It finally makes Sense.


Don Juan
Jul 18, 2007
Reaction score
This post was originally posted to the discussion forum but probobly didn't have any effect on anyone. So its here now and I would be statisfied just to have one person motivated.

I have finally had an epiphany, and have taken the choice of making a real change in my life. Not that I didn’t change before, but now, it all makes sense.

I have come to realise, that which a True Don Juan is. For one, he doesn’t need a girl to describe him. There are things that are much more important in his life than she could ever be. He has ultimate yet realistic goals in his mind, of what he wants to accomplish, and he is fully prepared to sacrifice for their realisation. He loves every moment of his life and takes chances and faces his fears knowing that facing adversatives only make him grow stronger. He wouldn’t mind dieing anytime soon, for he knew, he will die happy.

It’s his life and as such he assumes responsible for it. Everything that you do is a total reflection of YOU. Yes YOU! And only you have the power to make and control it. Why should the endless search for a girl or any earthly possession, (which you would realise is a waste of your energy after a week or so), stop you from becoming something more? More like, someone that you admire, and respect, and want to be, having all the qualities that you think he deserves. Why are you alive anyway, just to have a girl and be rich dieing happily ever after. Ha! ‘As you think you shall become’ for that which you think of yourself is what you are or will become, it’s a self fulfilling prophesy.

Wake the f*ck up and take responsibility for your life. Find out what makes you happy, be it your passions or simply the finer things, doesn’t matter (When you find it you’ll know, it gives you a feeling of inner satisfaction that compares to nothing else). After you find it, develop it and spend some real time doing it. If it really is something you enjoy, then in no time you’ll be very good at it. And I’m sure you won’t care casue you’ll love doing it for the love of doing it. These are things that life is really about.

Just look deep inside you and ask yourself one question “What would I want done before I die”. God forbid, what if I told you that you would die tomorrow sometime, what would you do about it. Sit there behind your desk regretting that you didn’t do this or that or would you get up and make a real difference in your ways. Changing this and that to reflect the person you would like to be remembered as, or wanted to be, but couldn’t cause of whatever irrelevant reason? Taking all the risk you pu$$ied out from, like talking to chicks you wanted to, genuinely not caring if you failed cause you tried anyway, while you still could? Or showing love to your mom and dad or sis or whoever, for the last time knowing you won’t see them anymore? Or would you go to church and praise god for everything that he has done, and pray to live forever in eternity? Whatever it is that you do, would you not put all your energy and resources into it for you could be gone forever and this is your last opportunity to do it. Tell me what is in your way to greatness, but yourself? If so, then f*ck that modaf*cker, for he isn’t really you but a manifestation of a fear. Kick his ass mentally and do what you feel you need to do and get off your ass and unite dream and day (of either merry moments or moans from wet dream hot babe) Get out there and do it while you still have a fully functional body and controlled bladder or before some psycho blow your brains out. For you’ll never no when you will see the end, just be prepared for it. Live for the moment.

Its your choice really for only you can change your life, no matter what any of us here might say, it’s up to you whether or not your life will be GREAT full of fulfilment, joy, happiness and unlimited pleasure or just another pointless, spineless, androgynous masturbator to be forgotten along with 95% of the population. You now know that path that I have taken. Your future depends on you. You are the one that sets you destiny.

In closing I leave this “Every moment is precious for it is there for a limited time only, never to happen again. Why waste it?”


Don Juan
Feb 10, 2008
Reaction score
In my opinion a little wordy but you got it! it is your life and anyone who is there is a guest of yours.