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  1. C

    How to gain social ranking?

    So I met new people and started talking to them. I thought I had figured out who had the highest 'social ranking' - the girl was fairly pretty, smart and seemed to get attention even though she acted like an absolute prat. Afterwards, when she left this was completely overturned when everyone...
  2. C

    How to react to failure?

    It does. Whilst people may not regard me as a clown, I don't think I generate calm respect. How would you suggest you achieve that balance? I tend to have sprints of goofing around a lot, and really pushing it. And then I have moments where I am incredibly serious and philosophical. Do you...
  3. C

    How to react to failure?

    Deleted. No point to the comment. Please keep posting advice and tips, thank you!
  4. C

    How to react to failure?

    Thanks guys, your posts were really helpful. What betheman said about being a **** resonates especially well, I think I've gone from one extreme (nerd) to being close to the other, where I can almost be ****ish because I've gained so much confidence/not giving a damn/saying whatever. I...
  5. C

    My Approach Journal

    Some of these are pretty brutal 'walks away with back turned to me' or 'chuckles as she pushes shopping cart'. It seems that you need to improve your immediate impact. Perhaps hit the gym with aesthetics? Or simply try to be more interesting in your first line, rather than just complimenting...
  6. C

    How to react to failure?

    I didn't mean I was trying to still get her number, I'm cool with the fact that she has a boyfriend. Generally though, I just want to get better at handling those kinds of situations.
  7. C

    How to react to failure?

    How do you guys react to failure? I was in an environment where I was sitting next to a girl who had a boyfriend, no problem, because she was only 6-7/10. There were two girls behind me however, 8 and 9-9.5/10. Tried to get the number of the 9.5 only to find out both were going to meet their...
  8. C

    My Approach Journal

    ...I don't think I can express how much value your words pose to me. This is exactly what I have been looking for, exactly what I've been trying to strive to, and express in myself. Thank you. Thank you very much. Firstly, it's good to see that despite it being 92nd approach, you're not just...
  9. C

    My Approach Journal

    Cheers, I'll get off my ass and do it :) Planning to ask a girl out from my school in a weeks' time. I've talked to her at great lengths but over messages rather than in person since I don't really get to see her privately (different classes, I see her at break/lunch). I'd been flirting with...
  10. C

    My Approach Journal

    Amazing to see your progression and some absolutely fantastic advice here like what to talk about on page 2 (first post) I'm thinking of starting sarging again here in London now that it's warming up, but it can be quite a trek to get to Oxford street (40mins) whereas other places have a really...
  11. C

    Long-term social ease

    That's an interesting idea, but I'd have to disagree. Whilst I agree that charisma is based on empathy, you can still be open, emphatic and understanding of a person without necessarily connecting them. For example I'm making it a goal that every time I ask 'how are you doing' I say it in a way...
  12. C

    Long-term social ease

    I agree, I just find this incredibly difficult to do this. Before starting PUA I was repeatedly told that I was incredibly narcissistic and arrogant, but I never figured out how. After the process of PUA, I've got on far better with people and been told that I am 'relatable' now, although I...
  13. C

    Long-term social ease

    Hi, I'm aged 16 and I started daygame mid summer of this year, probably approached 21-24 girls/groups by now. I started off as a shy kid with no confidence, charisma or ability to talk to girls and I've seen amazing results, and even three successes (at getting a number - one developed to...