Asked A Girl to Get IceCream, And She Comes Back With This...


Don Juan
Apr 24, 2008
Reaction score
so this girl i have interest in talks about her roommates alot, she kept saying " i wonder if she roommates are home" anyways it makes it sound like she loves her roommates..... you get the picture

we were studying today, we ended it and she went home to go eat dinner, i said she should come with me to go get ice cream, she thought about it, but said no, (im thinking its cause she has been excersising and didnt want to have ice cream before dinner)

we walked to our cars which were parked by eachother and she said "lets go next tuesday for $1 scoops, ill bring my roommates, and you can meet them" then she said "i would go but i have to study more after i eat (she has a test tomorrow and another on thursday). so you think i got played and she didnt have interest in going, or she was sincere about it and wants me to meet her roommates and have them meet me to see if i "qualify" and if they "approve of me"
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Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
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gomariners51 said:
we were studying today, we ended it and she went home to go eat dinner, i said she should come with me to go get ice cream, she thought about it, but said no, (im thinking its cause she has been excersising and didnt want to have ice cream before dinner)

we walked to our cars which were parked by eachother and she said "lets go next tuesday for $1 scoops, ill bring my roommates, and you can meet them" then she said "i would go but i have to study more after i eat (she has a test tomorrow and another on thursday). so you think i got played and she didnt have interest in going
It's good she countered, but not good she's bringing the roomates. You want to be alone with her for at least 7-8 dates before she brings her roomates along. And dude, make a move soon or you'll be mayor the friend zone.


Don Juan
Apr 24, 2008
Reaction score
i know i got to make a move soon, your talking about a kiss when you say make a move right? ha just gotta make sure..
Should i ask her to a movie this weekend? or to hangout this weekend? and have things escalate then


Master Don Juan
Aug 9, 2004
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Don't worry too much about it. This could be a subtle flake - she might feel bad about outright "rejecting" you, so this is a way to keep her safe - but she might want her friends to see what kind of guy you are.

It isn't that big of a deal. I've been flaked on so many times in my life that it doesn't even bother me anymore. If it's obvious to you that she's flaking on you (she might not be) then it's time to move onto someone else.


Master Don Juan
Aug 9, 2004
Reaction score
gomariners51 said:
i know i got to make a move soon, your talking about a kiss when you say make a move right? ha just gotta make sure..
Should i ask her to a movie this weekend? or to hangout this weekend? and have things escalate then
You DO have to make a move soon. You don't necessarily HAVE to kiss her, but you should at least get her to go out (alone) with you and have some fun. Take her out to lunch, take her on a bike ride, ice cream is a good idea, take her bowling, shoot some pool, etc. I don't really like movies on a first date, especially on the weekend. Gauge the situation, but if you're getting a lot of green lights from her, definitely go in for the kiss. If she turns you down, at least you know where you stand. ;)


Don Juan
Apr 24, 2008
Reaction score
would asking her out to lunch on saturday be coo? i would have her come over and kick it on frida ( we ussually have people over and drink ) but i would rather hang out with her without alcohol. what do you think?


Master Don Juan
Aug 9, 2004
Reaction score
I don't see anything wrong with asking her to lunch on Saturday. Then maybe go do something fun after that. I like lunch for a first date because going out to dinner is more of a formal, "I have a certain way I need to act" kind of date. Try it out.


Don Juan
Apr 24, 2008
Reaction score
yeh i know what you mean, i think thats what im gonna do, should i set it up in advance, or on the fly on saturday? im thinking just call her up saturday and ask. but id like to get your opinion


Senior Don Juan
Feb 18, 2007
Reaction score
women bringing along room mates = your friendzoned buddy. She doesnt want to spend time with you on her own on a 'date'


Master Don Juan
Jul 25, 2002
Reaction score
Yeah, bringing the roommates is usually not a good sign. UNLESS they are those momma bear protectors or mother hens where they want to get a taste of you before you date their friend. Who knows.

As far as the lunch date, I wouldn't personally do it on the fly. Then there are more excuses, and at the same time, she may MAKE plans. Then she would have already had plans to study, go out with roommates, etc etc. Give her some time. That way you make it to where you KNOW she has time to clean her schedule for that time as long as she doesn't work.

Sometimes, things are excuses, and sometimes things aren't. Certain people work week-ends if they have school all week, some dont. I never work Sat or Sun period. I know girls that do though.

AND DONT SAY ARE YOU BUSY SAT FOR LUNCH? This will set you up for an excuse even if she isn't. Oh yeah, I am...sorry.

Someone said in another post about how they asked a girl to go out, and she said she was busy. At the same time too, he didnt really specify the time. HE KNEW she was a flake.

So if you give a window of time, as in say lunch can be from 11:30 for some up to 2pm or so, and she doesn't work, she should have time to EAT.

So then if she says i'm busy for lunch, you can think... Stupid girl, I didnt even give you a time.

Then if she asks if she can bring the roomies, you are going to have to battle that, and have an answer for that.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2008
Reaction score
women bringing along room mates = your friendzoned buddy. She doesnt want to spend time with you on her own on a 'date'
Meh, not necessarily. Woman often want the opinions of their girl friends and can't make a decision to save their ass. I had one girl who paraded me around in front of her friends constantly, and we were definitely dating-so it isn't always a bad thing.

What I am more concerned about her is that there is no mention of any type of rapport, kino, or IOIs from her, aside from this situation your asking us about. That is, if you aren't getting any signs of interest besides her coming over to study-then that would decide the context for me-that few IOIs + her bringing her friends would NOT be a good thing.


Don Juan
Apr 24, 2008
Reaction score
yo thanks for your guys feedback and advice, MotownMack there is kino by both of us and IOI, there is a connection between us. I just need to make sure that it turns into something more before i get friendzoned. As for her friends i think you got it right, that she wants to make sure her friends approve of me and like me before anything serious happens becuase she loves them so much and wants them to like whoever she is with.
As for going on a date together, i was planning on asking her out to lunch one of these days (thursday,friday or saturday) is any one day better then the other, and i should definitly call and not text when asking right? or if you guys have any better ideas for something we can do together that would be coo, i live in a small college town by the way