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  1. Y

    New situation/girl (advice?)

    When we were hanging out she did say that she enjoys being in a relationship, and like anything else, there are pros and cons, just as there are to being single. There is a good chance I will end up in the same city as her next year for a job, and my opinion on a distance relationship is that...
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    New situation/girl (advice?)

    Any comments on the conversation pieces is appreciated. Since people were saying that letting her buy stuff ups her investment, when she was on her way over she asked if she needed to get anything so I had her get some drinks. Not buying dinner, but I think the point stands. She came to the...
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    Little tricks to become better looking and the type of guy hotties are dating

    Blue eyed guy here as well, although I have blondish hair/a lighter complexion to go along with that (what do you expect? I've got British heritage), and I'm not the best looking guy, but I'm "good looking enough", especially with the other things I've got going for me. But yes, girls do...
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    New situation/girl (advice?)

    Yeah, after last night I've realized we have a lot in common, but I'm just keeping it casual for now. Next time we go out, I'll let her pay, but after tonight I'm not sure when I'll see her again.
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    Should I get ripped or buff

    Actually, shorter intense cardio can increase the release of HGH. As for getting buff, I will say this. I am not buff, but definitely consider myself fit, and have been going to the gym 3-4 times a week for about 15 months now. You will feel...
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    New situation/girl (advice?)

    Update here: she didn't come over that one night because she was still kind of suck, and I ended up going back to school for a couple weeks so I didn't see her after our lunch. In keeping with the two strike rule, I asked her to dinner tonight since I was going to be home for a couple days, and...
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    New situation/girl (advice?)

    I guess I am old fashioned that way, even though I'm young. To me, her going for her wallet when the check came and telling me she doesn't mind paying means she values me enough to pay another time. I don't know really, it just felt too informal getting lunch and coffee, but if she comes...
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    New situation/girl (advice?)

    Ok, so this girl I met at school a couple weeks ago that is from my home town asked me out to lunch or coffee yesterday. I consider the girl asking an IOI, and I agreed to meet her for lunch today. I have never hung out with this girl before, I just talked to her at a bar a couple times and got...
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    It's a trap! Or maybe not...

    OH NO! You have a job! If they're mocking you for that, it is they that are the losers, not you.
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    Doesn't want to ruin the friendship

    Don't even waste your time.
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    Mixed signal (maybe) central with gf...

    Dude, just NC her ass. Frank Sinatra said it best-"the best revenge is to live well." Just become a ****ing badass man, get girls hotter than her, and it will destroy her more than anything else could, because she will know what she lost. EDIT-this is coming from a guy that has been that AFC...
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    I'm 'that' guy - the one who slept with your girl. Help!

    What is it with women? That has been me quite often. If not boyfriend, then definitely just a **** even though there's obviously some other guy in the picture. Fine with me, I'm not them. Anyway, this summer, I just hooked up with that girl with the 3-year boyfriend, and a little over a month...
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    Girl (space) friend with boyfriend

    Thanks, but she's a virgin and says she's waiting til marriage. Second part I'm not so sure about, but I've known her long enough and known a couple of her boyfriends to believe her.
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    Girl (space) friend with boyfriend

    Good story. Earlier in life I would have done the same thing. So she came over tonight, just stopped by on her way home from work before she went to hang out with one of her friends. We were talking, and got on the subject of what happened this past weekend (I ate her out, and she jerked me...
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    Casilas kisses sara carbonero LIVE, world cup romance

    If you can do the first one, you don't need this site.
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    Girl (space) friend with boyfriend

    Update here: So she BBMs me yesterday and we were talking about how drunk one of our friends was the other night (he passed out on a lawn chair and went black-out swimming). At this point, the conversation goes like this: Her: Now that I know how drunk he was are you sure you remember what...
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    Girl (space) friend with boyfriend

    Yeah, I know. We go to different schools and I've tried the LDR, not for me.
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    Girl (space) friend with boyfriend

    Why do you say better yet get rid of the BF? Would you want to be with someone who cheated on their current significant other with you? Not good to start a relationship based on lies in my opinion. As for your question, I'd keep it business as usual. Scion-sure, post the story. I love swapping...
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    Gaining confidence

    Start lifting. I've put on about 25 pounds after being very skinny all my life and it has given me a more positive outlook on life in general. Not to mention the looks I'm starting to get from girls.
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    Girl (space) friend with boyfriend

    Just thought I'd update people on this- I had that party last night, and she ended up staying since we were all drinking. It was time to go to bed and she was like "where can I sleep?" not wanting to sleep downstairs because one of my friends was hitting on her and she wasn't interested. I...