Question About Dating and Hanging out


Don Juan
Apr 24, 2008
Reaction score
So when you are getting to know a girl and both have interest in each other

-How often should you go on dates or hangout?
-Is to often gonna be a killer, is not enough gonna hurt your chances with her?
-Should you send little text messages here and there during the day to say hi? or should you leave yourself a mystery and not hit them up?

thanks playas


Master Don Juan
May 28, 2007
Reaction score
Yeah you just got to go with what you feel man. I got this thing going right now with this girl where we pretty much were in ****ty situations and we've talked about our problems and have both mentioned that we would be better off together but right now it can't happen. We hang out once a week and just bull**** a little bit online each day. Honestly, if it doesnt ever happen no skin off my back because she's still as cool as hell. I normally wouldn't do that much but this time it feels different because we're in no rush but we both know its coming. So just go with the flow man.


Don Juan
Apr 24, 2008
Reaction score
thanks man for the advice and your situation. The girl im talking about were just starting to talk and get to know eachother, but i can tell that were both interested in eachother, i just dont want to rush into things and have them not work out. but at the same time i dont want to waste to much time and let the opprotunity get away. you know what im sayin?

The Deacon

Senior Don Juan
Dec 26, 2007
Reaction score
gomariners51 said:
thanks man for the advice and your situation. The girl im talking about were just starting to talk and get to know eachother, but i can tell that were both interested in eachother, i just dont want to rush into things and have them not work out. but at the same time i dont want to waste to much time and let the opprotunity get away. you know what im sayin?
This is a tough question. The answer really comes when you're socially calibrated. When you date enough girls you realize that you don't need to call them everyday and hang out all the time to pull them. You still need to maintain the contact though. Texting is a great way to keep a light flirty dialogue throughout the day without being on the phone for the entire day (and risk having those petty awkward silences).

As a rule of thumb, hang out with her at least once a week. To avoid going into the friendzone, keep flirting without an expectation of outcome.


Don Juan
Apr 24, 2008
Reaction score
awesome man, great advice, yeh i think texting is gonna be a good way to talk but keep it light and not to serious.(she texted me the other night after had hung out the night before, i had never texted her before that so she was the one who texted first) so that is a good thing im my mind (wants to talk to me and was thinking about me)
and as for hanging out atleast 1 time a week, i can do that and see how it goes from there.
-i just dont want to get to attached and chase her away you know

what do you think?