you've developed enough rapport with her that she shouldn't be totally put off by it, she's just not into and probably never willl be, in which case you should probably move on.

john paul

Senior Don Juan
Aug 19, 2007
Reaction score
Paradise City
If i want 1 on 1 hang out with a girl then at school or whenever i see her i usually say wanna see a movie cuz im not doing anything on friday. but have a nice conversation going before you ask and just wait for a natural pause to pop the question.

Or if you think shes confortable enough with you invite her to your house if your parents wont be a problem. Getting her to your house to watch a movie is a thousand times better than the theatre. A couch is a blessing for kino. The only thing better than your couch is a bed. Which by the way will be about 10 yards away if you happen to need it. At the theatre you get an unconfortable seat with an armrest to divide you two and no privacy.

I know a movie date is kinda cheating but you still get experience from it and if your in high school i think its still a respectable date.

ps if she suggests bringing friends then your in trouble.
either A)she is intimidated enough by you and afraid to be alone with you so much that she needs her girlfriends along with her but she still likes you
the much more likely B) she dont like ya


Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2008
Reaction score
Isnt me asking her out or to come over or go study with me, isnt that gonna tip her off that im interested and me chasing?
Dunno if you edited this post after or I didn't see it the first time, but this is worth addressing.

As been discussed many times in these forums, most girls are not going to approach you or ask you out. They will throw off IOIs, etc, but you will likely be the one to have to ask her to do something. Showing no interest will get you no where.

Asking her to study, on a date, etc, at the appropriate time, is NOT chasing.

I think I have an accurate definition of chasing for you that may help you in the future. Showing interest becomes "chasing" when you are no longer in control of the frame. No need to break this down analytically, you'll feel it.. every guy has felt it. When you feel like you're always the one initiating, when you feel like you need her more than she needs you yet still pursue, when you leave multiple phone messages, emails or texts to her - that she returns sporadically. Then you're chasing.

The major reason you shouldn't chase (vs. showing interest), is because true chasing becomes a DLV (demonstration of lower value) to the woman. Just like most guys will "feel" when they're doing the chasing, she will "feel" that you're chasing her-and probably on a subconscious level, she becomes less attracted to you. You're too available, you're not challenging or interesting, or you are nothing special.

What said above is pretty much fact. What I am about say next is a combination of my own personal opinions and some of the facts above.

At some level, ALL girls like to be chased a little because it supplicates their egos. The thing YOU need to remember is it doesnt usually translate into attraction, even if they make like it a little.

Now, we'll make the odd exception for the girl who has really low self esteem, and really has to know a guy is crazy about her before she will reciprocate interest. Without getting into psycho analysis, I will just say this is the exception rather than the rule, and not something you should focus on.

Regardless of what they tell you, too much chasing will usually result in a DLV, and result in her having less attraction for you. In my estimation, it is better to error on the side of caution and not to chase, because it results in a lot more work, has a low percentage of success, and usually means the girl just has a low IL. That IL can ocassionally be turned around, but chasing will usually just make it lower.

Hope that helps.


Don Juan
Apr 24, 2008
Reaction score
Yah dog,
that helped alot and really gave me a good rule to go by.
-past couple days we have walked to our next classes together and talked and flirted.
-today though after seeing her last night (we had a good time and vibed and kino'd), she just bolted and got up when class was done and didnt even bother to wait to walk with me, (could she possibly been testing me to see if i would chase her?)

i dunno if its dudes who over think things that are confusing, or if its the shorty's who we like that are confusing haha. whatever though u guys have given me good advice


Don Juan
Apr 24, 2008
Reaction score
sup playas, so the girl im talking about in this thread just texted me ( i had never texted her before ) so this came out of the blue
-she said "good luck on your accounting tess tomorrow, im sure youll do fine :) "

this girl is hellza shy so i think its a good thing that she hit me up first with a text.
would you guys say im on the right track with this shorty?


Master Don Juan
Mar 16, 2008
Reaction score
an island
gomariners51 said:
sup playas, so the girl im talking about in this thread just texted me ( i had never texted her before ) so this came out of the blue
-she said "good luck on your accounting tess tomorrow, im sure youll do fine :) "

this girl is hellza shy so i think its a good thing that she hit me up first with a text.
would you guys say im on the right track with this shorty?
Yes it's a good sign that she texted you.