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  1. H

    Insecure over a dream?!

    Girlfriend of nearly two years started getting insecure and jealous today all because I told her I had a dream about her and another girl getting it on. It wasnt any girl in particular, but she said ew, called me disrespectfull and says if i want that go be single e.t.c. Totally flipped out...
  2. H

    LTR - Do you let her do "private" stuff?

    I think there are two types of comfort, plus it all depends on the people in the relationship and the relationship dynamic. Two types: 1) where you are comfortable enough with each other and are able to share things, usually in a funny way - that you may or may not be able to share with...
  3. H

    Texting LTR

    Yeah I see what you mean. Maybe not miss her, well maybe abit - but look forward to seeing and hearing from her I mean. When I need time to myself/going into my "cave", and shes contacting me its like we never really get that time apart. I'm thinking I should tell her im not gonna be texting...
  4. H

    Texting LTR

    At the start of the long term relationships I've had, it kind of seems normal to text each other alot. However as the relationships have progressed...1 year, 2 year I feel like I need to do it alot less, and find myself unable to miss them and not wanting to see them if we are constantly...
  5. H

    50 shades of grey

    would you go and see it with a girl your seeing/girlfriend/**** buddy e.t.c? Looks abit boring from the trailer but theres a chance for some hot sex after ha ha
  6. H

    "Id never ever get back with you if you did anything with another girl"

    Hmm ok mate. I kind of think I should. from what i read ultimatums dont work. plus i told her not to contact me again, so even if she wanted to, she wouldnt, because I said not to. I think that if i sent that text message it would clear the air and open the lines of communication for the future...
  7. H

    "Id never ever get back with you if you did anything with another girl"

    haha I guess that is what she means. What do you think to what I thought about sending her?
  8. H

    "Id never ever get back with you if you did anything with another girl"

    Thanks mate! Good to see another persons point of view. I was begining to doubt myself, I read about women and ultimatums and that being persuasive is a better way I could have addressed it. I havent sent this though, I think I might do on Friday if i havent heard from her - that way it does...
  9. H

    "Id never ever get back with you if you did anything with another girl"

    *bump* want abit of advice. do you think I did the right thing? If not, how can I? I am trying to be a better man and value everyones input. Thanks
  10. H

    "Id never ever get back with you if you did anything with another girl"

    well it all came to a head tonight she rang me for her "shoes" but went on to say that she sees what she did wrong and wants to get back together. Doing nothing with anyone else e.t.c. I said id need to think about it because I wanna be sure she will sort it. Everything was cool till she said...
  11. H

    "Id never ever get back with you if you did anything with another girl"

    I dunno man, I dont see it as a power trip. I cant be with her if she dosent sort her act out, plus she was thinking about breaking up too just cos of the arguments, so I did the best thing and aligned myself with the break up, and actually agreeded to it and put some blame on her aswell in a...
  12. H

    "Id never ever get back with you if you did anything with another girl"

    The breakup went like this Me: "think were right to breakup, something hasn't been right for a while, i havent been happy with this either, so its best we go our separate ways. If you wanna sort out what you know you need to sort out (her drama) give me a call before the end of the week...
  13. H

    "Id never ever get back with you if you did anything with another girl"

    Just broke up with the girlfriend of year and a half. Mutual thing. I dropped her stuff off straight away, which suprised her, and she has been texting me ever since (which I have ignored) and she is complaining that I'm ignoring! Anyway she said to me ""Id never ever get back with you if...
  14. H


    Cheers guys. I am naturally ****y and funny but because Ive been with her for year and a half and do have feelings for her sometimes I forget to be C+F and sarcastic in these type of situations and get abit annoyed. Always learning Cheers
  15. H


  16. H


    Just wondering how other people handle it when a girl/girlfriend interogates you. I have been with my girlfriend for about year and a half and she shows all the signs of high interest. She is definetly not cheating on me I'll just throw that out there. We were texting today wilst she was at...
  17. H

    How to put the spark back into a LTR

    Yeah I get ya. She shows all these signs of high interest still: -She always calls you to hang out. -She calls/text you wondering what your doing. -She does whatever you want to do. -She tells you she loves you first and when casually seeing you. -She talks about future plans with...