How important are Friends for a Don Juan?


Senior Don Juan
Oct 25, 2006
Reaction score
Treat friends like you would anyone, any crap and the go in the bin.Do not rely to much on your friends, when you really need them they will not be next to you. In friendship as in love, go for quality not quantity.


Don Juan
Jul 9, 2005
Reaction score
How improtant are friends? lol

There are friends who have a purpose in my life, some are tools and others who will progress my life. A few are my mentors.

In a way in this forum we are friends who help each other.

Friends is how you grow. So ask yourself again "how improtant are friends"


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox
I basically trashed all my friends and currently am "Friendless". My friends were worthless and more harm than good to have around. I didn't realize it until I found this site.

Goddamn jealouos soul sucking leeches, joy robbers, back-stabbers... the whole lot. So fuxx 'em... they're gone.

Friends are very much "DJ'd". A friendship is a relationship. Guys can be b!tches too. The saying goes: "You are better off happy and alone than miserable with somebody". Keep that in mind. Really and truly consider the character of your friends before they become "friends". A quality friend is a quality friend for a reason: they are hard to come by, and worth a little work to keep around.

Jack Black said once...
Friendship is rare.

He went on to add:
Oh, look! There's a fair! Could you hand me that shotgun, buddy; also, that chair?

To which he added:'re fighting a bear. Now, you're life's in great danger and you don't even care?

(he also said it was rare to be Tenacious D)


Master Don Juan
May 29, 2006
Reaction score
It's easier to make a relationship with a woman, but it's harder to make a good friendship with another man


Don Juan
Aug 15, 2005
Reaction score
Life can be funny.

When I was 19, I had a good company of ca. 10 friends I got to know during the school years. They were good friends, I had always something to do. Lots of acquintances too, we were invited to multiple places, got to know people through them,...

Don't know why, but one day I started to dislike that life. I wanted something else.

I started lifting weights about that same age. In the fitness club I came in contact with different people: older than me, stories about women, clubs, drugs, bad reputation,...

I was young, naive & clueless. I wanted to be part of it. So I started going out with them during several years. Went to clubs, had much fun, forgot about my old friends.

From time to time I still came across one of my old friends, but they looked differenlty at me, like if I had become a gangster. They told me I had changed. Eventually I lost contact with them.

I'll be 26 in january. I'm done with all those retarded club situations & drug taking people. I had lots of fun, but I have goals. Most of those “friends” I know have zero goals, nothing constructively to do. So now when they ask me to do something, I often have to tell them I can't because I have business to do. They tell me I have changed.

Now I have one close friend. I got to know him 7 years ago, used to go clubbing with him. He has goals, I help him with his business, he helps me with mine. I changed, he changed with me. He's not AFC, he's “enligthened”.

Except for him, my best friends are my collegues at work. I have a responsible job with good carreer oppurtunities and the best collegues I could wish for. It remembers me the good times I had at school, we have lots of fun. All of them are very goal-oriented: have a side business starting/running for example, some of them have been/are/will be my business partners in the future. But we do not see each others that much outside of out work for practical reasons.


Having friends is IMO important because:
*Social life is entertainment outside the work/business/weightlifting hours.
*You get to know people through them
*You gather ideas/point of views that can help you in your own life.
*You have something to do: you get invited, you go to places, ...
*As most women have lots of friends, it's good as a counterbalance for her friends.

And this is my point. I know you need it, I know how to make friends with people, but who qualifies to be a friend?

There are more AFCs & clueless people walking on earth than Dj's & goal-oriented pepole. It's the same as finding a quality woman. They exist, but you need the eye of the tiger.

So maybe it's best to have no expectations, no judgement, no standards to set, just take them for what they are: people.

The only rule: respect. They respect you, they can be friends. No respect: out after 2 warnings.



Master Don Juan
May 13, 2005
Reaction score
Midwest America
A post I made in another thread about friends.

Getting rid of the sh!tty people in my life, or at least minimizing my contact with them, has probably been the smartest thing I've ever done. Most of the people I associate with now are through my career, and most of them are older and married with kids. For the most part, I've eliminated all my party friends because they radiate loser qualities. My weekends now are spent working on my business and not on my hangover. When my financial foundation is taken care of, I'll relax and go back to socializing more often, but it will be completely different, as it won't be to escape the fact that I don't have any sort of real life ambitions. That's what most people do. Life is so much more fun when you're out celebrating success with successful people vs. escaping reality with envious burnouts.

Old Buck

Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
Reaction score
Having friends is important for a variety of reasons. They enable you to expand your horizons as you become acquainted with more people and there are some things that are "male bonding" experiences that you wouldn't really want to do with a woman. Also, if you are in a relationship that ends badly, as we all have been at one time or another, it is good to have friends to help you get through it. While it is good to sometimes be alone, I can't imagine going through life without friends. Of course, as you get older, your friends change. I am still pals with a couple of guys I went to high school with and one guy who I went to college with. There are several who I was once close to who have moved away from the area and then there are those who became involved in drugs and just kind of fell by the wayside. The bottom line is the more people you know the better off you will be in both your personal and professional lives.