Girl freaks out on me


Don Juan
Jan 22, 2011
Reaction score
So I'm chilling with this girl last night. We're just drinking, watching a movie and she starts this conversation

Her: I really like you. I'm shy so it's hard to admit. I'm not used to nice guys. But I really like it.

Me: (laugh, kiss her, proceed to make out)

Her: Do you think you could ever see yourself dating someone like me?

Me: Maybe

Her: Why, what's wrong with me? (*rant about how guys she likes only want to **** her, and how only guys she doesn't like want to date her*)

Me: Huh? I like hanging with you, and I think we should keep hanging out.

Her: What if I say I don't want to sleep with you for now

Me: Ok. I do like you, but if that's what you want

She seems moody at this point. We end up going clubbing later in the night. She seemed into me while we're out, although she makes stupid comments about how I don't want to date her. At the end of the night she just wants to go to her place, instead of mine. I said ok. She starts freaking out about how I only want to **** her, etc. She ends up telling me to get lost. I just leave, don't look back (though I did call her to make sure she got a cab home).

I think I'm done with this chick.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 2, 2006
Reaction score
I wouldn't dip out just yet...just play it cool and she'll bang you eventually. Just don't be too nice to her


Master Don Juan
Oct 7, 2001
Reaction score
yeah dude, maybe should have done more kino? Who knows, she might actually be the good type, not the typical women, this girl might be relationship material for real, and has been used by guys before, granted there's always a way! Maybe go on a couple dates, play it cool not trying to get into her pants, but still be somewhat sexual, that's what I'd do.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2009
Reaction score
I agree with the other dude; don't next her juuust yet. I've personally had this happen to me before.
I pushed it in the first appointment (everything happened except sex). And then she stopped talking to me thinking I was a player. It's actually a funny story. A few weeks later, she contacted me. We actually went to a night club too and I said I was hungry and as I pulled out the keys to my ride a box of condoms falls out of my pocket. She laughed and we left. We ended up going in her car to "get food" and then I told her to pull over there "dark spot" and then I escalated and we banged.

Right in the middle of it my friends who are still at the club decide to call me wondering where I am cause they wanna leave. Haha, I said exactly the following as she was riding me and I'm trying to keep my cool "I'm eating a taco" and she just CRACKS UP. I had to go and then my friends were saying "kiss, kiss, kiss!" before I said bye to her.

She texted me later that night saying I was the biggest she had. It felt good :whistle:

PS: She turned out to be my gf for 2.5 years and I was her second sex partner.


Don Juan
Jan 22, 2011
Reaction score
Well first things first guys. I've already banged her several times. We've been chilling for a month and have hung out at least once a week.

Ok, with that out of the way, I don't think I'm gonna sleep with her again. She contacted me today to apologize for her behavior. She didn't know exactly what happen because she was plastered, but she knew we had a fight. She tells me we can still hang out but we can't have sex. **** that. This chick isn't worth it. The only thing good about her is her body and if I aight hitting that there's no reason to continue this. She's not good enough for a relationship, she needs to get her life together. I tell her this and she says she didn't ask me to date her anyways, all she asked if if I'd ever date her.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 18, 2007
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AFTER chicks put out a few times, they nearly always EXPECT a relationship. FACT

You were holding back from dating her, so she HELD back on the sex.

your opinion: she is good for sex only. not for dating
her opinion: he is dating material, i wont give him sex unless he dates me anymore


Senior Don Juan
Sep 28, 2010
Reaction score
Sealy, Tx
i hope your done. I mean yeah you could probably go out with her a couple times and hit it a couple of times, but bottom line is this girl wants a relationship and you don't, do yourself and her a favor and just tell her you don't see it going anywhere.


Don Juan
Jan 22, 2011
Reaction score
I like the girl but she needs a lot of growing up and to be honest I don't want to involve myself with such a person other than a casual relationship. So I'm gonna give my attention to other girls, which at this time is a rebound girl I know and this girl I met last weekend (ironically right after I ****ed the girl this thread is about). I'm sure in a few weeks she'll be trying to get my attention again and I'll have a chance to **** her again if I choose.