Girl calls me late on valentine's day with drunken rant


Don Juan
Jan 22, 2011
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I've been chilling with this 18 y/o for the past few weeks. We've had sex a few times during that period as well.

Anyway, last week we were chilling at my place and she starts asking me what I'm doing on valentine's day. Had a late midterm that day so just told her that. No follow up questions.

On Sun she calls me and says that although she's working on Mon she thought maybe she'd come over to my place after work (probably after midnight, she works late). I'm cool with that and told her to come over.

So Mon night rolls around and I haven't heard from her. I'm about to hit the sack so I send her a text asking if she's coming over because if she was planning on it I'll leave the door unlocked. No response so I just go to sleep.

2:30 AM, my phone rings. I answer it and it's that girl and she's DRUNK. She starts randomly saying stuff like "I want a relationship. But I don't think I can trust any guys. I like you but I don't think I can trust you". She continues telling me stories of guys she knows that are dating a girl that seemingly trusts them, and the guy sleeps with other girls behind her back. More ranting about she thinks I'm the only guy she can trust, yet she's not sure she trusts me. She says she wanted/should have spent the day with me. Finally she asks me what I want from her (she knows I like her).

She says she has to go at this point and I haven't really heard from her since.

Umm, what the f*ck?!?!?! Girls be crazy.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
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Missing all night? 2:30 in the morning? Drunk? Wants to talk about trust?

Who'd she fvck?


Don Juan
Jan 22, 2011
Reaction score
Warrior74 said:
Missing all night? 2:30 in the morning? Drunk? Wants to talk about trust?

Who'd she fvck?
no one. She was with a girl she works with who I've met (I could hear her talking to her in the background). She wasn't supposed to be done work til after midnight.


Master Don Juan
May 27, 2007
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VastanVer2.0 said:
I've been chilling with this 18 y/o for the past few weeks. We've had sex a few times during that period as well.
Good, that makes this easy.

VastanVer2.0 said:
Anyway, last week we were chilling at my place and she starts asking me what I'm doing on valentine's day. Had a late midterm that day so just told her that. No follow up questions.
She's checking for competition and inviting you to invite her over. When i think a woman is asking for those reasons, i'll say something like, "fvcking someone. you maybe...." blah blah...

VastanVer2.0 said:
On Sun she calls me and says that although she's working on Mon she thought maybe she'd come over to my place after work (probably after midnight, she works late). I'm cool with that and told her to come over.
You're not being very challenging, and you're not leading either. In the future - when dealing with women - try to lead them. YOU call her and say, "hey, come over my house after work on vday so i can pea in your mouth." And let the laughter start to sting...


You can accept her self-invitation IF you put her to do something for you. "Yeah you can come over if you...." it can be buy you something, or it can be do something perverted....

VastanVer2.0 said:
So Mon night rolls around and I haven't heard from her. I'm about to hit the sack so I send her a text asking if she's coming over because if she was planning on it I'll leave the door unlocked. No response so I just go to sleep.
Text wouldn't have been neccesary if you had led her better. "Be over my house at XX:XXpm/am.... If you can't make it by then - we'll just hang out some other time." This should be said WAYYYY before you're about to go to bed because she hasn't showed up yet.... then, if she doesn't show up by then - go to bed... No text, no call, no sweat...

VastanVer2.0 said:
2:30 AM, my phone rings. I answer it and it's that girl and she's DRUNK. She starts randomly saying stuff like "I want a relationship. But I don't think I can trust any guys. I like you but I don't think I can trust you". She continues telling me stories of guys she knows that are dating a girl that seemingly trusts them, and the guy sleeps with other girls behind her back. More ranting about she thinks I'm the only guy she can trust, yet she's not sure she trusts me. She says she wanted/should have spent the day with me. Finally she asks me what I want from her (she knows I like her).
Power play. Manipulation. A million guys go through this every night in this world. Women they've been fvcking (or not) begins to act "strange" - when pressed (or in your case drunk.) - she pops out with the "im so confused" bit.

It's just nonsense.

The story about her "friend" and all the "i don't know if i can trust you" bs, is an indication that this woman has been treated badly before. And will at some point - expect that in your relationship with her.

If she does not get it - she will then begin to own the relationship and/or get bored and blow up to create excitement. If you think this whole episode was confusing - stick around.... for the finale...


Don Juan
Jan 22, 2011
Reaction score
bukowski_merit said:
Good, that makes this easy.

She's checking for competition and inviting you to invite her over. When i think a woman is asking for those reasons, i'll say something like, "fvcking someone. you maybe...." blah blah...

You're not being very challenging, and you're not leading either. In the future - when dealing with women - try to lead them. YOU call her and say, "hey, come over my house after work on vday so i can pea in your mouth." And let the laughter start to sting...


You can accept her self-invitation IF you put her to do something for you. "Yeah you can come over if you...." it can be buy you something, or it can be do something perverted....

Text wouldn't have been neccesary if you had led her better. "Be over my house at XX:XXpm/am.... If you can't make it by then - we'll just hang out some other time." This should be said WAYYYY before you're about to go to bed because she hasn't showed up yet.... then, if she doesn't show up by then - go to bed... No text, no call, no sweat...

Power play. Manipulation. A million guys go through this every night in this world. Women they've been fvcking (or not) begins to act "strange" - when pressed (or in your case drunk.) - she pops out with the "im so confused" bit.

It's just nonsense.

The story about her "friend" and all the "i don't know if i can trust you" bs, is an indication that this woman has been treated badly before. And will at some point - expect that in your relationship with her.

If she does not get it - she will then begin to own the relationship and/or get bored and blow up to create excitement. If you think this whole episode was confusing - stick around.... for the finale...
and what do you recommend?


Master Don Juan
May 27, 2007
Reaction score
VastanVer2.0 said:
and what do you recommend?
well, i said what i would have done differently in each setting.... so, im assuming you mean overall?

lead better (start by making offers for her to come hang out with you; and see where that goes.)
play with her more (be a challenge; don't answer questions directly, etc)
put her to do things for you...
live, experience, learn...


Don Juan
Jan 15, 2013
Reaction score
VastanVer2.0 said:
Missing all night? 2:30 in the morning? Drunk? Wants to talk about trust?

Who'd she fvck?

no one. She was with a girl she works with who I've met (I could hear her talking to her in the background). She wasn't supposed to be done work til after midnight.
Stop believing everything women tell you. You didn't hear from her all day, and she calls you at 2 in the morning drunk. Do you honestly think she was drinking with her friend ALL day on valentines, when she could have been with you instead (and TOLD you she would)? When women do something very slutty (like f a random dude on valentines day, for one), they go out of their way to prude themselves up, like tell you out of the blue that she needs a relationship and she can't have sex with you anymore. That's all there is to it - her friend and another dude got in her ear, and it forced her to make you sh!t or get off the pot (in her mind). Her little fragile ego could only take so much


Senior Don Juan
Nov 3, 2012
Reaction score
Uhh, check the date here?

I was a bit confused as v-day is another 4 days away.