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  1. D

    The Problem of Working Out

    Why workout? Lets see, well I am middle aged. While others around me are having heart attacks and strokes I am having trouble getting a 500 pound squat. While others my age complain they cant walk up a flight of stairs without getting out of breath I complain cause at the end of karate class i...
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    Anything to this myostatin blocking thing i just heard about? Any truth to it?
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    Why anger accumulates and HOW TO GET RID OF ANGER

    Jippii, yep squats and deadlift are the greatest things on earth, lol aint nothing like waking up the next morning with a mild case of squat flu. Done right the deadlifts make my legs feel dead. god rested on the seventh day, for he had done squats on the sixth
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    Why anger accumulates and HOW TO GET RID OF ANGER

    I must agree that contact sports do relieve anger. Even getting in the ring with someone that doesnt have the skill level to warrent crankin it up helps greatly to get rid of the frustrations. But i have found that 5 sets of squats to failure on each just makes me mellow out to where i...
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    trainin' when tired

    that is your body telling you to slow down. it takes time to reccover from a workout. give yourself time to heal from the workout. you grow when you rest and you must give your body a chance to recover or you will never grow and get stronger. it aint how often nor is it number of sets...
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    Which lift?

    Squats, deadlift and cleans. That is where it really is. The key to power and size. So few love them and so many fear them.
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    Which lift?

    What is everbody' s favorite exercise in the gym?
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    Pec question

    Ok, I am goin take a stab at this one and i hope I am right. The reason for slouching is because you have concentrated on your pecs and not on your upperback and shoulders and your chest is pulling your arms forward. I guess the answer to your problem is to have a more balanced workout. The...
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    i have the world record lol

    Well, it is not by choice. At least i dont see it that way. Of course i have to blame it somthing, so i just tell myself its because i am sinfully ugly. Cant blame it on my winning personality however I am sure my lack of confidence secretly sneaks it way in there somewhere. I can...
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    i have the world record lol

    My last time if i remember right, was in November of 91. I dont think anyone can beat that. Why, I think I have regained my virginity. LOL It aint that bad to deal with.