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  1. B

    Does sex affect athletic performance?

    Study after study after study...NOPE
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    What's it like to be in a fight?

    I don't know about the other guys, but I pretty much go blank, don't feel punches or kicks or being hit or hitting unless it is in a vital area like my nuts, the adrenelin and anger are really something else at the fight or flight level, this is very basic instinct reptilian level...
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    What's the best compliment you've ever recieved from a woman?

    I wished my husband was as big as you.
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    Losing Friends

    Don, The price of being a man, saying goodbye to the friends who are at their limit for now maybe forever, years ago I went through a HUGE change (positive) within a year and virtually no one was left can be challengeing to remain on your path of growth and watch past...
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    Need some help pretty quickly regarding my LTR...

    djdan and last man standing are right...she wants other guys, and it is sounding like you have given her the power, where is your personal constitution? she is on the fence and really wants to go to the other side, sh*t man push her over there!! introduce her to the big leagues, she is young and...
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    It finally makes Sense.

    In my opinion a little wordy but you got it! it is your life and anyone who is there is a guest of yours.
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    Help me out guys

    Dover, Been there, had 1st love of my life leave me for another dude, can't blame her I was a total wimp...but, I stayed busy, DID NOT CONTACT HER, some days were easy some were tough, eventually (a few months) I recouped and regrouped became a better, no terriffic man and am living a great...
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    1 girl - 6 guys... lets play "gather 'round the hottie"

    If she is management and you're not your masculinity is the only thing that will effect her in the workplace, she will not be seen or even remotely associated with a subordinate on a personal level...eye contact, self control, personal direction and ambition that radiates you are a driven man. I...
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    Setting her straight

    Gentlemen, new to the forum, greetings. My question how do you let a woman know she has no power over you, I am dealing with a hb9 who is attracted to me and me to her but she has MISTAKENLY assumed she has the control---she doesn't! because she is stunning most guys just ga-ga her and she is...