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  1. V

    Getting pissed at a girl for LJBFing me

    You mean the one post? The one I already commented on.
  2. V

    Getting pissed at a girl for LJBFing me

    Well I decided to maybe be friends with her. However it will be on my conditions, and it won't be til I meet a new girl that interested in me. Like they say, the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else.
  3. V

    Getting pissed at a girl for LJBFing me

    Yeah thought it was ridiculous too. I don't find her calling me a nice guy to be the most disrespectful thing, her calling some guy to come pick her up was (she probably ****ed him too).
  4. V

    Getting pissed at a girl for LJBFing me

    I've ****ed this girl a few times. Both times she was drunk, the first time was the night we met. We've hung out since then, kissed, etc. We had sex again 2-3 weeks after that, she was drunk/high again. Other than that she's been acting like she didn't like me (she'd sometimes talk about other...
  5. V

    My new Plenty of Fish message!

    Tried your "you're going to blow it toots" message. Just got a "Ahhh my bad!". No number, oh well.
  6. V

    Naughty Ninja's POF Profile!

    where's all your beach pics?
  7. V

    My new Plenty of Fish message!

    Got another bite with the message. She responded 24 hours after she viewed it. We've sent a couple of messages back and forth, with my last message being "So if I go to your house my profile better be on your fridge!! lol". Not sure how to respond to that other than something like "whoo, hold...
  8. V

    Women just aren't interested in me

    I've always been bad with women. I've never really had a normal dating life, other than the 1 girlfriend I've had. I've gone on dates, but they usually last 1 or 2 dates, and sex never happens. I'm told that I'm good looking and should have a girlfriend too. I started studying this stuff 2 years...
  9. V

    My new Plenty of Fish message!

    I don't usually use sites because it's a waste of time usually. Have a better chance at getting a number if I just ask random girls on the street. It seems online as soon as you go for the number or try for a meet up they disappear.
  10. V

    My new Plenty of Fish message!

    I tried your message, and personally didn't get much results. Sent it to about 14 girls, only 1 messaged back. Not going anywhere either. Here's the message log in case you care. Me: (Send your message) Her: Ahh why is soo amazing? Me: Well for one you don't seem as negative as a lot of the...
  11. V

    Banging a girl on the rebound?

    not gonna happen. Already made a move to get her out earlier this week, she flaked on me.
  12. V

    I'm so ****ing pissed right now

    she didn't think we were dating. She said multiple times that we're not dating. Yet she'd be calling me daily (before she lost her phone). She's a slut. She's probably ****ing that guy as I type this. And I couldn't pick up a girl if my life depended on it (which is why this is pissing me off).
  13. V

    I'm so ****ing pissed right now

    Well I wouldn't make her my gf unless I could trust her, and this episode tonight (among others) has demonstrated that I can't. Plus I haven't had a gf in a long time and I was liking how things were going between us, and she had to go and ****ing ruin it.
  14. V

    I'm so ****ing pissed right now

    she wasn't that receptive today at all. Last week we were making out til her question came up, and after that she wouldn't kiss me. Today she'd give me a peck on the lips, but that's it. We were messing around and I pinned her down, held her arms above her head, started kissing her chest...
  15. V

    I'm so ****ing pissed right now

    Last week we're chilling and she starts pulling this whole "would you ever date me?" bs. I say maybe, she gets all offended and tells me we're not having sex anymore. I'm like whatever. We head to a club, she gets drunk, and at the end of the night says she's not coming to my place and to get...
  16. V

    I'm so ****ing pissed right now

    ****, ****, ****, ****. This girl I've slept with before comes over to chill tonight, says she wants to watch some movies and stay the night. Try to physically escalate, she isn't receptive at all. Eventually she borrows my phone to call some guy to come pick her up (probably to **** her)...
  17. V

    Are any of you guys getting laid through phone numbers?

    Actually I've realized that this thread is useless. I'm not gonna have any success with women at this point in my life. I need to get my life in order, because currently I have nothing to offer women. Gonna take a long break from dating, clubbing, and women. Gonna focus on my remaining studies...
  18. V

    Are any of you guys getting laid through phone numbers?

    The reason I asked is because I've been having **** luck with numbers. Hear about lots of guys getting laid but it's mostly from SNLs, which I don't have the ability to do.
  19. V

    Are any of you guys getting laid through phone numbers?

    Have any of guys been having any luck with phone numbers you've gotten from clubs? Just curious because I'm not having any luck with numbers.
  20. V

    Where did you meet the last five girls you slept with?

    ask her to hang out outside of the class. Have fun, flirt, escalate, profit.