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  1. C

    problems ...

    Quality advice, thank you for taking the time to help out highschool kids like OP and me - it can mean a hell of a lot to us.
  2. C

    I'm too jokey. I want to be SMOOTH.

    Two really interesting ideas, thank you I will try these out. BESIDES! YOU GUYS YOU WOULD BE PROUD OF ME! God damn am I proud of myself. I arranged to meet that beautiful 20 year old. We went to get coffee first and I said "I'll buy you coffee for a kiss" without a single ****ing stutter...
  3. C

    I'm too jokey. I want to be SMOOTH.

    Have you tried being quiet even in your opening? As in when you talk to girls you've never met? I feel like I'd still have to be dramatic or funny in my opening (How would you like to be the cream cheese to my bagel?) even if I'm being quiet afterwards - I do need to get their attention after...
  4. C

    I'm too jokey. I want to be SMOOTH.

    Thank you, I really needed this. I completely agree - I'm scared to get out of my comfort zone. I'll find a role to lead in, and I'll start doing things that scare me. I wanted to 'test getting out of my comfort zone' before replying to you again, but things didn't work out. For one, it...
  5. C

    I'm too jokey. I want to be SMOOTH.

    Yeah, I definitely chickened out. I don't understand why I get so scared or nervous in intimate situations. It might be because I've come such a long way from not having a girl poke me with a stick in such a short time - hopefully this'll come with experience. But I also keep thinking 'how on...
  6. C

    I'm too jokey. I want to be SMOOTH.

    I don't think I did escalate, because I don't know how to escalate. It's not something that will get beaten to you naturally if you do something like work hard at cold approaches, and I don't want to turn to PUA manuals to find out how to escalate. I think it's part of a much larger problem...
  7. C

    I'm too jokey. I want to be SMOOTH.

    17 here. Cold approaching girls led me onto a positive spiral of confidence. I lost 20kg, have been working out for a year, have good fashion sense, I've actually been invited to parties (!!!), and I've still kept up my grades. Trying to become a 'don juan' has been the most significant event...
  8. C

    Life is balance.

    Jesus ****ing christ. If you want to help people, get into context with them. Don't start like a pretentious asshat "the ignorant ones will be disturbed"
  9. C

    How do I stop being a performer?

    17 here. I used to be completely socially autistic. Now after a physical and mental transformation I've feel I've gone to the other extreme and become a performer. So I've gotten great at being the centre of attention. It's great for meeting new people because you're instantly likeable, and...
  10. C

    How can I kino in highschool?

    That's the thing, I had been doing lots of 'safe' touches constantly, but as soon as I put my arm around her shoulder she shied away. I really didn't get it at all I agree with what you said about high school girls thinking about what others think of them. Nearly every girl in my school has a...
  11. C

    How can I kino in highschool?

    How can I escalate physically in an environment where you have to be very subtle since the interactions go over the long-term? I do a lot of stuff like brushing shoulders, touching their forearms/arms/hands frequently but the last two times I tried to put my arm around their shoulder they...
  12. C

    Rejected - what did I do wrong?

    Yeah she probably didn't fall head over heels over me the first time she laid eyes on me, but can't you build attraction over time if you two connect and make the right moves? I'm not saying it's always going to work, but surely doing the right things should help? Since acting confident is...
  13. C

    Rejected - what did I do wrong?

    Thanks guys, will take into account your advice and see how new situations turn out
  14. C

    Rejected - what did I do wrong?

    Yeah this was really apparent - I started joking about pick up lines with a girl that was interested in me (but it was not reciprocal...) and the girl I liked (the one from the OP) instantly butted in between us. But then when I shifted my attention back to her, it didn't seem to pan out...
  15. C

    Rejected - what did I do wrong?

    Thanks for your help, I'm starting to further understand where I went wrong. What should I do when I have a 'deadline' though, the end of the course? I had half a day left to see her after the time I tried to kiss her and it looked like I was going to be around/working with her at all that day...
  16. C

    Rejected - what did I do wrong?

    Overdone the physicality or trying to get close to her? What ways can I counteract being needy? I took the piss out of her when she deserved it, but I guess I jumped the gun too quickly to try to be around her when walking places. Thanks, I learned a lot. Do you think I'm hindering myself...
  17. C

    Rejected - what did I do wrong?

    17 here. Just did a week-long course where I stayed with 30 other students at a university. We had a lot of free time to go into town and relax so naturally I got to know everyone and tried to hit on the hottest girl. I seemed to get pretty well with the girl, she was super comfortable with...
  18. C

    Dancing as a skill

    Could you recommend any good youtube vids for a complete newbie?
  19. C

    FR: The mall is my playground

    Holy crap, good job boss. I am now officially stalking this thread. Keep posting!
  20. C

    You guys think too much...

    Great post, thanks for taking the time to write it.