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  1. O

    Women Who Move Too Fast

    My hunting trip came up again in conversation the other night and now she says it wasn't the fact that I went hunting that upset her but that I didn't TELL her in advance that I had plans for later in the week. Then she asked how I felt about her and I replied honestly "I enjoy spending time...
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    Women Who Move Too Fast

    I have been seeing this girl for about a month and a half now. She is 34, attractive, good personality, good career.....pretty much the whole nine yards. The only problem is she is beginning to get a little too clingy. In retrospect, I should have seen it coming when she told me on the first...
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    Spreading It Around

    I have two children of my own so I can't really discriminate against a woman for having kids although I do stay away from those with three or more. I have no desire to live like the Brady Bunch. As far as the roll in the hay goes, I have had plenty of them in the past, and while I enjoyed each...
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    Spreading It Around

    I went out with this really cool girl a couple of weeks ago and have seen her several times since. She has been holding out on sex until we are better acquainted. Based on how our make out sessions are going, I think her resolve is weakening by the day. She has been up front since the second...
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    What's the best way to handle the fall out?

    It did occur to me that she may have had second thoughts about dating someone whose kid was in her group. This could be compounded by the fact my ex-wife is frequently at the meetings, although she is remarried and she and I have very little to do with one another.
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    What's the best way to handle the fall out?

    I met a girl in her mid-30's a couple weeks ago. She is one of the adult leaders in a school organization that my son belongs to that meets weekly. The first couple of times I was around her she was quite friendly, bordering on flirtatious. I was considering asking her out, the only...