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  1. B

    Help!!! Girl acting aloof and confusing!

    Some great posts, just keep the contact sopradic, build your mystery, get on with your life, you must demonstrate you are stronger emotionally and mentally than she is.
  2. B

    Is is okay to say "do you stil love me" ?

    Nope, take charge, " I sense that your feelings have changed and I don't want to be somewhere where I am not getting 100%, I give 100% and I expect 100%
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    look down upon

    Sure, all losers who need to feel superior to everyone else, now, I don't give a sh*t what anyone else thinks, when I was younger that stuff used to bother me so I dealt with it by putting it at my level, this guy might have the money, car, job etc...But I could kick his ass in a heart beat and...
  4. B

    different scenario.. suggestions?

    If that is all it took...f**k her, women can sit back and talk sh*t about men all day long, then one little "joke" toward the little princess and she cops an attitude and goes to look for some other putz who will polish her personal self imposed pedestal, now it looks like she thought she was...
  5. B

    I have no idea how to handle this one

    Then just keep it casual, here she just lost someone she loves and you step in service her good and that confused her now she doesn't want to think she is a wh8re... but remember to put your life and feelings before her, also you banged her so now you're not out of her league, and you never were.
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    guys, I need input

    Guys, recently had a woman start to play games, I didn't play or respond, when she got back in touch with me 10 days later through an email I told her never do that again, then went on to tease her pretty hard and and then just kind of blew it off and let her assume things are normal but don't...
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    Standing up for ur gf?

    Take your girlfriend by the hand and find this guy, kick his ass with her standing there and just walk away, don't say a word.
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    In her room, she reluctantly asks me to go?

    ok you got your experience on how you f**ked up now don't do it again, from here on out do not act like a pu**y, take charge.
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    she turns me on but...

    yea, she turns you on because she is hot to you, probably a pain in the ass but you can't overcome her hotness, bang her and move on.
  10. B

    Is a strong character the key to attracting women?

    Johnny Walker is absolutely correct, when you're the man and you without reservation KNOW you are because "you have been there done that" you will not believe how easy it is to attract and pull women, just your presence will make them drool and not be able to take their eyes off of you. So fear...
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    what do you guys think of this?

    Nope, immature, you are trying to win her approval...go read the dj bible
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    Girl I don't know likes me and wants to go to prom with me. HELP!

    If you want to go and don't have a date take the little woman and let her experience a dj in the making.
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    Gaining Respect From Guys?

    Gaining respect from guys...simple and easy, SHOW NO FEAR
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    Walking Away

    go slow I think the strength you are showing by resisting her is attracting her to you, so...Keep feeding her crumbs, DO NOT act or talk emotionally, almost put on that hardened criminal vibe, this is what she wants...the real question is this how you want to be? but if you told her good bye...
  15. B

    Does she want me or what?

    Don't go, stay away, in fact don't see her for about a week minimum, then you'll find out.
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    I am a FREE man. WOOOO

    Rock on !!! it's your life YOU come first... she didn't change she's still the same, take what you've learned and pass it on.
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    Is a "Line of Credit" a good or bad idea?

    Check for the index, margin and caps. the index is what the cost of money is being compared to such as 11th dist. cost of funds, LIBOR, prime, etc... the margin is the rate you get as opposed to what the index is paying...and the caps are how high your interest rate can be raised or...
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    The Age...What Age is old?

    Got to thinking, I just started lifting again about 9 months ago, I can bench 250, squat 250 dead lift 280 and curl 110, as I said on a previous post i'm a young many of you guys can match those numbers, if you can't your old!!!
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    The Age...What Age is old?

    When your Di*k don't work no mo' your old...I'm a young 54
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    I'm in the market for a new home - DJ question about location.

    I'm a RE broker in Calif. buy in the best area you can afford, regardless of where it's at, reasons: appreciation of value, future demand and better safer area and no dumb **** neighbors, the more you can afford the less likely you'll have to deal with low lifes polluting your neighborhood.