Spreading It Around

Old Buck

Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
Reaction score
I went out with this really cool girl a couple of weeks ago and have seen her several times since. She has been holding out on sex until we are better acquainted. Based on how our make out sessions are going, I think her resolve is weakening by the day. She has been up front since the second date that she will only date one person at a time and expects the same from the guys she goes out with. Because she has a child, she said, she is wary of "players" which is what she considers men who keep their options open. She doesn't seem to have any psychotic tendencies nor does she seem to be insecure. She is attractive, educated, and makes good money. However, having only seen her a few times, its impossible to know these things for sure. I have also went out with another girl recently who I would like to see again. There is yet another girl who I have talked to a few times and am supposed to go out with this weekend. All three of these women are potential relationship material, not just a roll in the hay. I would like to see all of them for the time being, see which one I am most compatible with, and pursue it further. However, what is the best course of action to take with the one who has insisted on us exclusively dating one another after only a few dates? Should I just give her lip service, bang her ASAP, and hope for the best? Or should I tell her point blank, before we sleep together, that until we know each other better that I won't guarantee that I won't date other people?


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2005
Reaction score
Yes honesty is the best policy. You should let the other 2 go just so you can have this 1, who you haven't even tried out. She might be a dud. Let me ask, what would you do if all 3 laid down the same rule for you. Then you wouldn't know what to do would you.

I don't think you should be so dismissive of a roll in the hay. Many relationships consist only of talk, rolls in the hay and more talk. A bit like saying this is a balanced meal, not just protein.

Well if you want to be so ethical about it, try out the other 2 first.

Men who keep their options open are players eh? Just sensible in my view. I like children, but a woman with children has a burden to carry. Children cost money. All things being equal, avoid women with children. Unless you've raised somebody elses children heed this advice.

Old Buck

Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
Reaction score
I have two children of my own so I can't really discriminate against a woman for having kids although I do stay away from those with three or more. I have no desire to live like the Brady Bunch. As far as the roll in the hay goes, I have had plenty of them in the past, and while I enjoyed each one, I am ready for something with a little more substance. As great as this girl seems, I am having a hard time not seeing a red flag with her condition that I not see anyone else coming so soon. Her reasoning makes some sense because I place my children first and don't parade a lot of different women in front of them. It just seems like she may have control issues if she is already laying down demands so soon. I have made it clear to her that I make the rules and she is okay with that except for the part about me seeing other women while I see her.