Life is balance.


Jul 31, 2013
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Some wise words. Only for the wise ones. The ignorant ones will be disturbed very much:

You have to walk in life – and see how you fall; you have to watch yourself – and observe how you go astray. And the mind will insist on going to the very extreme. Whenever you feel an imbalance immediately balance it by moving to the opposite.

Mind is either a rightist – it moves toward the right, then it never moves to the left; or mind is a leftist – then it moves to the left and never moves to the right. And I have come across a very strange phenomenon: sometimes mind becomes a middlist – remains in the middle but as fanatic about the middle as others are about right and left. But this man is not in the middle because a man who is in the middle is never fanatic; only extremists are fanatics, tuhey cling to a certain position. And the middle is not a position, it is a constant gaining of balance.

Try to understand. This is the most meaningful feeling that Tao can give to you. The middle is not a fixed state, it is a constantly changing movement. So you cannot be in the middle like the man who can be on the left or on the right. You cannot cling to the middle. One who wants to be in the middle will have constantly to lean toward the right and left; sometimes you will see he is a leftist, and sometimes you will see – now, look! – he has become a rightist. He has to walk like a tightrope walker. Only between these two extremes, balancing constantly, continuously, is the middle.

The middle is an alive situation, it is not a fixed and dead point that you achieve forever – no. Moment to moment you have to achieve it, again and again and again. Watch a tightrope walker – it is an experience.

In my childhood, whenever I heard about a tightrope walker anywhere, in my village or in the neighboring villages, I would run and watch, because from the very beginning I felt that he knew something which was very, very significant for life.

What is he doing? He is not statically in the middle, otherwise he will fall. He is never for a single moment static. He is dynamic, constantly changing, a flux, but the flux has a balancing center. Sometimes he moves to the left, sometimes to the right; he is very contradictory, he is not consistent. If you ask for consistency he will fall and die. If you say, “Stick to one situation, to one position. If you are a rightist, be a rightist; if you are a leftist, be a leftist; or if you have chosen the middle as your position, then be in the middle. But what are you doing? You are constantly moving” – you will kill him. Any static position kills. To be static is to die, and die uselessly. To be static is to miss life. No, he cannot remain in the middle. To remain in the middle – he cannot remain in the middle – to remain in the middle he has to constantly move and balance. Every moment life is changing, how can you remain fixed? Every moment everything is changing. Nothing is static.

Says Heraclitus: You cannot step in the same river twice. By the time you come to step in the river twice, the river has changed. And not only has the river changed, you have changed. How can you step twice in the river? Neither the river remains the same nor you. Nothing remains the same. Sameness is illusion. Flux is reality. In such a changing world, in such an alive world, vibrating with life, if you cling to a position you are dead, you are seeking suicide.

That’s why all those who have reached and concluded are dead. If you have concluded that you are a Hindu you are dead. If you have concluded that you are a Mohammedan you are dead. Because sometimes a Hindu needs to lean toward the Mohammedan to gain balance, and sometimes a Mohammedan needs to be a Hindu to gain balance.

Balance is life. If you have decided that you are a communist you are dead. To remain alive even the communist needs to lean toward the capitalist and the capitalist to lean toward the communist. Life is not as clear-cut as thinking. Thinking is very linear, life is maddening.


Master Don Juan
Jun 3, 2013
Reaction score
Brilliant !


Don Juan
Dec 9, 2012
Reaction score
Jesus ****ing christ.

If you want to help people, get into context with them. Don't start like a pretentious asshat "the ignorant ones will be disturbed"


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2013
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Thomson said:
Both of you are ignorant idiots.
Hard to take someone's "wise" words seriously when they immediately resort to defensive name calling.


Jul 31, 2013
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TheCWord said:
Hard to take someone's "wise" words seriously when they immediately resort to defensive name calling.
No name callings. Just facts.


Don Juan
Feb 21, 2015
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Like your post:)