Naughty Ninja's POF Profile!

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
No beach pics yet. It's freezing out.

Talking to ALOT. Gotten numbers, facebook add's, a few already texted me. I'll decide when or if I want to meet them. Got a few viewing who I sent:

Title: Attention Window Shopper!

Body: I've busted you toots! I will have you arrested for loitering in front of my aquarium glass. Please do not leave any fingerprints or I will force you to work unpaid to clean it off.

And they've responded. I'm chatting with a few now.

Again. I'll decide if I want to meet them or not. I meet MANY at my part time job selling women's shoes. And have dated a few. You get used to all these "hotties" after awhile and they become no big deal.

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score


Don Juan
Jan 17, 2011
Reaction score
St. Louis
Naughty Ninja said:
Profile's fine. Add one or two more pictures without the glasses or paintball mask. Keep the ones you have. Spam these chicks.
Thanks! Any suggestions on the About me? Lol thats a M40A1 Gas mask.

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
MartyMcFly said:
Thanks! Any suggestions on the About me? Lol thats a M40A1 Gas mask.

About me is fine. You can tweak them a bit every so often. These chicks barely read them. They're looking at the "stud" in the pictures so you just need good face pics w/o glasses, hats, or masks. I thought that mask was either a paintball, or some serious heavy duty pot smoking equipment. I was thinking: " This dude is serious about getting baked out of his mind!" lmao. I looked at it quick though..


Don Juan
Jan 17, 2011
Reaction score
St. Louis
Naughty Ninja said:
About me is fine. You can tweak them a bit every so often. These chicks barely read them. They're looking at the "stud" in the pictures so you just need good face pics w/o glasses, hats, or masks. I thought that mask was either a paintball, or some serious heavy duty pot smoking equipment. I was thinking: " This dude is serious about getting baked out of his mind!" lmao. I looked at it quick though..
Lmao, Oh yeah, I've seen people use them for that kind of thing before. Don't get me wrong! lol Yeah I figured a basic About me is key. Since they don't read em. I just gotta spam these chicks like you said. Its working for the most part!

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
MartyMcFly said:
Lmao, Oh yeah, I've seen people use them for that kind of thing before. Don't get me wrong! lol Yeah I figured a basic About me is key. Since they don't read em. I just gotta spam these chicks like you said. Its working for the most part!
Just go into normal questioning like one or two questions only after they reply to the first email...then slowly ask more and make the responses longer. Short replies first with a question. Then longer after a few and ask for the number. Simple.


Master Don Juan
May 27, 2007
Reaction score
I do the "about me" a little different.... I don't really say what i am or what im looking for... I demonstrate it through story....


Here's an example of the beginning of an interaction i had yesturday (im not going to post the whole thing just the part that got her hooked):

ME: My friend and I were just talking about this earlier today, just looking for second opinions. Do you think Drunk "I love you's" count? (<- Pulled that directly out of page 1 of a Love Systems Routine manual! lol)

HER (screen name: dollface): i think sometimes ur true feelings come out when ur drunk..

ME: Ahhh... yes... Same thing i told him :) He had a girl who he's been friends with benefits with for 3-4 months now tell him that last night after they drank a couple bottles of wine... She kept repeating it to him over and over.... But is saying today that she doesn't feel that way and she was just drunk... Wait... I just realized you have a doll face! Amazing! ;)

HER: lol hmmm sounds like ur boys fwb has some deeper rooted yup i have the crazy curly babydoll hair and the dimples ...i had an ex give me the nickname dollface i used it on here lol

ME: yeah, that's normally what happens.... I assume your hair is soft too? Easy to play with? .... that's interesting that you did that... if i did the same - my name would be ***hole, or jerk, or "don't don't don't... stop!!"... women are so endearing to me! ;)

HER: yup my hair is twirlable lol....and the universal nickname for a guy does seem to be ***hole lol...y do u guyshave to be like that ? lol

ME: Niceeeeee! My psychic told me that the next woman i slept with would have twirlable hair, and have the face of a baby! So look, it's fate! So should i tell you now how i feel, or wait until we've been through 2 bottle of wine?

Oh, shut up! You love it; especially if we know how to mix it with romance!

HER: WOW! That caught me by surprise! Hmmmmmm you got swagger lol....lets wait til we get to the wine. it will make things more interesting. And that way i can stress and overanalyze about u really meaning it or not ***hole with a bigheart is kinda what im lookin for lol

--- We had about five more exchanges like that and i got her number and called her. Meeting at a park on Thursday. Hopefully she has the body she appears to have in the photos :)

NOTE: I only have one photo up right now. When i go into "sending" mode (normally on sundays) - i put up a picture of me showing off my body; i've learned it helps my response rate A LOT! I've also learned people report it if you leave it up too long! :(

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
JustWuzzle said:
Hey critque my profile guys I don't think I'm the best looking guy out there but I ain't photogenic. here it is I really need an hair cut and contacts but whatever.

The third smiling pic is good. The other two you look like you want to strangle your "Plenty of Fishguts" victim. You need to put pics of you with friends and or women for that "social proof" nonsense. Or at least smiling pics take of you by others.

As for the profile:

I'm a man looking to find someone fun and courageous. Good.

I can be very difficult to deal with or easy. Not good.

I enjoy many things and I want to someday own a home. Not good. They don't need to know that up front.

I need a girl who is deeper than average. Good.

someone who can see the best in me. Not good. Sounds to them like you have issues.

If thats not you then deuces, If so then lets talk.

Keep it short. Like one or two POSITIVE paragraphs. Stuff you like to do. Basketball, Pool playing, beach, ACTIVE stuff. Keep it lighthearted POSITIVE and fun.

Get more smiling pics taken of you by others and or a few self smiling ones and keep the last one smiling.

then spam these chicks with that email I made. And tweak it a bit to fit you or the chicks you think look good. Reading all the damn profiles and writing all kinds of agreeable nonsense is a waste of your time. ONLY read their profile and go into normal everyday conversation AFTER they respond to it.


Don Juan
Jan 23, 2011
Reaction score
Naughty Ninja said:
The third smiling pic is good. The other two you look like you want to strangle your "Plenty of Fishguts" victim. You need to put pics of you with friends and or women for that "social proof" nonsense. Or at least smiling pics take of you by others.

As for the profile:

I'm a man looking to find someone fun and courageous. Good.

I can be very difficult to deal with or easy. Not good.

I enjoy many things and I want to someday own a home. Not good. They don't need to know that up front.

I need a girl who is deeper than average. Good.

someone who can see the best in me. Not good. Sounds to them like you have issues.

If thats not you then deuces, If so then lets talk.

Keep it short. Like one or two POSITIVE paragraphs. Stuff you like to do. Basketball, Pool playing, beach, ACTIVE stuff. Keep it lighthearted POSITIVE and fun.

Get more smiling pics taken of you by others and or a few self smiling ones and keep the last one smiling.

then spam these chicks with that email I made. And tweak it a bit to fit you or the chicks you think look good. Reading all the damn profiles and writing all kinds of agreeable nonsense is a waste of your time. ONLY read their profile and go into normal everyday conversation AFTER they respond to it.
thank you for the honest input

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
JustWuzzle said:
thank you for the honest input

You can even spam them with a celebrities name as your headline in your first email. Every other nerd is sending "Hi" "Hey" "You're Sexy" etc..

Send a first email AFTER you fix up your pics and have a good POSITIVE two paragraph profile with ALOT of interests. Boxing, Basketball, Football, Vacation, cars, bikes, working out...whatever you like. (Especially things showing you go out and do different things.)

Title the first email something like "Fitty 'Cent' me"...and use a quick line off that in the body and then the copy and paste email. Use a popular T.V show, new drink, movie, "chicken and waffles" whatever you feel like that most chicks would know or like... anything different as a first headline to grab their attention to read your first email right away. Don't read their profiles till AFTER they respond. Play the game...Look at their pictures FIRST and spam the hell out of them and only change one or two words every ten or so emails so you don't get picked up as a spammer on Plenty of fish. They are only looking at pics too.

Use any headline that a chick would recognize and respond to right away over the sea of crap. "Dwayne Wade" any damn title in the first email..the body just use or have a generic "congratulations" on a great profile you lil cutie to shmooze them a bit.

Whatever they respond.."Thanks" etc. Just ask them about their last weekend and if they had fun...then normal conversation...