How can I kino in highschool?


Don Juan
Dec 9, 2012
Reaction score
How can I escalate physically in an environment where you have to be very subtle since the interactions go over the long-term?

I do a lot of stuff like brushing shoulders, touching their forearms/arms/hands frequently but the last two times I tried to put my arm around their shoulder they shied away - instant rejection.
I ignored the rejection, but why are they doing it? They were completely fine with other physical contact, and they seemed to be giving out indicators that they were interested in me such as laughing at stuff I was saying that wasn't funny.

Is it because it's really cliche? I've never tried going straight for the waist, although I've found that they feel fine if you make a joke about posh people and stroll through with their arm through yours.

On the other hand, I've seen a guy be an absolute physical beast - slapping girl's thighs, asses, touching girls thighs etc and flirting with all of them constantly. Although he immediately gave that kind of impression that he's very physical and will flirt with everyone and the girls were more outgoing than those I tried kino with.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 14, 2012
Reaction score
Well dude, you have to make the girl be comfortable around you. Don't start kinoing a girl from the get go that you probably don't know so well, you gotta get to know what she likes and what's her personality type like. Because some girls are b----- and will literally snitch on you just because you touched them a certain way. So you honestly just have to be careful with who you kino and how you do so. It can really work at times because it tells them you're not afraid of being secksual. Other'll be seeing your principal and will have a chat about secksual assault.

Just be careful dude when doing Kino. There's no middle line, it can work, or It doesn't work. Also depends on the kind of girl your talking to as well.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2010
Reaction score
Cyfer said:
How can I escalate physically in an environment where you have to be very subtle since the interactions go over the long-term?

I do a lot of stuff like brushing shoulders, touching their forearms/arms/hands frequently but the last two times I tried to put my arm around their shoulder they shied away - instant rejection.
I ignored the rejection, but why are they doing it? They were completely fine with other physical contact, and they seemed to be giving out indicators that they were interested in me such as laughing at stuff I was saying that wasn't funny.

Is it because it's really cliche? I've never tried going straight for the waist, although I've found that they feel fine if you make a joke about posh people and stroll through with their arm through yours.

On the other hand, I've seen a guy be an absolute physical beast - slapping girl's thighs, asses, touching girls thighs etc and flirting with all of them constantly. Although he immediately gave that kind of impression that he's very physical and will flirt with everyone and the girls were more outgoing than those I tried kino with. <-- Do this.
Other ways:
Thumb war,
Clapping games,
Complex Hand shakes,
Any little kid game that was fun when you were little.


Don Juan
Apr 11, 2013
Reaction score
Grabbing a girls arm/hand and leading them somewhere works pretty well. I think arm over shoulder and hand around waist could be pulled off really easily if you did it jokingly. I pulled off the arm over shoulder thing by doing the cheesy yawn move once and it was hilarious.


Don Juan
Jun 24, 2013
Reaction score

they were interested in me such as laughing at stuff I was saying that wasn't funny.
Learn to really read signals and faces. This could easily just be because the girl doesn't want to look like an idiot in front of her friends for not understanding a joke, or whatever. There's a difference in the way people laugh when you're really funny, or when they think you're funny, or when they're wanting your attention. You can see it in their eyes. The way they position themselves in relation to you changes in the most subtle of ways. Most High School girls are so concious of what everybody is thinking of them so you can't trust this as any kind of proof.

You have to be careful with all the kino. A lot of guys hear this concept, especially young, inexperienced guys who haven't really worked on themselves yet, and they say ' girl, kino, gotta kino, gotta kino', and they touch, and they just look so unnatural and weird -- like the movements just come out of nowhere. It's a combination of learning these things, and just generally becoming a more exciting, involved person, where "kino" is a natural part of this. If you're thinking about it, and analysing it, you're probably not ready to pull it off.

Be more subtle. Stop thinking about all the potential ways to touch a girl. If it feels natural to give her a light touch on the arm when you're talking to her, then do it, but don't overdo it, and don't feel you have to do it every damn ten minutes. You build the attraction, then you forget about the classtime, you do the rest of the work after school, at a party, whatever. Don't think you're creating extra attraction by doing all this often un-needed kino.

Less is more. Think bold, confident strikes that are very in touch with you as a person, and not some guy trying to be somebody he's not because he read it on an internet forum.


Don Juan
Dec 9, 2012
Reaction score
Mohammad_C97 said:
You have to start kinoing from the minute you meet a girl actually. Otherwise you're headed for being only friends with the girl. But she does have to get used to your touch. In the beginning you dont want to be grabbing her waist for 10 seconds or her shoulder or whatever. In the beginning just touch safe areas (arm, etc) for a second or two and then escalate to different areas (back, waist, arm-over her shoulder) as you go on.

But I'm not sure why she would be giving you such a cold reaction if you just touched her shoulder unless you didn't start out with light safe touches.
That's the thing, I had been doing lots of 'safe' touches constantly, but as soon as I put my arm around her shoulder she shied away. I really didn't get it at all

CrispyG said:
Learn to really read signals and faces. This could easily just be because the girl doesn't want to look like an idiot in front of her friends for not understanding a joke, or whatever. There's a difference in the way people laugh when you're really funny, or when they think you're funny, or when they're wanting your attention. You can see it in their eyes. The way they position themselves in relation to you changes in the most subtle of ways. Most High School girls are so concious of what everybody is thinking of them so you can't trust this as any kind of proof.

You have to be careful with all the kino. A lot of guys hear this concept, especially young, inexperienced guys who haven't really worked on themselves yet, and they say ' girl, kino, gotta kino, gotta kino', and they touch, and they just look so unnatural and weird -- like the movements just come out of nowhere. It's a combination of learning these things, and just generally becoming a more exciting, involved person, where "kino" is a natural part of this. If you're thinking about it, and analysing it, you're probably not ready to pull it off.

Be more subtle. Stop thinking about all the potential ways to touch a girl. If it feels natural to give her a light touch on the arm when you're talking to her, then do it, but don't overdo it, and don't feel you have to do it every damn ten minutes. You build the attraction, then you forget about the classtime, you do the rest of the work after school, at a party, whatever. Don't think you're creating extra attraction by doing all this often un-needed kino.

Less is more. Think bold, confident strikes that are very in touch with you as a person, and not some guy trying to be somebody he's not because he read it on an internet forum.
I agree with what you said about high school girls thinking about what others think of them. Nearly every girl in my school has a fake laugh that is just painful and obvious to hear, for those situations where they think they're expected to laugh to fit in.

I'm only analysing it now. Before, it felt natural.

The last line was golden, thank you