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    A strange occurrence

    My girlfriend and I were in bed last night. A while back while we were in 69, I stuck my finger in her azz and she had a tremendous orgasm so it's become routine that I do this. Well, last night when I slid my finger in, I felt something that I wasn't expecting. That's right, it felt like she...
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    Sometimes mobile phones will fail to display your missed call if she happens to be in a bad reception area. Also some women will not respond to missed calls if they don't recognize the number and there is no message. Maybe she would see the missed call and intend to call back but got busy with...
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    After my divorce when I re-entered the dating world, the first thing I noticed was that most women now have wireless phones and the number they usually gave me was their cell. I didn't think much about it initially but soon realized when I got a lot of no-answers that things had changed from...
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    Asking for BJ

    If she really likes you and you push her buttons right, you won't have to ask. However there are some women who don't do BJ's regardless. If she hasn't gone down on you fairly soon in your relationship, she probably never will, and she needs to be culled.
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    How important are Friends for a Don Juan?

    Having friends is important for a variety of reasons. They enable you to expand your horizons as you become acquainted with more people and there are some things that are "male bonding" experiences that you wouldn't really want to do with a woman. Also, if you are in a relationship that ends...
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    Truth is Stranger Than Fiction

    Based on my experiences, I have to disagree. There are some women who just plain HAVE issues. They were headcases at 18 and they will be headcases at 80. Some women in there 20's develop issues later on due to what they perceive as the raw deal that life has dealt them. Others work out their...
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    Truth is Stranger Than Fiction

    The "wisdom" of involving myself with a 42 y.o. woman stems from the fact that I learned to stop qualifying women based on their age and began to focus on their character instead. For years, I was enamored with younger women because their bodies were pristine and few of them have the ability to...
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    Truth is Stranger Than Fiction

    As expected, lots of interesting feedback. I agree that if the position were reversed and some guy pulled that with my gf, I would have clocked him and been mad as hell at her but once the dust settled, I wouldn't abandon the relationship. However, I have been around enough to know that sh!t...
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    Truth is Stranger Than Fiction

    I swear I am not making this up. Last weekend, my girlfriend of 4 months and I went to a club together for the first time. Upon arriving, my girl began chatting with a friend of hers while I was visiting with a buddy of mine. This girl walks up, puts herself in between my buddy and me, and...
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    Older women

    Interesting analysis, Latinoman. You raise some questions that I will have to take into account if the relationship with this girl continues to progress. There are other opinions you have expressed I that I don't agree with but they could turn out to be right on the money as well. I will...
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    Older women

    Having children with this woman is out of the question because she cannot have them. The topic came up about her having been proposed to by several men when we were discussing past relationships. I asked why a certain couple of her's ended because it seemed like, from her description of the...
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    Older women

    It was never my intention to "entertain" an older woman. On the contrary, I have always went for the younger ones and several of my buddies are amused that I am now with an older babe after, as they so eloquently put it, hustling so much young pvssy over the years. Since my divorce became...
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    Older women

    I recently became involved with a woman who is 42, while I am 38. Although I have dated and/or slept with a few older women over the years, it never progressed very far so this is the first relationship I have had with someone older than me. We were introduced by mutual friends, I called and...
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    Fishing for compliments

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    Fishing for compliments

    good point.......
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    Fishing for compliments

    I have been dating this girl for the last four months. She is 34, attractive and fun with a good career. She also has this unnerving habit of fishing for compliments. If I haven't seen her for a couple of days, she will say something like "tell me you missed me" or "tell me you have been...
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    Seen it all to often

    Let me clarify a point I made earlier concerning assets already acquired but not paid for before marriage. Suppose you invested in a home or some other high-value item that cost $200,000 dollars while you were single. You get married while owing a balance of $160,000 and ten years later the...
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    Seen it all to often

    A word to the wise from one who has been there and done that: take any measures available to protect your assets because that wonderful girl who rocks your world today may morph into the b!tch from hell who takes everything but the sack your balls came in a few years down the road. I started...