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  1. S

    Fitness journal

    40 minute run tonight to build endurance. It went very well, felt great afterwards. Also played a few games of squash 179 lbs, i have been eating very cleanly but also drinking a ton more water which is causing my weight to fluctuate maybe.
  2. S

    My girl just took plan B.

    basically pulling out has a failure rate of around 15-28% depending on the study and does not protect against stds at all. Just read this article from wikipedia. Your best bet is condoms + some other method both in terms of std protection and...
  3. S

    Fitness journal

    played alot of squash yesterday and also lifted weights. today had a 27:45 5k, really was exhausted during the middle yet did not have to sprint at all for the last two laps as I have been doing for my past two better times. 177 lbs
  4. S

    My girl just took plan B.

    She will be able to have kids in the future, you shouldn't worry about that. What you should be worrying about: You are kind of setting yourself up to get screwed if pulling out is the only method of birth control you are using. It isn't really all that effective. If you keep rolling the...
  5. S

    Fitness journal

    ran another 27:15 last night, it got easier to do, however still very tired at the end of it.
  6. S

    Fitness journal

    27:15 5k last night, think I overcame whatever mental hang up I was having. I was still pretty exhausted afterwards. Boxing was on Wednesday and went really well also.
  7. S

    Fitness journal

    28:45 5k. I picked up the pace big time for the last 800m and still had a lot of energy at the end of the course but was totally winded. Thursday I am going to try for more consistent laps. I was definitely dragging the pace in the middle. Legs are looking a lot more toned up and have...
  8. S

    Fitness journal

    Lots going on with me, I have been taking my qualifying exam for my PhD in Genetics. Easily passed :) its crazy that figuring out women is so much harder than science for me haha. Wednesday I went to boxing, good mitt work and cardio work out. Thursday did some light weight training...
  9. S

    Fitness journal

    29:00 5k, I think my hang up has been mainly mental. I feel pretty spent at the end of the run but I still have some energy left
  10. S

    Fitness journal

    28:45 5k. I was on pace for a 24 minute 5k, however half way through I thought I was going to die so I had to slow it down significantly. Short term goal is to bump up my running frequency to 4 times a week and try to shave some seconds off my time/ try to pace myself better. Positive...
  11. S

    Fitness journal

    Hey everyone, Decided I was going to start taking fitness seriously after my last three break ups I've thought that its time to start adopting habits that I have a lot of respect for and dropping ones that are holding me back. I want to be able to look in the mirror and respect myself and...
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    NC means No FB

    good points. what has helped me before is hiding the girl on my news feed, its a lot easier to forget about people after doing that.
  13. S

    So I sent some hateful texts to the Ex

    Delete her number, right now. Just do it. The past is the past and its time for you to focus on the present and the future without her in it.
  14. S

    Just Got Cut Down To Size

    Totally right. Also check this out if you haven't already, we've all been where you are dude its not fun. Its time to focus on number one, yourself.
  15. S

    SS is a Lab for Experimentation. You're Allowed to Fail.

    Fantastic post atom smasher. As a scientist myself in graduate school, this post strikes home. It is fun to celebrate positive results, it certainly feels good when you get what you think is a good result. However, lots of my professors have told me over my several years in undergraduate and...
  16. S

    When and how to jump back in there...

    Very insightful, very inspiring post! I really think that most people do not live in the present enough, its always what will or what has happened. What about NOW?
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    The Final Death of My Inner AFC

    Good luck on the journey, look forward to reading your journal.
  18. S

    A warning about getting too caught up in SS/ DJ

    This has been one of the best threads I have read recently on the site. Great work guys!