Mixed signal (maybe) central with gf...


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Jul 13, 2010
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Summary: been together 5 years, ex cheated, told me about it, said she wanted to work it out, kept seeing the dude, I broke it off, and moved all my stuff out the next day. I went total NC. I went on vacation for a week, came back, still NC. Three days later she freaks out and sends me 15 texts, calls 6 times, and sends an email - "it was a mistake, I love you, I can't believe I let you go, etc....

Keep in mind it had only been maybe 10 days since I said it's over. 

I wait 5 hrs...send her a text about maybe talking if she is serious... 

Next day, she calls and we meet up. I go home with her that night after work, we talk, have fun, and end up fooling around. She gets all snuggly after. Next morning I am getting ready for work and she tells me we will talk later. She seems "happy". I hear nothing all day and go to sleep. 

So I sent her a text just before bed saying "wanted to say goodnight, hope you had a good day. Was thinking of you but wanted to give you some space."

She replies with "I love you. I wanted to give you space too.". Then she made plans with me for next week.

Goes  2days without contacting me...   

I call her, and she basically flakes out.

She says she can't make a commitment right now, needs to be her own person, doesn't want to feel like she owes anyone anything, etc. 

But also says...I love you, i want to be with you, feels amazing when we are together, can't imagine life without me, etc...and talks about our future

We agreed to "date" to see how things go. Things seem awesome when we are together, but it's not an everyday thing.

I basically told her we need more time apart so she can figure out what the hell she wants. This did not go very well...she wants to keep talking, and asked if we could still see each other from time to time. She says she feels really confused about what she wants and that she thinks things will be great she just needs a little bit to herself. 

We had made plans a few weekends back to hang out. I ended up breaking them. She texted to find out why i wasn't going. A few hours later she follows up with a few more texts going on about how she realizes her behavior is probably the reason i didn't go. 

I haven't responded at all. 

I broke NC after 5 days...but not much changed....well nothing changed. We have been spending a lot of time together over the last few weeks. I would say we go 2 days without seeing each other,and then i will spend 2-3 days sleeping over her (our) old place. We have a great time when we are together. When we aren't together we text/talk all day. 

She took me to see her family, and we have hung out with friends. Things appear good to outsiders as they have said so. 

She talks about our future (wedding, family, etc). She says spending time together is helping the situation. 

She has initiated sexual contact, or been receptive to it on a few occasions. 

She has initiated general physical contact (hand holding, kissing, etc) many times. 

She is always receptive to my offers to see her, and has yet to say "no" if i suggest getting together. 

She has asked me to come over and stay a few times unprompted by me.

She displays intense jealousy if i bring up other women, exes or whatever. She knows i am not actively seeing anyone and knows that i want to work it out.

She says she loves me repeatedly.

She said what she needs from me right now is stability.. 


The issues are: 
1) she is still texting/seeing the guy she cheated with
2) she said and continues to say that she isn't ready, and wants all her time for herself
3) she says she can't give anything
4) she is still proceeding ahead with looking for a new place alone.
5) she says she doesn't want to "date" anyone right now, but it sure looks like she is dating 2 people. 

I have no idea what to do here. I am trying very hard to be supportive of her and show her that things have changed about me. 

I feel like I'm stuck. In a way i feel like a quitter if i walk away. 

I tried to initiate NC but break after a few days each time and she is happy to hear from me...and make plans. 

We mad plans with a large group of mutual friends (all couples) for this past weekend and i went...and had a great time.

I avoided initiating any contact whatsoever..and the ex kept on trying both alone and in front of everyone. Kissing, hugging, motioning for me to sit next to her, leaning on me, etc. 

I avoided discussing us and acted like i was there for me not for us. 

She drops me off and says what a great time she had, gives me a hug and kiss and says i love you, and suggests seeing each other again.

An hour later she calls...we talk for 45 minutes, i don't ask about seeing her, us, or the fun time we had. We say goodnight and go to bed.

An hour later, she sends me 2 texts *****ing me out for hanging out with this girl from work. I had mentioned earlier going out with this girl because i didn't think it was a big deal. 

She says "that i'm stirring up trouble, and how could we ever get back together with her knowing that i work with a girl i went on dates with". 

I get pissed at this point...

I write back: "that i wasn't dating, and that IF IF we ever got back together she would have to trust me as i have never given her a reason to doubt me, unlike her. That she is the one stirring up trouble, and if anyone is keeping us apart it's her. That she has been very clear and consistent about not getting back together, that i'm just facing facts, and that if she is trying to push me away she is doing a great job"

She sends back "lets drop it"

I then (mistake) clarified that i am not dating this girl, although she is cool, and if they met it wouldn't be weird. 

We then exchanged a few more about how much fun we had...


I'm going NC again.... think she is nuts.

Now she texts me radome **** throughout the day then goes radio silent for hours...

What's my next play here?  


Don Juan
Aug 20, 2009
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Damn and i tought i have seen everything

its a tough spot,but i guess you still love her that much

If you have other options,that would be good:crazy:


Don Juan
Jul 22, 2003
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I speak from experience on this, it is best to walk away now. If she'll cheat once, she'll cheat twice, and if she'll twice, she'll cheat 3 times. Even if she never cheated again you will have times during sex or whenever where you'll look at her and think about her cheating. You'll also question any guy friends or anything she ever says about guys in the future. You can work it out, but it will always play out the same way. She gets mad, cheats, tells you about it, and then convinces you she loves you and that she wants to work it out. You can have an open relationship with her, but it will be best to put most your effort into dating other girls. As much tension as it causes it will raise her interest because she will see that you are willing to walk away and have the options to do so. Whatever you decide, good luck.


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
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Gold Coast. Aust.
Stymie123 said:
What's my next play here?  
I can't think of anything new to suggest that you a have'nt already done.
You have made every beta chump mistake in Dating for Dummies, so just keep doing it all again until she totally fukks you over. Perhaps, only after you are smacked in the head over and over with the reality of how this women is playing you so successfully then you MIGHT be willing to listen to some advice from us veterans.

I will give you a clue to your problem , You continue to act in ways that contradict what you say to her. You are INCONGRUENT ...That leads to her not believing anything that you say as gospel. That leads to her lowering her respect for you, and that leads further to her playing all the mind games that she is playing with impunity. You ALLOW your g/f to continue to contact another guy .
She has your balls in her purse, and she knows that all she has to do to keep them there is say "I love you" and then you are whipped again and under her spell.

Sad sad story.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 1, 2009
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Stymie123 said:
I know it's sad....but WTF do i do now?
They just told you....either walk away or start dating other women while continuing to see your girlfriend. Forget techniques that focus on this one girl.


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2010
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England, baby!
jophil28 said:
You continue to act in ways that show you are her little biatch and a total pu$$y

...That leads to her emotionally steamrollering you all the time

she has no respect for you,

She has your balls out and fried them up and she knows that all she has to do to keep them there is say "I love you"

Sad sad story.
corrected! :D

OP welcome to the long long road to recovery and self worth IF you can muster up the balls to get the woman out your life FOR EVER...


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
Stymie123 said:
I know it's sad....but WTF do i do now?
I trained as a sniper at one stage in my military career. One time I shot so badly off the mound that the rangemaster screamed at me," Son, go outside, have a smoke and consider your sins !"
He knew that I needed to 'know better' before I could do better.
Unfortunately, I get the impression that you are so blitzed by this woman and her mindgames and lies that you are in no condition to take any action - yet.
I suggest that you,.." go outside , have a smoke and consider your sins."
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Don Juan
Feb 9, 2010
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Dude, just NC her ass. Frank Sinatra said it best-"the best revenge is to live well." Just become a ****ing badass man, get girls hotter than her, and it will destroy her more than anything else could, because she will know what she lost.

EDIT-this is coming from a guy that has been that AFC with that certain special girl, and let me tell you, you can't expect her to respect you as a man anymore once she knows how much she is able to manipulate you.


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Jul 13, 2010
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jophil28 said:
I trained as a sniper at one stage in my military career. One time I shot so badly on off the mound that the rangemaster screamed at me," Son, go outside, have a smoke and consider your sins !"
He knew that I needed to 'know better' before I could do better.
Unfortunately, I get the impression that you are so blitzed by this woman and her mindgames and lies that you are in no condition to take any action - yet.
I suggest that you,.." go outside , have a smoke and consider your sins."
I'll get back to you when this smoke break is over....


New Member
Jul 13, 2010
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If you thought i was bad before...

So..last night i get an email from her...

I love you, i want a life with you, I know you love me....I'm just not ready yet.

Then she calls....

We make bull**** small talk, then she asks me how I'm feeling....I then proceed to tell her in detail about how much I love her (shoot me please).

The part i left out was that I'm not interested in being one of the men she is dating....so should I bother relaying that part of the message? Or is it worhtless to even drop that.

She texted me early this morning with some random crap and to say hello...


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2010
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New Jersey
You have NO idea how ANGRY I am after reading this.

Yes, I take many of these posts in stride, but this one is definitely one of the worst I've ever read. It's so bad, I didn't even get through all of it.

Want to know what to do:


Now that I got this out of my system...
Does her behavior strike you as someone who is TRULY sorry for cheating on you? NO.
Because she says that she loves you but can't be commited to you.

WTF does that even mean? Doesn't love imply commitment?
What she wants is to keep you on a leash. Everytime you take her back, you are essentially telling her that it's okay to treat you like trash. How can you love someone who is risking giving you STD's? How can you love someone who became emotionally unavailable to you? How can you NOT think of the guy ramming his c*ck down her throat whenever you see that mouth she kisses you with?

All you are doing in enabling her to cheat on you, all the while, you are keeping yourself only for her.

Where are you testicles, son?
Did she cut them off and show them around to all her friends and family as a trophy?

What kills me the most isn't EVERYTHING you posted, it's the fact that you CONSCIOUSLY know that you are making mistake after mistake after mistake and you STILL can't find a way to stop yourself from making MORE mistakes.

So here is what you do. Everytime you feel like telling her that you love her, remember how much she loved getting rammed from behind by the other dude. Everytime you feel like you two have a future together, remember how her immediate future was cheating on YOU. Everytime you feel the need to see her, remember how she was staring at someone else's privates while you were probably sleeping late at night. Everytime she seems HAPPY to meet up with you, remember she was probably just as happy to give her sloppy seconds up to someone else. Everytime you even think about even wanting to meet up with her, just think that at that point in time, she just might be having a hot dog being thrown down her proverbial hallway. Everytime you feel like kissing her, just remember he probably just came in her mouth a few hours earlier.

Harsh? Too visceral? A little too graphic?

God knows how many times she probably kissed you and she hadn't even brushed her teeth after being with him.

You NEED to man up. Everything I've read so far in this thread has ANGERED me and if it hasn't for you, then you deserve EVERYTHING that is happening to you. At this point, I don't blame her for going out and cheating on you... you know why? Because she's looking for a MAN in her life and YOU are clearly NOT IT.

How dare you allow her to b!tch you out about some girls when she's ramming someone else's sausage down her esophagus?

Son, the DJ Bible is at your disposal, READ IT.

Now I need a smoke break and I don't even smoke.


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
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Gold Coast. Aust.
Oh , never mind...this situation is hopeless.
Kailes said it, but the OP shows no signs of listening.


Don Juan
Feb 24, 2010
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Stymie123 said:
I love you, i want a life with you, I know you love me....I'm just not ready yet.

I know I've got a long way to go myself but this sh8t is
ridiculous! I would say this is push-pull on you but really
it's just a mind f7ck. I've been there. Get out now before
you extend your recovery period even more. You can't fix
crazy. Go NC, then go sarge. :rockon:


Don Juan
May 9, 2010
Reaction score
this is kind of gross really. if a girl cheated, she is garbage. and she is acting like she is doing you a favor by seeing you still. hahah

I have never understood this mentality. this girl is retarded for thinking that this is OK behavior. she is not worth your time.


New Member
Jul 13, 2010
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She texted me this afternoon, and i told her to go marry the dude, that i was happy for her, and that I'm sure we will always be friends.

2hrs later...she texts me asking if we can talk...

1hr after that...she asks if we can see each other...

4hrs later..she says "I still think we will be ok, I love you."

I'm done with this ****. NUTS.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2007
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Kailex said:
You have NO idea how ANGRY I am after reading this.

Yes, I take many of these posts in stride, but this one is definitely one of the worst I've ever read. It's so bad, I didn't even get through all of it.
I felt the exact same way when I started reading this thread. Couldn't even go through the whole thing because it made me disgusted to my stomach. I've probably seen over 100 of these "how to get girl back" threads since I joined, but this one is by far the worse. I usually try to give some advice to the guy, but in this case I m not gonna bother.

What really pisses me off about guys like the OP is that they come here to SoSuave looking for help, yet they don't take the time to help themselves. They don't take the time to read the Dj Bible, they don't take the time to reflect on their mistakes, on their goals in life, on how close they are to achieving them, on what steps they need to take in order to get even closer.

NO, all they want is to whine, and maybe to get a quick tip on how to rekindle the whor's interest level a little bit, so they can start lying to themselves again that everything is fine, that they just had to get over a little bump in the relationship, etc..

So why should I waste my time helping you, when you're not even putting in the effort to help yourself?


Don Juan
May 9, 2010
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Stymie123 said:
She texted me this afternoon, and i told her to go marry the dude, that i was happy for her, and that I'm sure we will always be friends.

2hrs later...she texts me asking if we can talk...

1hr after that...she asks if we can see each other...

4hrs later..she says "I still think we will be ok, I love you."

I'm done with this ****. NUTS.
time to be really mean to her. tell her "f-off stupid!, get the point, I do not want you!", and stand by that. have some damn dignity.


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
Stymie123 said:
Summary: been together 5 years, ex cheated, told me about it, said she wanted to work it out, kept seeing the dude, I broke it off, and moved all my stuff out the next day. I went total NC.
At that stage, when you broke it off and went NC, you were in the best position to recover, move on and leave her azz behind you.

Every move that she made after that was designed to hook you back into her web of lies and deceit. She succeeded.
When you agreed to talk to her after your brief NC , you lost. She knew, at that point that what you say is not what you really mean. You lost all credibility, and she knew that she had your nutz in her grip.

You see, you willingly returned into her world of emotional muck because you wanted to believe that her "love you " words were a genuine expression of her feelings toward you.
The point here is that you ignored the truth that was coming at you in her BEHAVIOR, and instead you chose to allow yourself to be manipulated by her smoke and mirrors act.
"Love" is not so much about feelings or emotions ,it is about how a person conducts themselves . Keeping her other guy around in the background while playing you does not qualify as loving behavior.

Finally, some general advice to all. If you break up with a woman, only do so when you really mean it. Most people break up in anger and then have second thoughts the next day.
The way to break up is when you are NOT angry, in peacetime - when you are cold as steel, and as cool as Clint, and you have made a considered, conscious decision to part company.
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