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  1. V

    So how did you guys lose the v-card?

    Lost it at 17 to a drunk slut at a party.
  2. V

    Banging a girl on the rebound?

    Yeah, didn't think meeting up with the other 2 girls would be a good idea. I invited her out tmrw night instead. She's chilling at her friends tmrw but will call me when she's done.
  3. V

    Girl freaks out on me

    I like the girl but she needs a lot of growing up and to be honest I don't want to involve myself with such a person other than a casual relationship. So I'm gonna give my attention to other girls, which at this time is a rebound girl I know and this girl I met last weekend (ironically right...
  4. V

    Banging a girl on the rebound?

    Today I run into this girl I know that works at my weekend job. We don't work together however and it's been almost 2 months since the last time I've seen her. In the past she's been kind of flirty with me, but she had a bf who I knew so I never took it past a little flirting and teasing her...
  5. V

    Girl freaks out on me

    Well first things first guys. I've already banged her several times. We've been chilling for a month and have hung out at least once a week. Ok, with that out of the way, I don't think I'm gonna sleep with her again. She contacted me today to apologize for her behavior. She didn't know...
  6. V

    Ask A Guy Who Just Got A Handjob Under a Blanket in Public Anything

    hopefully not, it was just a handjob
  7. V

    Girl freaks out on me

    So I'm chilling with this girl last night. We're just drinking, watching a movie and she starts this conversation Her: I really like you. I'm shy so it's hard to admit. I'm not used to nice guys. But I really like it. Me: (laugh, kiss her, proceed to make out) Her: Do you think you...
  8. V

    Banged a ex stripper !

    I was loosely dating a stripper lately too. She's cool and all but it ended yesterday when she freaked because she thought I didn't want to date her (I'm assuming she means a relationship), that I only wanted to **** her.
  9. V

    Number closing a girl who's cell phone isn't working

    Well number isn't a fake (I tried it and got her voice mail immediately). I'll try her in a week and see what's what.
  10. V

    Number closing a girl who's cell phone isn't working

    I'll still try her. The worst that could happen is she'll say no/wont answer/if turns out to be a fake. I'll try and get her out either back to a club and pull to her place from there (found out she lived minutes from the club area) or I'll get her out on a day2 in the middle of the city and try...
  11. V

    Should I add a cute girl on facebook in order to game her?

    So I was feeling pretty ballsy tonight after number closing a girl at a club. So I send a msg to this chick and I'm like "So not beating around the bush anymore. I think your cute, I think we should grab a drink sometime. So send me your number and we'll figure this out." Mistake? Maybe. Do...
  12. V

    Number closing a girl who's cell phone isn't working

    Yeah, I was taking her initial "I don't have a cell phone" as a ****ed up excuse rejection. But she quickly corrected saying that her cell was stolen. I'm not sure if it's still a rejection, I've become skeptical to what girls say these days (I've been fed so much bs from girls it's not funny).
  13. V

    Number closing a girl who's cell phone isn't working

    So tonight I had a couple of short interactions with a girl. She approached me while the club was pretty slow. I ended up leaving early but before I took off I saw her chilling with some dude obviously accepting free booze. I wave her over, she comes compliantly. I say I need to take off, but I...
  14. V

    Should I add a cute girl on facebook in order to game her?

    Yeah, that's a possibility. Though now that I think about it I'm wondering if there's a way to manipulate her friend into bringing her around so I can have a crack at her face to face. That may be a better situation. Maybe I'll just invite her friend out on the town and tell her to bring her...
  15. V

    Should I add a cute girl on facebook in order to game her?

    So you'd just message her and be like "hey, you should give me your number" without any fluff talk at all?
  16. V

    Should I add a cute girl on facebook in order to game her?

    I've met this girl a couple times through some old co-workers. Don't work with those girls anymore, so the chance of runnning into her is low. One of her friend's posted a picture on facebook of a group of them (2 girls I know and the girl I'm talking about). I was bored so I write "Kool pic...
  17. V

    Girl calls me late on valentine's day with drunken rant

    no one. She was with a girl she works with who I've met (I could hear her talking to her in the background). She wasn't supposed to be done work til after midnight.
  18. V

    Girl calls me late on valentine's day with drunken rant

    I've been chilling with this 18 y/o for the past few weeks. We've had sex a few times during that period as well. Anyway, last week we were chilling at my place and she starts asking me what I'm doing on valentine's day. Had a late midterm that day so just told her that. No follow up...
  19. V

    Good valentines gift?

    **** in a box