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  1. V

    I feel like I'm never gonna get this handled

    Because it's not something he can help me with. It's not like I lack knowledge. Everything he could tell me I could learn elsewhere and maybe already know (I've been studying this stuff for a couple of years). The problem is internal. When I first got into thi stuff it was because a girl I...
  2. V

    I feel like I'm never gonna get this handled

    So I'm hear in bed listening to my buddy **** the **** out of some girl he met tonight, and I can't help but feel ****ty. I had a ****ing ****ty night. First off, I've started to develop feelings for this slut that ****ed me once 2 weeks back. I thought she liked me, calling me daily etc...
  3. V

    Rant: I'm done with girls.

    For some reason when I read one of the OP's posts all I see is "waaaah, waah, wah". My computer must be ****ed, lol
  4. V

    Where did you meet the last five girls you slept with?

    5) Online 4) Work (****ed her a year after we stopped working together) 3) Online (we exchanged numbers 6 months before I ****ed her) 2) School (she randomly approached me, dated her for a bit) 1) Through a Buddy
  5. V

    Where did you meet the last five girls you slept with?

    Hmm, I'll guess the real ones: 2,4,7,9,10?
  6. V


    Good luck finding a girl that's a virgin. Most girls lose it early, like between 14-17. If your over 18 you probably won't lose it to another virgin, unless you **** a UB or a fatty. I lost it to a girl that had been with 2 guys before me (1 boyfriend, and 1 hookup) and I don't regret it. I was...
  7. V

    How can I help convince my friend that he can get girls?

    I don't know man. Coming from someone who has developed a negative mindset about women, all I can say is that it'll be hard to change (especially if he's not interested in changing his mindset). I have a lot of trouble with this, hell, I can't even approach girls at clubs. Even last night I...