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  1. Y

    Reactions to physical improvement

    Just wanted to post here- I've been VERY skinny my entire life (the kind of skinny where girls say they wish they were as skinny as you). After a couple of years at school, and getting out of an unhealthy relationship, I decided to start improving my body, because I feel that's the ONLY thing...
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    GF has unrealistic ideas of ramance.

    I can vouch for this. The girl to whom I lost my virginity was also a virgin, and we have been FBs several times on and off. The first, and still hands down the best **** and best ******* I've ever gotten. Too bad she's insane.
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    Girl (space) friend with boyfriend

    I appreciate your bluntness, I guess I should clarify. I don't care about her boyfriend. I met him once over 2 years ago and that's it. I respect her and our friendship, to the point that I do not want to put HER in an uncomfortable situation (looking at her BF's perspective, ok we're friends...
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    Girl (space) friend with boyfriend

    Alright guys- So I'm home for the summer, and one of my best girl friends that I've known since freshman year of HS (we're going to be seniors in college this fall) is home as well. After graduating HS, we made out a couple times while hanging out when we were both single, but neither of...
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    Want to get this girls number

    nismo4-you're absolutely right. I dropped the ball on not getting her number. However, I could time it to run into her after her class. She told me the time she was in after we found out we had the same prof, and I have a class right by there after her class (my friend is in the same class as...
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    Want to get this girls number

    Ok so I met this girl tonight at the bars...friend of one of my really good friend. She's studying the same thing I am here at school and we have a lot of similar classes this semester. We were talking a little bit, but she had to go and by that time I was back at the table and she was still...
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    Back into the game..first field report

    I guess I should clarify-they were going to a different fraternity other than mine, so I wouldn't have been able to just go with them. I made this clear to her before she left but she was still begging me, what else was I supposed to do?
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    Back into the game..first field report

    I recently broke up with my girlfriend because I'm pretty sure she had BPD and I was tired of her bull****, especially when I'm 3 hours away from her at school. She was super hot (HB9), especially for me, but no ***** is worth dealing with that much bull**** all the time. Anyway, last night...